Chapter 1 : The Pope's chamber

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It was a fine afternoon when Venezia and her lady's maid Hannah were hanging around in the Pope's chamber and playfully talking . "Oh Hannah , people like me aren't meant to find love or be young , it's a privilege that only those who're free can have in this world " Venezia spoke in a soft voice while gracefully laying on the couch and facing Hannah sideways . Hannah , as always tried to be optimistic and replied " I'd love to deny m'lady . I believe that love is like a dream , if one wishes to aquire , they'd aquire anyhow " . Listening to Hannah's contradictory words irritated Venezia as she felt helpless again . So this time , she decides to reply in a stern ordering voice, "I'm thirsty , go fetch me a glass of water" Hannah got alarmed , hearing the lady's tone and replies immediately "yes, m'lady" and rushes to the other room , without making any noice . To that Venezia turned and stared the glass ceiling , wondering if even her life was so planned out , she should feel satisfied in it but feels a total opposite . Even if people in the Vatican respected her enormously and nobody dared to talk back to her to argue with her , she didn't feel nice . Because at the end of the day this is not what she wanted with her life , but couldn't do much about it . The room is in eerie silence and Venezia is in her own dreamland when the prince enter the chamber carelessly , without knocking or even thinking to ask anyone's permission . Well , not much of a soul resided there but still the prince walked in , his footsteps felt like they were banging the floor in such a silence on but nobody, including Hannah, noticed . Until the prince slowly walked into the inner room where Venezia was lying down . Looking at her , Venezia's simple white crochet gown caught his attention and the prince thought to himself "who is this gorgeous lady lying , she looks so angelic". A strange feeling came on Venezia's guts while the prince was staring at her and she slightly looked to her side . She jumped up and sat in horror , still looking at him and her horror immediately turned into rage seeing the intruder. Still lost in the aura of her beauty , the prince had little idea when she walked and came upto him , but his expression didn't change and he kept staring at her , as if he had never seen a woman like her . "You , you little thief . You have no manners to even ask before entering into someone's private chambers , how dare you stand here and look at me like that?" She shouted in anger and rage , getting so irritated by his hungry gaze at her . Well, by Venezia perspective that's how every guy sees a women's body , in hunger !. The prince got suddenly angry and irritated by hearing the tone of the women he was admiring and thought to himself "well , she definitely is not lovely from inside..." Hearing to Venezia's voice , Hannah rushes back to the room , balancing a glass of water and spilling some on the way . Looking at the prince she gasps silently and manages to bow down and greet with a glass of water on one hand . Thankfully she suddenly gets reminded of Venezia's harsh tone of voice she heard. She figured that the lady wouldn't know who she was speaking to and immediately introduced them to each other by taking permission . "If I may, lady Venezia I introduce you Prince Mark from the city of milan and Prince Mark , this is lady Venezia , the Pope's daughter from the Vatican City ". After the introduction, Venezia realizes her mistake but does not let any emotion of apology on her face . Still, she bows down in respect, keeping a stone face and stares at the prince for atleast 30 seconds . The awkward silence in the room killed Hannah, who was just standing there with a glass of water looking down . Then Venezia closely passes by the still standing Prince and walks out in a hurry . Hannah stood there in confusion and bowed to the prince immediately before following the lady .
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