Chapter 2

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    What the actual f**k, I couldn't move, still tight in her embrace I gently backed away not taking my eyes of him. Now things are bad, how the hell did they meet, and how the hell are they married like seriously, I needed an explanation and fast but before I could even ask my mom spoke up,     "Gabi, Sarah this is Edward Lockwood, my new husband and your step father", Mom said as she gripped his hand in a loving way, I almost snort at how she could proudly say his name but I stick to the simple eye roll. I kept my eyes on him and I could see the wheels in his head turning. Mom finally released his hand and grabbed Sarah hands, as she was about to hold my hand I pulled away from her, I could see the hurt in her face, but right now there are more important things here than her feelings, cruel I know but I always put Sarah first and if she is leaving with this man I need to have a word with him. Bring my gaze back to him I finally spoke to my mother.     "Mother, if you don't mind can I have a word with your husband", I said looking directly at him, keeping eye contact, I know it was a stupid move because I was more than out numbered, and not by the guys that where places all over our street but also by the snipers over the road. He's sloppy, he knew coming here wasn't going to be dangerous, but that is there down fall never underestimate your surroundings or the people you meet. He broke eye contact and looked down at her giving her a simple nod and a kiss, like seriously her kids are standing right here. Both Sarah and mom headed inside and now it was just my step father and I.      I knew protocol from the numerous books I read in Adams office, so with out breaking eye contact I spread my legs apart and placed my hands behind my head, he raised an eyebrow at me not sure if he knew what I was doing, but still one of the buff guys came and searched me, after removing my gun and handed it over to my step father I took a step forward, extended my hand and spoke confidently,      "Mr. Marcus Romero", I said as his eyes widen looking at they guy behind me, "you and I need to talk, and out here isn't the best place, meet me in the basement in ten minutes, I need to call dad and let him know we are home safe", I said as I retracted my hand and walked of to the back of the house before he could even protest. After sending a text to Adam and dad I made my way inside and to the basement, as I got there my step father and is men were waiting, even Lucas was there, I walked to the end where my study/office was and entered the code to go in.     Marcus didn't say a word he just followed, we all entered the room and I moved to my desk starting up the three computers Adam hooked me up with, one was for research on people, I'm currently looking for  the man Adam was looking for, another was security for the house and the last one was video and audio of a friend house, she was being abused and I only recently found out and decided to do something about it, but I need evidence to take to the police or maybe just fix the problem myself who knows. After checking everything and taking a seat I looked over to my step father who made himself comfortable on the couch by the door, the two other men don't sit but Lucas sit in front of me on one for the single chairs.     My office wasn't to fancy, it was a guilt gift from my father, he forgot my birthday and Christmas last year so I got him to build me this, I had some money saved up and went to a storage auction and bought most of my furniture in one locker, lucky for me I got everything in one locker. The walls are white with wood shelf's some have small green plants the others are just plain, then in the back of the room I have a large light brown wooden desk, and all the chairs including the sofa are black. I sat there waiting for him to say something but all he did was fold his long legs over each other and looked at me like he was waiting on an explanation, after waiting for what like forever I finally caved.     "So, you lied to mom about your name, so that means the marriage isn't legal?" I questioned but he didn't move, I knew he was trying to intimidate me but Adam trained me, I don't think there is anyone worse than Adam. After a couple minutes of not answering I turned to the computer to check the marriage certificate, and as guessed the names are wrong so the marriage isn't real. I turned the monitor around so he could see and his eyes widen as he read the marriage certificate on the screen.      "Right, so now that I got your attention, what are you doing with my mother? and, if they leave here today can you keep them safe", I asked, he looked back from the screen to me and he was pissed, his once calm persona was now gone and replace with a dark, angry, blood trusty look, he stood up and in a few steps he was behind my desk looking down at me.      "Who the f**k are you?" he shouted, I couldn't help but smile, a little teenager got the big bad man all riled up, but I also know I have to be smart, I'm out number and have no back up, Adam wont come even he wanted to and my mother is f*****g clueless.     "I'm sure you know who I am, you must have done your research before marrying my mother, that being said I don't want trouble all I want to do is talk", I replied to him maintaining eye contact, so he could see i'm not lying, he looked at me for a few minutes and then back away to his seat.     "I have to say I'm surprised, you have knowledge of how we work and you also know my real name, so if your worried about your family don't be, I'm next in line after my father passes so they will be very safe",      I couldn't help but laugh at that, he sloppy and only when a throat clear then I remembered we had other people in the room with us. Lucas was shaking his head, telling me no to stop but I was never one to listen.      "Sorry, but you have got to be kidding, your sloppy, your snipers were in plain sight, your men couldn't blend in even if there life depended on it, like seriously who trained you",     The guys in the room stilled, but Marcus had a smirk on is face,     "Impressive, I think I should take you with us",     "Not interest, but seriously, I know enough about you to know that your father calls all the shots, and if he doesn't like someone, he will get rid of them so again is my mother and sister safe",     "You have my word they will be safe",      The tension in the room was noticeable, Marcus tall, sculpted, body was relaxed with meant he wasn't lying or he was really good at it, he green eyes showed no sign of doubt and his blond hair and light stubble on is face made him look dangerous but a good looking kind, I cant blame mom for falling for him but she was stupid not to get to know first and that puts our whole family in danger. His dark blue suit, white shirt and and black tie made him look even more dangerous. I know I cant trust this man but my family is tied to him now and I cant afford to be an enemy, I got up and walked to him and extended my hand and introduced myself.     "Let start this over, Hi I'm Gabriella Henry and if anything happens to my mom and sister you will have to deal with me", He took my hand and shook it,      "Marcus and I do care about your mother", with a nod I headed back to my desk and pressed the nub sealing the room with us in it.      "Right, now that the room is secure, why are you really here",      "We are here because someone stole from us and is hiding somewhere in the residential area about half a mile from here, do you know anything?" He replied and pulled out his phone to show me a picture, I wasn't expecting it to be the guy Adam was looking for but now I'm more interest, this guy had to have a death wish. After pulling up the file on him, his last know location was at a little coffee shop and that was half an hour ago but Adam need to deal with him before Marcus.     "Let me make a call", I pulled out the burner phone from the draw and dialed Adam number, in rang two times before he answered.     "What!" he snapped.     "Did you find the guy you have been looking for",      "Gabi?" He asked stunned, god I'm in so much trouble.     "Yes, now please answer"     "Are you ok? you have to answer my questions first", I hear his voice drop and I'm pretty sure he has his guys around him.     "Yes, I'm ok, my step father is Marcus Romero and that guy stole something from him, I need it back",     "Yes we picked him up a short while ago, I will handle everything and be by the gym at 7 pm for a debriefing", He said in a firm voice, I couldn't help a groan that same out.     "Do I have to",      "Yes, got to go",     After hanging up the phone, I looked to Marcus and nod,     "Its being taken care of",     He was about to say something when one of the computers send out a notification. Looking over to the computers, the one with the audio and video surveillance on it I saw some movement. I knew the others were in the room but, this is important. I looked at the feed and was instantly stunned, Britney, what the hell.      I expand the video to see properly, hoping I was wrong but no, I wasn't she was indeed there. I raised the volume to hear what was being said and instantly turn cold. She slapped her. Britney my friend of five years slapped the girl I couldn't stop thing about. I stand pushing the chair all the way back, my breathing got heavy and I gripped the desk hard until my knuckles turned white.      I looked as she pushed her inside, I switch the camera, from the feed outside to the one inside to see what the hell is going on, I looked as Britney walked up to her grabbed her neck and pulled her in for a kiss.     "What the f**k", I shouted looking at the screen. When she pulled back I saw Britney smiling but Faith was crying. Red was all I saw, I have been against r**e or any kind of abuse since my incident and seeing this was sending me of edge, not only because I felt attached to Faith but because Britney broke my trust. The room was quiet and Marcus came and stood behind me looking at the video feed. We watched as Britney sat on the couch and spread her legs, my blood ran cold hoping she wasn't going to do what I think she was about to do, but when she spoke I was reminded why Adam said to never trust any one.      "Come here Faith", Britney said as pat the seat next to her, Faith however never moved.      "You know if you don't listen, I will have to pay Gabi a visit, and who knows what will happen to her when she's all drugged up",      What the f**k, Faith moved and sat next to her earning another slap, Marcus at the time rest his hand on my shoulder, I'm furious and I know I will end up doing something stupid.     "Now, daddy has some high profile clients coming tonight, so you will need to be a little extra in pleasuring the clients, so lets start with you using your tongue on me, get between my legs now and put your hands behind you back", Britney ordered her, Faith started crying and all restrains I had broke, in one swipe all the stuff from the desk was on the fall, I couldn't let that happen, I looked at the video and saw faith of her knees and her head between Britney legs, Britney head was thrown back and a loud moan escaped her lips, she grabbed Faiths head and pushed it in further, I couldn't watch anymore instead I decided to act.      I pulled open the draw and grabbed another gun, loading it and resting it on the desk. After I took my shirt of and strapped on a built proof vest, putting back on my shirt I picked up my phone and called Adam, he answered instantly.     "Gabi",      "Adam come get me in an hour, at Faiths house with a clean up crew",      "What!! Gab---",      I hung up before he ask another question, I grabbed the gun and secured in my waist band, I turned to leave but Britney voice stopped me.     "Perform like this later Faith and you will get speared for a week, make me c*m Faith, use your tongue and make me c*m",      Marcus pushed me forward away from the computer and started walking toward the door.      "I'm driving", was all he said as we left the office and headed for the cars, mom didn't bother ask us any questions and neither did Gloria.      Thirty minutes later, we packed up outside Faiths house and the front was filled with cars, I got out and started walking to the front door when an hand pulled me back, turning around Adam was standing there, dressed all in back with the most angry look on his face, he took one look on my face and let go of my hand.      "On your lead Gabi", he said, I nod and looked over my shoulder to see Marcus has his men spread across the property, normally Adam would plan and do it clean, but today its my show, and I let my anger take control. I walked up to the door and knocked hard, we could hear the footsteps coming and I knew it wasn't Faith, as soon as the door open Britney was standing there, her skin flushed and her skirt still raffled, her face turn white as she looked at me.     "Gabi, hey what are you going here",      "Britney, you have two seconds to get the f**k out of my way before I blow your brains out",     Britney laugh and looked at me like I was telling a joke, I pulled the gun from my waist and aimed it at her, her laughing stopped, but she didn't move.      "You messed with the wrong person Britney", and that's when all hell broke lose.
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