Chapter 19

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Alexander, the father of Tonto and Isis, the father and mother of Tonto. Awaken bright and vivid every morning, ready to start the day: filled with positivity and inspiration. No doubt a decent model that they desire to imprint on their child. Very, very decent quality needed to inspire the mind to develop. Up! Tonto, Alexander shout to his son, awakening him by surprise. He didn't know his dad had planned something for them today. He opens his eyes and his dad is standing their, dressed in his forest wear/ He yielded a large recurved bow. One designed for long range archery. His father stood their impressing upon his son as he begin to get up. Are we going hunting? Tonto ask gently as he begin to put on his clothes. Yes! here put this on as well. Handing him a large robe, a veil of sort meant to be thrown over him, not only to provide heat but to provide camouflage for them as well. Alexander is an outdoorsman and a real lumberJack, soda say. Extremely intelligent and of quality, but also knew how to get his hands dirty in the forge and in the soil. Wanting to completely impress and teach his son the best qualities that he can provide. Waking him up before the sun had risen to go out for a hunt. Alexander was a pro in archery and enjoyed the fruits of their labor, not only of the garden but of the forest as well. He learned at an early stage in life how to use the bow and arrow: then teaching the same tradition to his son, Tonto: who was growing day by day and needed to know these things for his future wellbeing, in the mind of Alexander he thought. His Awakening wasn't was not a bad thing, as a matter of fact when he arose to see his father standing their in his hunting camo, he knew immediately what was going on, so without hesitation he sprung into action. Wrapped in his cloak and protected by the elements, they grab the light and head out on the river. The river hosted plenty of small and big game for the people of the land. Wild boar and deer were a primary source of protein. Some land dwelling birds and arial birds also were apart of their food chain within the land. Often times they would skout ahead and look for a decent and most recent active trail, and sometimes all they would have to do is venture into the back of field of apples or pears and just wait. Before to long they would have meat stored up for the winter. They really enjoyed the time spend together rather than the thrill of the hunt. A few hunting trips a year, and alone with a few fishing trips, everything is covered and the time spent gains the value. Over in the river, the two set in silence as the sun begins to rise. The birds echoes begins to creep from within the deep forest. And from upstream, the sound of a late early morning owl sounds it's last call before returning into a hollow log or tree stump, tucked deep back into a wooded area. Somewhere to nest and to overwatch it woodland territory. Maybe proving food for a nest of developing young, incubating eggs or perhaps patiently waiting for the perfect mate. They loved to dream while out in the forest: sitting their, looking, waiting, thinking, creating and patiently waiting for their stock. Sometimes they would carry a few poles with them and some string, toss out a hook while their waiting for their game to come waking by. A double edged sword they tough often times, double the fun, fishing and hunting at the same time. He would teach his son all about women out in the forest. Telling them and quoting his opinion only, also noting to them that they were only opinions. Early on he tough him some silence internal manly humor about women, in hopes it may have shaped his male ego into a even more awesome man than he was, he also got the personality point of his dad. In these situations, the two became two young men all over again. Dad not knowing Son and Son not knowing dad. A learning experience all on its own, witch was one of the points. They both grew closer and closer on these trips when they would go alone, and when they would invite mom out into the woods they would all have the mode extraordinary time of their life. Tonto got to see some new characteristics of both mom and dad when they would venture together. He would do what came natural often times, just standing back and admiring their relationships develop. When he would see them doing thangs or acting different he would stand back and observe, learning them and taking notes. Just about the time his dad went to say something about something, a large horn goat walked out of the tall wheat grass that grew right up next to the river. He sudden grew silent as their heart begin to beat. The goat looks around, checking to see if the coast would be clear to proceed for his morning drink. He looks to the left and then looks to the right, not seeing them nestled into a large patch of overgrown ferns: he proceeds onward. He turns his head towards the river, making his way towards the river, Alexander rises from the ferns in the most extraordinary stealthy way. Draws his bow while staring the mirror and latter directly in the face. Applies pressure to the string, a long wooden arrow, with feathers of all colors, sat in it's guided place. A broadhead constructed of dark black steel, firmly connected the mind to the pole in which it was attached. Build for hunting purposes, the bow and string was well crafted and would withstand even the most extreme elements. They heart of Tonto