Chapter 3

1695 Words
Asena Why is she panicking? Is it not like… Oh! She is referring to the “Guardian of the secret word” superpower.… “Relax Bella. No one knows about that particular superpower! And I still have not found any reference to those Guardians in any other books. The Guardians are only mentioned in the scanned books you gave me.” “It is odd.” Bella says. “But Bella, I am the living proof that the mention of the Guardians of the secret word is not some folk story! I know you already said that you cannot tell me where you got those books, but … I need to know, Bella. This could be where everything started.” “I am really sorry, Asena. But I cannot tell you. It… It is a private library.” I close my eyes and sigh. She is lying… I know she is… But I feel she is lying to protect me… “What is your theory?” Bella asks me. “I don’t know yet what to think. I have spent the last weeks trying to find any information about the Guardians, but I didn’t. Not even one line! I am not pretending that I checked all our ancient and rare books, but still… It is as if this was intentional.” “Could be…” Bella says, her voice fading as if she is lost in her thoughts. “I am sorry, Bella. I promised to focus on researching the mating topics, but I just couldn’t… I needed answers to what I am… To why I can see what others don't. I know this impacts the progress on the interspecies mating research.” “C’mon Asena, you don't have to apologize! I would have done the same if I were in your shoes.” “It's just…. it's just scary, Bella. I am the Guardian of the Secret Word… I do not know whether there are many others like me … And what is scarier is that I would never have known about that if you had not reached out to me. Without you, I would never have discovered this particular skill. And now I feel like this is part of me… You know, like a part of my heritage and … I just want answers.” “And I will help you find those answers. I promise you.” “Thank you, Bella.” “Did you find anything from your side about this Guardian?” I ask her as she had promised me to check with her family and friends in the USA. “Not really. But I didn't get the chance to ask the older generation in my pack… I mean family.” “I have trouble focusing lately, Bella… I'm researching three important topics: first, the prophecy we unknowingly uncovered! I am trying to find more information but it's very obscure. No one ever mentioned that.” I stumbled on the prophecy when I was translating ancient texts provided by Bella. COME SUNLESS DAY, ALPHAS’ HUMAN MATES SHALL MARK THE END OF OUR TIME AND THE DOOM OF THE ROYALS. WHEN BRIGHT SHADOWS CAST, HUMAN MATES WILL USHER A NEW ERA AND THROW THE ROYALS IN ANCIENT HISTORY. The Royals seem to be the Werewolf leaders and not sure how, but the interspecies marriages are presented as the doom of the Royal family. “So, just like the Guardians, the prophecy is only mentioned in the books I gave you.” She never told me about the origin of those books. But given how I was sworn to secrecy, I can bet that she did not get her hands on them through the “legal” way. I cannot understand her obsession with werewolves and the length she is ready to take to get access to valuable information. There is more to this “obsession” than she is showing me. But I will let her open up when she is ready. “The second research topic is, of course, the marriage between werewolves and humans. And for that one, the prophecy itself proves that it is possible. It seems that the folk stories, or whatever we want to call them, are consistent. If there is a mention of human mates in the prophecy, it means they exist… Or existed.” “Good point, Asena… And the third research is about the Guardians, right?” “Yes….” I whisper. This is the most intriguing topic, at least for me. It was clearly standing, multiple times, in Bella’s books. WE LIVE IN HARMONY. SUPERNATURAL BEINGS AND HUMANS. BUT OUR WAYS OF LIVING ARE PROTECTED FROM ALL. ONLY THE GUARDIAN OF THE SECRET WORD CAN SEE WHAT IS CONCEALED FROM ALL. And then EVERY GENERATION A GUARDIAN IS BESTOWED ON US TO UPHOLD THE SECRET WORD. Why me though? Why can I “see what is concealed from all”? “And no progress on any of those three fronts?” Bella asks. “I'm not going to say that we are at a dead end. For the mating topic, It's moving slowly but I am seeing more and more mentions of humans and werewolves living together. I am bound to find that they were more than just coexisting…” “But nothing more about the Guardians?” “Nothing…” And it is frustrating. This “skill” of mine is scary, and I have no one to talk with. Only Bella... And I don't want to overwhelm her with my personal problem or whatever that is. “Asena, remember, you're not alone.” How did she know? “Do you read minds?” I joke. “No. I just I know how it feels to be alone and struggling with some unsettling information! But Asena, please be careful. Do not talk about that with anyone.” “I know I already promised you Bella.” “No, you promised me to keep the prophecy a secret. And you promised not to mention to anyone the research about the mating between humans and werewolves. But I am specifically insisting on the Guardian thing. You know how humans are. Everyone who is different is treated badly. Please do not tell anyone about your skills.” She is right. And this is exactly why I did not inform anyone about my abilities to read hidden texts nor did I mention the Guardian of the secret word. “Umm… Asena… Can I ask you a personal question?” “Of course.” “Are you adopted?” “No, why?” “Just wondering, if you are the guardian, then maybe this is a family heritage and that means your parents or grand-parents, were guardians too.” “I never heard about those guardians, not until you sent me those ancient texts to translate.” Wait a minute…. Nanna! No, it cannot be… Those are stories you tell children, right? “Asena, are you still here?” “Bella… I don’t know whether I am reading too much into this, but my Grandma Akay used to tell me that I was named after a she-wolf deity. And that she was the moon to my wolf…” “Moon to your wolf?” Bella repeats after me, all confused. “Her name Akay means the light of the full moon.” “This is… I think you should call your grandma Asena… It might mean nothing but…” “But I will not know until I check with her…” We talk for fifteen more minutes before we hang up as Bella must go to her job, and I must study as well as continue my werewolf reading. I end up so engrossed in both tasks that I do not see the time pass by… Not until I receive a call from Jenny. “Where the hell are you?” She yells at me as soon as I answer. “I already told you, Jenny. I am in the library catching up with my studies.” “It is 10pm, Asena! Wissam was going to call the cops!” I roll my eyes at my friends… So dramatic! “Jenny, our campus is the safest in the country. And the Library is not crime-scene-material.” “But…” “But nothing. Unless you expect some mythical creatures to jump out of the books and attack me, I am fine.” “Come over, Asenaaaa!” Wissam yells through Jenny’s phone. “Stop yelling. I am going to become deaf because of you!” Jenny scolds him. I chuckle at those two. Every time they meet, they end up quarreling! “When are you planning to release all this tension? Have s*x already and stop the bickering.” “Whatttt? You know what? Don’t come to the party. That would be better.” Jenny spits out and hangs up in my face. I shake my head, laughing… I guess I deserved that. Now, I will have to go to the party and plead for forgiveness. I pack my books and stuff in my messenger bag and head outside. As I close the doors, I look around, enjoying the scenery. Our university is uniquely located in a remote and small village up north. We are surrounded by a national park. The raw nature, the never-ending forests, and mountains. What’s not to like?! I walk down the paved path, heading towards the dorms, when I hear… Is that growling? My eyes dart around maniacally, trying to find the source of those sounds, when I hear it again. This time there is no doubt; this is a wolf’s howl! A wolf is howling right here in the middle of the campus. How did they get here? I have seen wolves in the region, even at the far border between the forest and the university campus… But here? In the middle of the campus? Never! I must be dreaming, right? I fell asleep in the library and now I am dreaming about wolves since I was reading about werewolves. That’s the only rational explanation.
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