Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 Josh Heid Thompson Groaning, I still didn't know what to do. There were poundings in my head and I groaned louder. Drinking was a bad idea. I went to Harmond's party and nearly had a f**k buddy. But I fought against it. So I decided I should just drink and have a little fun but I guess I overstayed and had an extreme night. Memories came back to me in one swoop. There were grindings and moaning and booze kept spilling out of the cups as we danced through the dark room and the music was too loud, booming in our ears. There was this one girl that kept grinding on me and kept rubbing her "v" to my "p". I got hard. And I remembered jerking off inside the bathroom. But that was it. Nothing else. Now I regretted what happened. I shouldn't have gone here to party. I should have just stayed home. And now, thinking of it, watching a movie sounded more appealing that partying. Should have listened to my guts. Staggering, clutching my hand with my hands as if to stop the pain, I went downstairs. I was in a different house, but Harmond was my friend. And I had been here several times so it was okay. I groaned as I felt a throbbing pain in my head. My throat was dry and I knew I needed to get a drink to moisten my throat. I hadn't even washed my face and brushed my teeth yet. First, I wanted to drink water. Opening the fridge, I saw lots of drinks; mostly pineapple juice, apple juice, orange juice. Harmond's family was kind of weird. They would prefer juices and sodas over water. They still put water inside their fridge, but not much. I grabbed the water pitcher and grabbed a glass from one of the cabinets near me. I poured myself a drink and chugged it down. I sighed in relief as my craving for a water had been eased. My stomach grumbled loud enough and I rolled my eyes. I didn't know how to make a breakfast. All my life, there were people who prepare my meal for the entire day. Or I could just go to one of the restaurant and eat there. Apparently, someone heard it and Harmond's mom chuckled which made me jump a little.  "I take it, you're hungry, Josh?" She teased, smiling up at me. In a way, Harmond's mom was beautiful. She was in her late thirties but her looks could be mistaken as in middle twenties. The only thing that would give it away was the way her forehead creased. I nodded. "Okay, I'll make breakfast."  I was grateful of her. She was like a mother to me. Almost perfect. She had let her son throw a party and it was okay with her. She just went to another friend's house because party with a bunch of kids and youngers didn't suit her. She said she would rather have a tea with oldies than to party with hunks. Harmond's father, Henrick, was long dead. He died in an accident and Helena, Harmond's mom, took the hardest blow. She was messed up and all. It happened when Harmond was only 17. And now that we were old, it was still imprinted in Harmond's mind. Open wounded. Fresh. So my friends and I tried to avoid that topic whenever we were together, hanging out. "Thanks, Helena." I said, kissing her on the cheeks. She chuckled and began to gather the ingredients. I didn't know how to cook, but from the ingredients she was grabbing, she's about to make chocolate pancakes. It was her specialty. I watched as she whisked the flour mixed with a chocolate syrup. "I never know what to do without you," "You're hopeless," she sang and continued to whisk the flour. "Get married, Heid." Helena was one of the people that were allowed to call me by my first name or Heid. Since I was the boss of the largest company in the world, I preferred to be called Mr. Thompson. People knew me, knew my name. Everything. Everytime I would take a walk, people would give me confused looks, and most of the time, they would want to have a picture with me. I always obliged. Get married? I snorted. The thought of me getting married was funny. I mean, I knew she was in loved. But being in love was pathetic. It would just make you weak and beg. It would make you vulnerable. And I didn't want to be weak and vulnerable. I wanted to be strong. I wanted to be the man people saw me as. The strongest, wealthiest, powerful man on Earth. Getting married didn't sound appealing to me. My mother kept nagging me to get married also. But I was not ready. I would never be ready. People just wanted to be me. Girls just wanted my money. Was that you call love? It might work to someone, but not on me. "Seriously, Heid." Helena said as she put her hand on her hip, looking at me, brow arched. "You need an heir. Get a girlfriend and get married." "I could just adopt," I said, studying my nails fakely, obviously not caring. "Not blood related, yeah right," she said. From the tone of her voice, she was disappointed. I didn't mean to. I never wanted to get