is beating out of control. This is among his first few hunting trips ever. His dad wanted to make sure he was old enough to be safe and to recall all the wisdom tough to him throughout the duration of his life. In practice, recalling all the wisdom that he has been tough, proves that he is a worthy candidate for such awesome hunting trips. He proves so early on in life. The game walks up to the water's edge, bows his head to take a sip of morning fresh river water. Alexander takes a deep breath, draws his his bow and releases the string. Back home they prepare for the future to come, he has been teaching his son how to field dress the game they take. Preparing and storing the proteins they harvest. Over the past year he has witnessed his son grow and develop, into the most wonderful hunter. Once upon a time both Tonto and Seth went with him. They had the most wonderful experience, even better than they could even imagine. Alexander I'd the teacher of Seth as well. As a matter of fact, that is how Seth learned a lot about the land and of the wildlife. The art of crafting certain instruments for the wild and of hunting: the wisdom of the plants and trees. Pretty much as much as he could teach within the timeframe that he was offered to the young men as a group he utilized the best he could. Alexander seen how the young men operated together and wanted to capitalize on what time he had to be teacher and operator of the young men. They have helped each other invent new ways of doing things. Simple things that would would even inspire the mind of Alexander: he would develop alone side them in the coming years. The learning and teaching never stops between them all. After a successful harvest, there isn't much time left in the day. It had taken them a few hours to the the big game back home on account of the weight. They developed a mechanism that they can pull behind them like a cart with wheels, that made it easier to pull the large game behind them like a cart. The heavy bodied game were often times of a very healthy mass, full grown and heavy, so much so they had to improvise and adapt with what they had. They spend all afternoon preparing some of the fruits of their labor. Fresh goat, potatoes, carrots and some baked bread. They all pitched in on the effort as a family function to get the evening prepared accordingly. Their behaviour could have served as a model for any role in the community. As the evening winds to a close, like every night in the perfect village. The slumbering silence of the ones surrounding then begins to emerge as the night falls upon them. From the tiniest ant to the largest most beautiful apple developing on their trees: their life and survival depends primarily on the harmonious working of man, nature and a frequency that is suitable for long-term relations. Across the landmass, on the other side of the globe of Pangaea, the land animals from the flying insects to the largest flying birds, all have their place to experience, all experiencing the land in a manner that is best for everyone. Bedtime! Alexander calls to Tonto to get his attention, his father was a rather relaxed strict man. However his son didn't possess and personalities that was cause and upset with the community or family, however seeing that Tonto is expressing the same sort of manly characteristics their was never a need to express any other characteristics.Seeing as his son was being a smart man at such a young age there was never really a need to get used as a matter of fact he has never in his whole life been upset with anyone at anything. No doubt a great beginning to a really good life. The wildlife on the land nest all year around, nesting meaning the flying pheasants at least: the fruits trees bloom all year long as well: and the same goes for the vegetables and the land animals. Their help at the north and south regions of the globe iced covered regions that have yet to be unexplored. On this night after they had got Tonto all settled in for bed, tonight Alexander wanted to tell another story. Actually earlier this morning while out hunting they spoke of the possibility of him sharing another story about the adventures his grand and great grandfather had shared when they were a child. Like Seth, they both experience their own sort of family tales and myths as children. Their dreams were originated from the roots of these stories, their fascination for travel and adventure never grew dull. He was in belief that Tonto forgot about what he asked earlier. He wanted to tell him another story that he heard from his parents and grandparents as children. He was always so thrilled to hear him tell him of the times his imagination would run wild due to the truth, or at least he though. The truth of the mysteries that lie beyond the icy peaks of the northern globe. There was a legend that his great grandfather told him as a child, a legend that he believe dated back long before their now know timeline. He believes it dates back to the time before the cave painting existed. Which could be the topic for a whole group lecture. By the way Tonto and Seth discovers some as well, in these isolated regions of the globe, some areas are yet to be explored by human and thus remaining preserved in the records. Beyond the tallest icy mountain, lies the thickest sheet of ice and on top of that sheet of ice, lies several feet of snow, and underneath that snow his father says, is a door that leads to a ancient research facility that contains