Chapter 8: The Confession

3154 Words
“What’s going on here?!” “Adam?” I jump up from the couch and Warren does the same. “Why is this place so damn cold?” That’s all he cares about?! Wait… does that mean he didn’t see us? If Adam didn’t see us, that’s a relief. I don’t want to give him any ideas and if he finds out I’ve made him a cheater… “The heater is broken, sir.” “Then why the hell aren’t you fixing it?” “The closest heating company is 50 miles out, and they won’t be able to get here until tomorrow.” Adam rolls his eyes and tosses his briefcase on the kitchen table. He only notices I’m there by nodding in my direction. Smug bastard. Warren and I look at each other, and it’s clear neither one of us has an idea why Adam is here. “Do you have any updates on who’s threatening her?” Adam shakes his head. “The police are basically useless.” “So, I’m still in danger?” I ask, raising my eyebrows. “Well, maybe not as much as before, now that you’ve been declared successfully dead.” Should I ask him why this happened? “Yes, let’s talk about that, shall we? Why the f**k was I declared dead Adam?!” “Nobody goes looking for dead people. Isn’t it clear to you?” “So it was YOUR idea?!” “No, of course not babe!” I could tell Warren hated the way he called me babe. “The cops wanted to fake your death. It took a week or so, but they found a person with no ID and no friends or family so they used her to stage your death. They slid your ring on her finger, planted her in our street and lit it on fire.” I shiver and step back, bumping into Warren. I’d almost forgotten he was there until his arms gripped my shoulders to steady me. “But that’s…” “Don’t look so shocked. It worked, right? I haven’t had a single threat in 2 weeks.” I can’t help but feel angry yet hopeful at his words. “Does this mean I can go home?” Adam’s eyes harden as he looks at me. “No. Not until after the election.” “What? Why so long? Are you seriously going to let people think I’m dead for 2 more weeks?!” He shrugged. “Yes.” “Can’t you at least tell Hannah and my family that I’m ALIVE?!” “Why the f**k would I do that for you?” “Are you serious?” I clenched my fists but Warren grabbed my wrists behind my back without Adam noticing. “They think I’m dead you bastard! They’re probably devastated! They…” “Enough! Don’t pull that sympathy s**t with me, Charlotte. Your family wants nothing to do with you, or have you forgotten that too?” Tears slid down my face, shocked at the words he’s saying right now. “They hate you, and you hate them.” I couldn’t make eye contact with him any longer so I turned around and buried my face into Warren’s chest. He looked Adam square in the eyes and scowled. “What the f**k is wrong with you?” He laughed. “They couldn’t care less if she lives or dies.” “No. YOU couldn’t care less because ALL you care about is your arrogant self.” “Excuse me?” “You heard me.” “I’m the only one who loves her. I’m the only one who cares. You don’t even care about her or like her.” “I got some news for you, Adam. I don’t like her. I f*****g love her.” Oh my god, he just said he loves me! He immediately kept his mouth shut once he realized what he said. “Like you’d give her the world.” “I’m not a smug dog bastard like you. I’d be 100% committed to her, so f**k you.” “I came because I was worried about you, Charlotte. I wanted to explain why I did what I did. I…” I turned around and scowled at him. “Save it. I don’t want to hear your shit.” “I’m only concerned for your saf…” “No. Warren cares about me more than you EVER have. He’s been watching the area this whole time and he never found anything suspicious.” “I learned long ago if you want to get something done right, you do it yourself.” “Leave him out of this. He protected me more than you EVER did!” “Anyways, I wanted you to move back again in 2 days.” “Like HELL I will!” He scowled and walked up to me with a scowl on his face. “You’re coming whether you like it or not.” “NO!” he slapped me across the face as hard as he could. I turned to Warren with pure shock. “When did you decide this?” I asked, scowling. “We spoke about it before we left to come here. It’s smart to keep you moving. Staying in one place is too dangerous.” “Exactly. You get comfortable and start to slip up.” Scowling, I slipped out of Warren’s grasp and went outside, slamming the door