Episode 59- Saving Zullion

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For several minutes I was out of options but I figured us standing and staring at ea other wouldn't really solve anything so I turned to Nio. "I think you should answer to Hero immediately, I'll try to join you immediately, Barb...immediately you find your arm and helped my baby, I'll be heading to Hero and you'll be staying in the palace and cleaning the mess the former queen created.. "Nio, no matter what you have to assure Hero I'm on my way...I want him expecting him, I want him to be hopeful" I smiled at Nio and he returned it before immediately heading out, Barb and I started looking for his arm, helping the palace servants and maids as much as we could, eventually we found it...at the gate and had to returned it in, being the queen Barb advised I call a state of emergency in the palace and instruct everyone to take out the dead Ghafils then go home. After the palace was empty, Barb led me to my room and I watched her fixed back her hand, like I miracle...I watched as her hand connected with the arm hole after which she flexed her fingers to be sure she had done it right. "Since when can you do that?" I couldn't help asking. "Since the very first time I was made, my materials are raw Zullion and earth minerals combined to make the beat version of me, I wasn't made with any ordinary steel, I have 23% uranium components as my composition" Barb replied still flexing her finger, though she was able to fix the arm back, anyone could still see she had rip it off as the skin Hero had covered the joint with wasn't there, so her inner components could still be seen, I decided to concentrate on helping my baby and helping Hero so I had to distract myself from being consumed by the thoughts of Barb. "I want you to lie down, face up and gripped the sheets one you feel any pain" Barb instructed and I decided to follow her instructions as she slowly put her two hands on my baby bump. "Few of my sensors are broken in the other arm" Barb informed and I frowned. "What does that mean?" I furrowed slightly suddenly worried. "It means I can't feel the position of the baby with second hand, just the first- "Will that work?" I questioned and she sighed. "I supposed it should" Barb responded going over my stomach with her hands probably scanning the position of my baby. "Is he gonna be okay Barb?" I couldn't help asking. "He's going to be alive and well" Barb replied slowly applying force as he pressed down on some angles of my baby bump. "I hope so" I groaned a little as the force increase and slowly I felt something move. "I think he just moved- "Yes, he just did" Barb affirmed as she continue to add my more force until the pain got unbearable for me. "Do not push or force it Claire, it can send you into early labour" Barb warned as I groaned after the urge to push overwhelmed me. My body was covered in my own sweats as I keep groaning as Barb continue to work her hands on my baby bump, my body was under stress and all the broken furniture could feel it as they immediately started to vibrate on the floor. "Barb" I let out a sharp scream as I felt too much force on a particular angle of my stomach. "I apologize for that, I couldn't foretell since my few of my sensors are broken- "Tell what exactly?" I questioned as after she continue the movement of he hand. "Your child's knee was around that corner, I'm almost done setting him in place Claire, you have nothing to worry about" Barb assured me and I nodded enduring more of the pain and after several minutes of twisting and rolling around my stomach, she eventually announced I was good which earn a loud sigh relief from me and I must admit I felt really better than before. "Now we can leave right?" I questioned and she immediately nodded. "The palace transport service is at the last end of the palace and I'm certain the workers would have vacated the place during the commotion at the king's quarters, so I'll drive you myself" Barb volunteered and I nodded walking behind her down the empty floors of the place terrace then moseying deeper into the other quarters of the palace before we eventually arrived at the palace garage were most royal transport were, we settled for a bus looking vehicle and Barb managed to connect to the bus and soon we were driving out of the palace and into the streets of Zullion which looked really empty, most families were indoor I guess. "There isn't anyone on the streets" I noticed. "The King announced curfew before the space war started, it was better that way, it's to ensure their safety" Barb replied and I let out an exasperated sigh, I recalled walking down the streets, it had been full and crowded with joyous looking Ghafils who went by everyday daily activities without worry, I had seen the smile on their faces and it was priceless. They had been really happy, living without worry...it was all my fault, I shouldn't have ran back to earth, I shouldn't have got caught and led humans here, I felt tears laced my eyes as guilt slowly creeper all over me, there was no way I could justify my actions, but I know I could still fix it. If only I hadn't left, Zioko wouldn't have escaped the ex-prince and the former queen would still be in prison. "Barb, how is Hero, right now?" I questioned Barb after making sure I was comfortably seated next to her in the palace transport. "I have lost communication to the space control center where the King is" Barb ruefully relayed and I groaned feeling suddenly impatient, I was so anxious to get to Hero and so freaking nervous about his current state. Ut took us more than 25 mins to get to the space center and the heavy rain of g*n fire from outer space makes walking almost impossible. Barb made sure to shield me from the incessant g*n fire, her hands held both of my arms as she spread herself around me in case we got shot, it was hard to walk without being able to see as Barb's leather jacket obstructed my view. "I can connect to them now, the humans are attending landing but the king isn't granting entrance as he ordered for continuous fire- "He shouldn't let a human step a foot on Zullion, it's dangerous" I concurred with Hero's decision after Barb and I got behind the barricade then I felt a cold shiver run down my spine, I smell dry blood, I sense danger and it didn't take long for me to realize what the problem was...I broke free from Barb and ran into the open space which was the size of three football field, at the end were a circular buildings like spectators chair in a stadium. I willed myself to focus and eventually I felt the force of a heavy atomic bomb piercing into Zullion's atmosphere and aiming for the control centre...I had no idea how fast I was thinking that moment but my thoughts to protect Hero overshadow every other thing at that moment in time. My body unconsciously started giving off glowing purple light that filled the atmosphere so fast, everything froze in it...it was like being stuck in a jelly...I had created an energy field that held everything in place, something similar to what I had done on earth. Everything was connected by the purple light around it but it froze in place, the bullets in the air, the cup floating, the Ghafils jumping, the metals and weapon flying up...everything froze in place, it was like freezing time but I still haven't been able to stop what I wanted to stop, the bomb was moving in a very fast momentum that I felt it pushing forward the force field around it though a huge amount of it was held back but I knew the force wasn't going to be enough to hold it back...so the electricity I had suck in earlier started started to energize the field so that way, I was able to detonate the bomb at the very place it was, hardly having any impact to Ghafils on the surface of Zullion, I saw three different space ship exploded in reaction though, thankfully it was the humans ship not that I was happy about humans getting exploded into bits buy sometimes I wish they listen. "Claire!" Barb ran for me and tried to get me off the field but a parallel fire from a ship not so far away got us both distracted as we tried to avoid the shots, I sent different cosmic Blast in retaliation but that doesn't make the shot stopped and it seems they have all sighted me was all aiming their guns at me, the space control center was still far from where we are so it was better to hide than move so we wouldn't be spotted and targeted and thankfully we where able to hide behind the rock. "How the f**k did they allow them to get so close? I thought they were already noticed from a 1000 miles away, then how on earth were they even able to get here!?" I cursed under my breath as I felt suddenly helpless. --------------

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