energy that is still under research. He begins by telling him about certain details of what is thought to be known about the facility. His grandfather says there are technologies in the facility that allows instant communication to people across the land, time travel and even ancient prehistoric animals. He spends a large portion of the night telling the story, exhaust him in all that he could provide his imagination. He takes a peek over at his son after some time and realizes he has fallen asleep. With a confident and content fatherly ego, he makes his way into his own room where his lovely women was waiting for him. His mind was in total aww the moment he placed his eyes on her. She awaited him for the conclusion of his wonderful psychic and imaginative entanglement. She also enjoyed hearing him recall certain highlights that created the most explosive imagination within his mind. She also knew that everything he spoke to his son transcended and only made him more brilliant. She also liked to hear from time to time. Ahh the night has fallen back on the community of Agartha. Inside the home of everyone that makes up creation, sleeps, wrapped in the eternal happiness of gods creation. The author is currently creating both himself and the protagonist within the story. Isis and Alexander have the most extraordinary relationship as well, never even having a problem either. Yelp, just like the rest of the community, all seem to share decent behaviours. In their special corner of the land Alexander and Isis tuck themselves in, underneath the fresh sewn comforters, in their bed they snuggle up and create in the essence of love. In the homes everyone slept again, in peace, slumbering, resting the mind and the body for yet another day of waking life. The following day brought with it a very distinguishable sign. Moms roasters in the backyard, side yard and in the front of the house crows as loud as he they could. Stirring up the minds of those listening. They decide to put and end to all the activities of the mind, they decide to go on a family putting for the day. A place they have visited a few times in the past, a place that helps them develop. Not to mention they have hobbies they experience of their trips toward the coastal areas, and lakeside areas of Pangaea. On the other side of the lake that is across the hills of Agarths, is contained a large sorghum field. The scenes beyond the field at the tight times of the day is nice. Isis is a painter and enjoyed doing so. Alexander and Tonto enjoys playing instruments. They play air instruments that require them to force the air out of their lungs, creating the sounds. They have a very interesting way of serving the kneads of Isis, they would roam around the field, followed by relaxing and being really still. They would play their instruments as as she painted. She had the most extraordinary collection of paintings that she has been collecting over the course of her life. Alexander has tough Tonto how to make a natural range of colors for the purposes of painting, if he has ever desired. All from the materials they have locally right here in Agartha. They spend hours roaming around the field before , during and after their family session. They will restock on her supplies as they gather materials for their hobbies and creations. They move around through the morning. From place to place, from lakeside to hilltop. From place to place they travel throughout the day, creating and creating. Stroke after stroke, the painting finally comes to life over the course of the day. The ancient harmonica was as calm and as genital as the whispers created by the winds as they moved through the trees and across the landscape. The rosy red cheeks of Isis and Tonto excited the father within Alexander. Taking over the moment in his mind, wondering about the future, the scene created in an instant, the thought about the future, and not just tomorrow. He begin to think about the long-term distant future, one million years from now. Time stopped as if he was immortal, and there was no time to be had. In a single moment in time, Alexander seen through the mind of his son and into the progress of the land in the coming years. Prosperity was all they could see, the moment in time explains as follows. A wave of cool air comes across the surface of the cool lake, up the hillside and impacts Isis. Her hair catches a cool break, as it is picked up and carried out into the wind and sun. Casting a reflective ray of light toward Alexander. The reflective clean, lock of hair reflects the beautiful orange ray of light and returning to his eyes as a pail yellow reflection of her hair being engulfed by the winds. He only can stand their and look at his creation, inspired and in all wonder. Wishing to have another son, a first daughter and to proceed with the latter until they can have no more children. Perhaps a hundred an and one thousand. Production was difficult to calculate when the time stopped. The one wave of air that caught her hair in the wind could neither be measured or calculated. Only beauty and eternity could be perceived when looking at his creation. The beauty of the wild, the beauty of the sun, the beauty of the lake and the beauty of Isis. Soon Tonto would be a full grown man with his own life and own reason for being. He would rediscover his purpose for being and existing. The reflection of Alexander could be seen in the ray of light that emerged from her hair as the sun reflected. Her creation