behind me.” “Charlotte! Get back here!” Ignoring both of them, I took the path through the woods to go into town. “What the hell is wrong with her?!” “Adam, out of all due respect, I think she’s sick and tired of hearing us complain. Let’s just give her the space she needs.” “The hell I will. I’m finding her.” He grabbed his arm as he went out the door. “She’ll be back, I promise.” Scowling, Adam finally said, “Fine Warren. You have 3 hours to find her. If I find out she’s still gone, certain actions will take place.” He slammed the door behind him, leaving Warren alone in the middle of the living. Sighing, he sat down on the couch with his head in his hands. In town: I went into Tipsy Cow and ordered multiple rounds of beer, venting to Jack. “I’m sorry this happened to ya sweetheart, I thought for sure he likes you.” “So did I. He has so many mixed signals and I just…” He put his hand on my cheek lightly and looked at me sincerely. “It’ll all work out.” As I got up to leave, I stumbled before I even reached the door. “I’ll take you back.” “It’s okay, Jack. I promise. Thank you.” “I’ll take you back.” “It’s okay, Jack. I promise. Thank you.” He sighed. “Be safe.” It felt like hours until I finally reached the cabin and stumbled inside, nearly falling. “Charlotte?” I heard the panic and anger in Warren’s voice as he bent down next to me. “Where the HELL were you?” “Drinking away the pain.” “You didn’t even tell me where you were going!” “I needed some alone time Warren, to rethink this.” “What’s to rethink? We’re doing this for you.” “Are you on Adam’s side now? Just to solely please him?” “No. That’s not true at all!” “I need some space.” He scowled and stood up. “Fine. I’ll be in the bedroom if you need me.” He slammed the bedroom door shut, leaving me all alone laying down on the couch. Tears slid down my face as I finally realized he was ganging up on me with Adam. And here I f*****g thought we had a connection. An hour later, he came out and sat down at the end of the couch. “Go away.” He moved closer to her and forced her to look at him. “I’m doing this for your safety.” “By ganging up on me?! Warren, what the hell is wrong with you?!” He stiffened up and moved away from me. “What?” “Nothing.” “No. It’s not nothing.” “It really is. Just forget it.” “Charlotte, I just...I like the way you say my name. The way your lips form around it is so attractive.” “What?” “I need to tell you something.” “Okay.” “I really tried so hard but it’s merely impossible to fight it.” his voice is barely a whisper. “Fight what?” “You haven’t made it easy for me. Do you know how hard it’s been, trying to equal out my job with my feelings?” My heart rate increases as his hand lifts to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear. “I can’t do it anymore.” He paused. “I don’t want to.” “Warren, what…” His warm lips are suddenly on mine, shutting me up immediately. Before I can even digest what’s happening, he pulls away and smiles. “What just happened?” “For such an intelligent woman, you’re so oblivious.” I pout and he smiles. “I didn’t have a chance in hell, did I?” His hands come around my waist, and he lifts me up so I’m sitting on him. He kisses me, his tongue slipping into my mouth, and all thoughts leave my mind. “Maybe I’m a little better at hiding it than I thought it was.” His hand travels down my waist and onto my thighs. He pulls me into him, and sends pressure between my legs. “I’ve always been really bad with words Charlotte. I can never figure out how to express my feelings. I...I tried to fight off these feelings but you got under my skin somehow. I don’t want to spend another night without having you in my arms.” He leans forward and kisses just below my ear, sending shivers down my body. “Will you let me warm you up tonight?” “You are saying you want me?” I can barely believe this is happening. His gaze holds me captive, making me powerless to look away. “You have no idea how badly I want you. I don’t even think I can control it anymore.” His fingers move underneath my shirt onto my bare skin, exposing the cold air but he holds me in place. “Are you cold, Charlotte?” I nod and he gives me a challenging look. “Let me warm you up.” Instead of responding, I crash my lips into his as I wrap my arms around his neck. He returns my kiss, forgetting dominance as