Chapter 16-1

143 Words

16Little by little, as the weeks went by, Raka got used to life on the island of the Sylva and Kee. It didn't take long for her to start thinking of the island as her home; it was such a wonderful place, she was only too happy to put her old life on Shark Island behind her. She even started to think of herself as Cryssa. It was hard not to, since that was what everyone called her. Also, the name "Raka" reminded her too much of Ikaz, and she wanted to get rid of every trace of him. So she was Cryssa now. Cryssa of the pink and white dress. Cryssa, who took to wearing flowers in her hair as her mother had done. Cryssa, who spent her days exploring with Eenie and Ayla...and learning how to be a queen from Grandpa Po.

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