or his? no doubt the stories if told from her side will be just as amazing as she could tell it herself. Alexander was a tall, and we'll build man. The sun engulfed his body, and he stood their in a radiant glow. Completely engulfed in the flame of the sun, she thought to herself how amazing he is and how lucky she is. Her very own family unit to serve her in her life efforts. The view was shared and expressed through all their eyes, they all had their own way of looking at the moment that would totally separate them individually. They each having a personality and as well as individualities they meet to express. The sense of individuality and desires to become one will soon take over after they become hypnotized for a while starring at what they all are creating. The period of activation cones to a rest and the group split up into their own direction. Isis takes her place by her artwork as the men in her life wonder off into the directions those choose. First side by side and then splitting off from each other. In her mind, she seen them growing apart. Not emotionally as father and son but as individual men becoming. The mind of Alexander continues to become as he turns around after quite a spell to see his kingdom soda say from his own view. His wife, his son. All individually set apart and creating as they will. Tonto looks at his father, and then to his mother. Their for a moment he grows concerned and afraid. Not afraid as in scared, but afraid because because he was growing, and he even seen his parents individuality. Seen them growing, not growing apart, but seen them growing into individuals, individuals they wanted to become before him. The experience of Parenthood had been experienced to them, but he could see they were clearly seeking something deeper from with. They both come back together after a while and Tonto can only stand there and watch. They were happy as they look out at the horizon. The sun kinda shown in from a side angle, giving out off a very mystifying energy as the wind pushed at their backs, and his mother's hair made its way about, free in the wind. Time ceased to flow for a moment as he recreated his mind and recreated his role as well. He saw in an instant what his dad has preached. He fully understood now almost everything, and a majority of the lessons and points his dad wanted his to understand, he was fully comprehending. They would never be apart, but he knew for a brief period of time they would go through stages of development that would leave them feeling isolated from each other, only for moments of regrouping the mind. A still tranquility reigned upon then for a while. The found a new view, a new perspective for the coming hours. They picked up and relocated to a hill, nearly overlooking the village. Set apart a fun hundred yards from the previous view. They spend the remainder of the evening viewing the village their building and creating. Looking back at the light and then to the village. Daydreaming for the coming sunrise. She unveils a new page and begins a new. A Fresh canvas to begin another artful expression. She has painted this view before. The same view with a different emotion. They mention to her that they were gonna go ahead and not to forget to get them in the view. She waves to them, as they walk away. Picking a place for them on the canvas, making sure to capture the essence of the moment. Another great memory to be contained within the frame. Another discovery of a personality and growing closer. She sees them walk all the way down and into the city before she packs up her supplies and follows behind them. They were so ready to see the expression she placed on the canvas. They were so amazed as always by her talent. They had already begin preparing the evening when they made it home. Operating as a very well oiled machine. Tonto follows some more instructions issued by his father, of course he already knew what would be the best way of operating. He retrieves some supplies that they spoke of earlier, making it clear to the listener that they were gonna have another evening over the dinner table as well. She walks through the door and their they stood waiting. Boy O boy did they love to serve that smile and caring attitude. Alexander stored away the art for her and returned to Tonto. She took a seat, loving the glory they provided, likewise: server each other I would say, in order to help facilitate the development of the characters for a later date. They take the liberty of preparing the whole evening as she gets herself cleaned up. Dinner would be the most extraordinary, and delicious to her. They always put so much work into the preparation when taking care of the ones that take care of them. Even if not, their personality wouldn't allow themselves even to take advantage of even the least developed. The calm evening comes to a close and once again peace reigns throughout the village. From the slumbering animals that dwell in the day, to the ones the dwell at night: the progression of the community and the village of people's mind and heart, made for a very thriving society. Alexander hears a lousy sound, a sound of sleeping human, he peeks around the corner to see his beautiful bride has fallen asleep on the couch, and is now snoring life a full time outdoorsman. By this time Tonto has done retreated to his own area, his own room for the night. Alexander picked his bride up and delivered her to their chambers, a place for the night's peaceful rest. The following