our bodies sink into the sofa cushions. He sucks on my tongue, igniting my veins, setting my skin on fire. While his mouth stays on mine, his hands slip under my shirt until he’s holding my breasts. I move closer, increasing the pleasure. The blanket I had around my shoulders fell to the ground but neither of us cared. His thumbs skimmed against the fabric of my sensitive buds, and as I tangle my fingers into his hair, grinding my hips down on top of him. “Charlotte…” His groan makes me wet and the need to have him deep inside me takes over my whole body. I reach down to rip the shirt off his body and he willingly obeys. “Impatient are ya?” “Always.” I said, smirking. I trail my fingers down his exposed chest, tracing the outline of his jaw dropping abs. His muscles clench under my exploring fingertips, so his stomach seems even more toned than usual. When I reach his breaking point, I lock my eyes onto his. “What are you going to do, Charlotte?” “What do you think?” I clench my thighs and feel him hardening beneath me. Pressing down until I’m fully aligned with his length, I move my hips and pull his lips back to mine. Although I couldn’t get any more turned on, the feeling of having such a powerful man unravel beneath me does something incredible to my private parts. As I taste his lips once again, his breath comes out in a hot whisper. “You’re such a tease.” “Am I? Is it working?” “I know that you know the answer to that.” He bites my lower lip and moves a hand between my legs. I moan in pleasure when his fingers press against my waistband, slowly sliding inside my underwear and feeling my wetness. “Take every piece of clothing off.” I nod and take off, tossing it on the floor, keeping only my underwear on. His mouth moves to my neck and I can feel his stubble scraping against my collarbone. “Warren…” He gently bites down on my neck while he slips 2 fingers inside me, and began to slowly finger me. “You like this?” “Don’t stop. Please.” His fingers slow down to the point where I have to bite my lip to keep myself from begging. “Please.” I can feel him smile against my neck when he starts to slip his fingers back in and move his hand faster and harder. Moans escape from my lips, and I can no longer contain myself from screaming his name. He chuckles and leans back to look at me, his eyes blazing with lust. “You’re so f*****g sexy.” I throw my head back while he continues to finger me, feeling his gaze burn through my body. With every second, the tension builds up and just as I’m about to c*m, he stops. I start to protest, but he shushes me. “Soon.” He pulls his fingers back up, followed by unclasping my bra and the straps fall down my shoulders. I shake in pleasure as his eyes take in my bare chest. “It’s not fair how stunning you are.” A hand wraps around my waist and he flips us so that my back is now pinned to the couch. As he hovers over me, he slowly kisses me from my neck to my stomach. His tongue, lips and teeth have me squirming so much beneath him, making me unaware of how much my underwear slid down my legs. As he pressed his lips to mine, I can’t help but moan. I grip the cushions while his arms hold my legs firmly in place, his breath sending chills down my spine and hear him chuckle. It takes some tongue until I’m at my breaking point and have one of the most powerful orgasms I’ve ever had but he’s still not done. “I can’t resist you anymore. I don’t think I CAN resist you.” he takes off his boxers and positions himself between my legs. I look at him and he’s staring at me with so much desire that I almost c*m again on the spot. He leans down, and I meet him halfway. Our mouths move passionately and as his tongue slips into my mouth, I moan. My heart is pounding out of my chest and I gasp for air against his soft lips. “Are you ready, baby?” he whispers. All I can do is nod. He enters me in one thrust. He grips my hips as he starts moving in and out of me, both of us begin moaning and panting. The couch screeches underneath us but neither of us pay attention. It isn’t long before I’m about to c*m again. When our eyes meet, I see him watching me intently and in pure desire. “I’m so close Charlotte,” He pants, picking up the pace. I grasp his muscular butt to pull him in deep, moaning each time he hits the right spot inside me. I clench my muscles when