married. She brought it up. "That kid you'd adopt, he will never, I mean ever, get your knowledge and business instinct. He will never have the same genes as yours." "Helena, I really don't want to get married," I said, running a hand through my already tousled hair. "Girls. They are just pain in the ass. Plus, I never believe in love." That was a lie, though. I did believe in love. It's just love didn't fit on me. Or it's not for me. "Then Henrick and I had, what do you call what we had? Our relationship?" She pushed. My stomach grumbled again. I didn't like being scolded. Especially for love. I didn't need a love lecture. Thanks but no thanks. "Friends with benefits?" I said, not sure. Helena whacked my head with a spatula. Lightly. She glared at me and we both laughed. Friends with benefits sounded cool. But I was not up to that. I just wanted a half night stand. No strings attached. Strangers. I didn't want someone to be clingy. I wanted someone as an easy pay. The one who would be paid easily. I knew I was cruel, but it was the way I was. I was this person. I was molded to be this way. Business did this to me. Or so my parents did. Mom and Dad married for business. There was no love between them. They both cheated with each other. And yet, they still stood in public, hand in hand, looking at each other like they were the best thing happened for each other. Even I fell for their act. It was sickening. When we got home, they would just ignore each other. After minutes of frying, Helena put plates after plates of chocolate pancakes on the table and my mouth watered. She was really good at making pancakes. It didn't need any maple syrup at all. But what I wanted for my pancake, was to drip it with more chocolate syrup. I had a tooth for chocolates.  Harmond took a seat across from me and tried to get my plate but I slapped his hand and he groaned. He mumbled a b***h and Charlonne snickered. Helena eyed us and mumbled 'boys'. Charlonne, who had this mouth stuffed with pancake, spoke. "So how's business?" "Fine," I simply said, not wanting to discuss that Mr. Westborrow was considering on rejecting my presentation or partnership with him. "Someone seems upset," Harmond teased as he squeezed chocolate syrup on his pancake. Frowning, I stabbed a piece on his pancake and he protested. "Hey! That's mine! You have yours, asshole." "Well, I'm the boss," I said smugly as I snatched the chocolate syrup away from his hand and showered my pancake with more chocolate syrup. Charlonne eyed my chocolate soaked pancake and I glared at him.  "Try to stab my pancake and I'll stab you in the eye." "For Heaven's sake, just eat!" Helena shouted, glaring at us. We ate quietly, not wanting to piss her off. The best lectured she had given as was to not fight in front of food, or at least do not be selfish. She didn't want someone fighting over a food. "There are more here. I'll cook for you guys. Just don't fight. Or else, I'll kill you with the knife." After we ate, we just went to the living room. Harmond, Charlonne, and I just talked about girls and parties. They made fun of me though. Charlonne said that I always forgot Harmond's house address because I was busy with work. Harmond commented on it, too. Workaholic. It was so of me. It defined me. They were right. I was busy running the business. My goal was to be the world's number one. Nothing else. Nothing more. If that happened, I would be the world's happiest man. It was time for me to go home. All the way back to my house, I felt something twist inside my stomach and it was not comfortable. I had to seal my mouth tight in order not to vomit in my car. When I got inside my mansion, I never wasted anything. I just ran until I got in the bathroom and spilled my stomach empty. Mostly foods and tongue tasted yucky. I gargled with a mouth wash twice and still, the yucky taste lingered in my taste buds. I went to the fridge and Shauee, the head cook, eyed me suspiciously. She knew I had a rough night by partying. She was almost my mother. But she never interfered with my life. She offered me something to eat and I declined, saying I had just eaten in Harmond's house. There was still this uncomfortable feeling in the pit of my stomach and I didn't like it. But I chose to ignore it. It was the usual feeling. I would just brush it off and never bother it. That way, it would go away. I knew I had a work to do, so I just went upstairs to my room and decided to take a shower. Then I'd go to work. Still, there's a bad feeling lingering inside my stomach. It was different. It was the kind of feeling that something would blow in your face and you would never have a time to prepare. Still, I chose to ignore it. Thinking that I was just being paranoid. No one could destroy my image.
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