they all awaken like so many days before, rested and rejuvenated for the life and the day to come. Alexander wakes everyone up before the sun even begin to rise or even did the chickens Crow. He wakes everyone with a mighty, telling them to get up that we were all going into town this morning. That they had to go by the farmers market, they needed some supplies for their work. Everyone Rose to their feet without hesitation. Ready and willing to proceed with the normal everyday life. A good cup of coffee, everyone got dressed and they were off into the village all over again. Before they knew it they were up, on their feet and out the door. On their way into town they pass by a few neighborhood friends, they slow their pace and stop and speak for a while as the sun rises. They say hello, commune for a moment, gossip and before you know it their own their way.They know everyone in the village however. They were always new people coming and going and sometimes they would occasionally meet people they did not know. Of course the would stop and say hello, introduction were made and then they would be on their way. They kneaded to know and to meet everyone they would come across and however did not know. At one point in time the population grew so rapidly overnight that it was nearly overwhelming. They didn't stay long however, they were only here one day. A phenomenal event they have never seen anything like it before and nighter have they ever seen it again. One night, in the weeks preceding the birth of Tonto. They went out for a walk one evening to get a breath of fresh air and perhaps to stretch their legs, and their population had multiplied 5 or 6 times. It was the most phenomenal event that ever occured, or at least the most they had ever witnessed. The most unusually event that had ever occurred. They pass by on this morning several people that they don't know either, and like the ones prior. They seemed to be more activity today than their was yesterday Isis says. More people for us to meet right. Both his parents responds with 'right' I guess. They grow overwhelmed when they turn the corner at the community gate and see the village has grown overnight. By many hundreds, the market exploded. Their were hundred of people here this morning, they never even new or see. Like the time before your birth. Tonto looks at his parents with a huge smile on his face and replies with vitality: where did they all come from, with a curious wonder. We don't know, it has happened before and it has happened again. Hundreds of people just appear from nowhere and somehow manage to be fully functioning this morning. Unlike the time before his birth: they did not stay neither did have possess merchandise and services within the market. They simply disappeared without leaving the slightest sign of their presence. Do you think they will stay this time? Tonto asks with such ferocious curiosity. Well they have brought with them, things that are own our list. They all three look at each other, totally perplexed. They proceed onward into the crowded village market. No one said a word, no one even looked at them, and the only time they spoke is when they got near to them. They could be heard in the background and the sounds of transaction of the time could be heard. Everyone seemed momentarily stop and to admire the family unit as well developed division of people in a way, or a recognized family unit within the community. And then in a strange and unusual way, everyone begin to speak and to proceed on with their day, and even speaking to them: very interested in them. Both in their current state and in the future they wish to create. Moses shouts out from across the crowd of people. Hey Alexander, Isis, Tonto. Good morning, as he shouts, sort of waving in their direction. They advance forward, as if responding to Moses, however his display was right next to their path of travel, so everything seemed to play out perfect. They stop over near Moses and say hello. Isn't this great, where do all these people come from? he asks them, we don't know and we having seen this occured since before the time before Tonto. Years ago. O yeah I remember, they jog the memory of Moses as he recall the event when it had taken place then as well. All they could do was look at people and smile as if their will was coming into some kind of spiritual fruition. People begin to approach them, people of all shapes and sizes, all heights and strengths. Their were one thing that everyone shared in common. They all had strikingly bright vivid blue eyes. The whole market sparked with radiant wonder, as people begin to approach them to talk. They begin to introduce themselves, and why they were their. They left no stone unturned, and all they wanted to do was to help and assist. The foundation of the village was the people that were rooted in the beginning. The others seem to come in go in a majestic and spiritual way. The market voices begin to pick up as everyone begin to grow curious. Everyone decided they wanted to explore the market alone, to share their own unique experience and to connect with whoever or whatever has happened and is happening now. They all agreed they would return in a while, and Moses knew they would. He had a steady stream of market consumers that helped him develop his garden and Alexander was one of his regulars. OK he shouts out to the group: as the begin to disappear into the crowded market.
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