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Scarlett     A few weeks have passed and it was time for the doctor to take my stitches off. I was waiting patiently, but nervously in the waiting room with my parents. After everything had happened, Vivian called them to explain the situation. They got worried and hurried to the hospital to find me still crying on Vivian’s shoulder.       I later found out Heather was suspended by the principal and sent to an anti-bullying program. In my opinion, that was not much of a punishment for attacking another student like that. But I guess life is never fair.       Now we just sat and waited. The nurse called us and we followed her inside the room. After a few minutes, the doctor came and he was ready to finally take the stitches off. As soon as he finished, he gave me a mirror to look at myself.      “No, thank you. I don’t want to see myself. Pretty sure the scar looks hideous” I cried and my mom held me close, trying to comfort me. Dad was rubbing my back in a soothing way.       We left the hospital and headed home. They wanted to stop somewhere and have a bite to eat, but I refused.      “I don’t want anyone to see me like this mom. Let’s just go home,” I murmured as I looked out the car window.       We arrived and Samuel was standing on the porch steps, waiting for us. He knew they would be taking my stitches off today and I was sure my parents had a lot to do with it.       My heart was beating fast and I started to feel nervous. I didn't want him to see me like this. Besides, I was still mad at him and didn't want to see him either.       “Mom, please tell him to go home” I said with sadness and anger at the same time. My parents looked at each other and my mom got out of the car first. I could see Samuel’s disappointment when she told him.      "But Mrs. Ayala. Please let me see her. I want to be here for her, she needs me" I could hear him faintly. I scoffed at those words. When he needed to help me, he just stood there and didn't even attempt to stop Heather.      "Samuel, try to understand sweetheart, she is not feeling well right now. When she is ready, she will call you" I heard mom say.      All I could do was watch from the car as his face changed from hopeful to gloomy as he walked back to his house.        We walked in and ordered take out. When it arrived, we grabbed our food to eat. I was just poking it around and I noticed my dad was staring at me with a big frown.      “Princess, I know you don’t want to talk about it, but try to smile at least. We love you and that scar on your face won’t define who you are. You are still beautiful and full of life, we want you to feel that way still” he said while taking a bite of his food.      “What if we work on that motorcycle you want so much? That way you can keep yourself busy and not think too much about it” I looked at him and smiled at his attempt to cheer me up.       “That sounds like a great idea, Dad. Thank you very much. I promise I’ll try not to think about it,” I replied, which made both of my parents smile happily, but I was still feeling sad on the inside.       The next day, it was a Saturday and I woke up early to help my dad fix up the motorcycle. We spent the whole day on it, tuning it up, and painting it.       It looked brand new and I loved how much work we put into it. We were both proud of the work we’ve done, especially me because as soon as we finished, he handed me the keys to give it a test drive.      I jumped up and down and hugged him.       "Oh thank you dad! I love you"      "I love you too, my princess. Now hop on, give that bad boy a try"        I got on it, put a helmet on and drove off. The feeling of freedom was running through my veins asI rose that big machine. For a moment, all the bad things that have happened were forgotten.       When I arrived back home, I looked at Samuel’s house and saw him on the driveway, washing his car.        We looked at each other, but I quickly looked away and parked in my driveway.      “Your bike looks nice, Scarlett,” he shouted as I took my helmet off. Ignoring him, I walked into the house as quickly as possible so he wouldn’t get closer and see the big scar on my cheek.  **** Samuel       I just stood there, looking at her walk inside the house, wondering what I could do for her to forgive me and to talk to me again.       I understood it was my fault for not being there for her and for breaking my promise to be her friend forever. Guilt was taking over me since I didn’t have the guts to stop Heather from doing what she did to her. But I still hoped everything would go back to normal again.      I needed to figure a way to talk to her and apologize. She lost me and it was my own fault.     Walking inside the house, I grabbed some soda and snacks just to sit down and watch a movie. I found one on my pile and it instantly reminded me of Scarlett.        It made me remember how we used to watch it and laugh like crazy. As the movie went on, I remembered all those days we enjoyed each other's company.     For the first time, I felt a tear fall from my eye. She was the first one to offer me her friendship, and I was ungrateful by ignoring her. But I hoped she would understand my reasons.      I also hoped that one day, she would just go back to being that happy and kind girl I knew. But for now I would have to be patient and see her smile at me again.     
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