I can’t hold it anymore, and it sends both of us over the edge. As he cums inside me, I slowly move my hips against him until we feel a thud. “What just happened?” “I think we broke the couch,” he chuckled. We don’t pay any attention. He instead lifts me up, still kissing me and carries me to the bedroom where he lies next to me, combining our body heat until we fall asleep. Warren and I are suddenly awake from a loud thud coming from inside the cabin. I quickly try and get up out of bed but his grip stops me from moving. “Is something ins…” He puts a finger on my lips, then slowly crawls out of bed. I watch him with terrified eyes as he makes his way across the room and over to the door. After a few tries of opening the door, I realize something’s wrong. “Warren, what is it?” “It won’t open.” “Is it locked?” He shakes his head. I jump in shock when he slams his body against the door. As he does it again, I feel the entire house shake from the force. “Something’s blocking the door.” “How?” “I don’t know.” “I don’t remember there being anything near the door.” “That’s because there wasn’t.” He pauses and looks at me. “Get behind me. Someone’s in the house and when this door breaks down, I need to be able to protect you.” I nod and hurry to get behind him. After one last attempt, the door flies off the hinges with a loud boom. I stare in horror at the living room which has almost been engulfed behind thick clouds of poisonous smoke. I feel my lungs start to burn as I inhale the fumes. “Stay here!” He disappears into the smoke, and I have to squeeze my eyes shut to stop them from stinging. He told me to wait as much as I shouldn’t but I have to. I close the door, but the smoke still gets in, causing me to cough so hard that my eyes begin to water. I hear tumbling and shuffling sounds coming from the kitchen, but nothing else. Oh god, I hope he’s okay. Just as I think that, I see a familiar figure break through the smoke. “Warren!” “We need to get you out. Follow me.” I grabbed his hand and ran into the kitchen and I immediately knew something’s wrong. “Someone turned on all the propane stoves and…” his coughs stop him as I struggle to see his face. “They put rags all around it. Whoever this was, they sure as hell knew what they were doing and had no intention of us coming out alive. I’m going to bring you outside until the smoke clears.” I nod and he carries me towards the door. As soon as he reaches for the handle and opens it, I notice a dark figure darting across the yard. “Warren! Look there!” I point and his head turns in the direction I’m pointing at. “Stay here!” He places me down and yanks the door open. “Stop right there! Don’t you f*****g move!” I peer out in terror and see the figure turn to face Warren. A glint of the moonlight reflects off something metal in the man’s hand as he lifts it in Warren’s direction. My blood runs cold. “Warren, he has a gun! He has a …” Warren tackled the man to the ground before he could even shoot. I scream when he gets punched hard in the face, but he doesn’t stop. The two men wrestled for the upper hand, and I couldn’t tell who was winning. Warren is shouting something at the man which I can’t make out what he’s saying. He manages to kick him hard in the ribs, and reaches in his back pocket to pull out his own gun. “I said, get down!” Warren shouts. His voice echoes through the quiet woods as he aims it directly at the intruder. The man hesitantly raises his hands and stands to his feet. I feel my body begin to relax. Maybe this can all be over. I shiver from the cold and watch Warren walk towards the man, never lowering his gun. The man remains still and watches Warren move towards him. Just when he goes to reach for the man’s hands, he takes off again. “s**t!” Gunshots echo out into the dark and I have to cover my eyes to deafen out the sound. After the fourth shot, I watch Warren’s shoulders slump in defeat before he turns around and heads back to the house. “Are you okay?” “I’m fine. Just a couple of cuts and bruises, nothing serious.” “How could this happen? How did they find us?” “I don’t know.” He makes his way up to me and wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him. The worry in his tone makes me shiver. “Whoever that was, they tried to kill us.”
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