Chapter 8

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chapter 8 Isabelle POV When we get to the mall, Cassy and I get out first. The twins follow, keeping an eye on the both of us, but also giving us space. "Come on, let's go into this one." She says grabbing my arm and pulling me. I do not know what store we went into but god, it has so many clothes.  We went to so many stores getting clothes until my feet started to hurt. "Cass.. My feet are killing me. Can we PLEASE sit down." She sighs. "Fine, lets go get something to eat." I nod and look back at the twins. They're carrying all the bags I refused to carry.. which wasn't a lot. They don't even look like their struggling. I give them a small smile. Austin shoots me a wink and Sebastian gives me a smirk. I roll my eyes and turn back around. We get to the food court and get a booth. I relax into the seat, not paying any attention to the menu. "Aren't you going to eat?" Cassy's voice breaks the silence. I opened my eyes and looked at her. She is sitting opposite to me. "I am." She nods her head and looks down to the menu in her hands. Where are the twins? "Where are the twins?" I ask aloud, voicing my thoughts. "Oh they went to the truck to drop off the bags." I nod my head, looking down at the menu when Austin speaks from behind me. "Why princess? You miss us?" He asks with a wink.  "No honestly." I say trying not to laugh at the faltering smile on his face. Cassy busts out laughing and I join in. "I'm sorry, I was playing. I was actually worried. I didn't see you guys." "Worried? Are you falling in love with us?" Austin asks in a mocking voice. I ignore his comment and look over to Sebastian. He's just smiling, watching me. "Come sit down and shut up." I tell him, turning back around to find a smiling Cassy. She raises her eyebrows, as if to say 'you were worried, why?'. I just shake my head and pick up my menu. Sebastian comes up and stands beside me. Austin follows suit standing beside him. I look at the both of them, and the seat beside Cassy. The booth is big enough for all of us to sit. "Sit down." I tell them, waving my hand. They look at each other before looking back at me. They better not- "We're sitting with you, Belle." Sebastian says. I throw my head back and groan. I scoot over a little bit before he stops me "Up." I raise my eyebrow at him. "Please." he quickly adds. I get up and he sits down where I was sitting a few seconds ago. "How is this going to work, Sherlock?" He laughs and moves all the way over to the wall. With the added space, I sit down and scoot over till my thigh is touching his. There is not enough space for Austin to sit down. Not with me in the middle at least. I opened my mouth to make a sarcastic remark about it, but I am cut off when Sebastian puts his arms around me and pulled me on his lap. A squeak escapes me as I put my hands on his chest to steady myself. Austin slides into the booth where I was sitting, and pulls my legs onto his lap. They both look satisfied and look at me. My face feels hot, and I can bet I am red. I focus on cooling my face before looking back up at Austin. "Are you okay princess?" He speaks to me like he is a preschool teacher. I shrug my shoulders and pick up the menu I sat down on the table. I catch a glimpse of Cassy's eyes and the smirk on her face. I look back down at the menu, to see what I want. Nothing looks good to be honest. I look at it for a couple of more minutes before Austin speaks up. "Do you know what you want?" I shake my head no. "What do you want to eat?" I ask. His eyes trail down my body before he looks back at me. They flick between black and his normal eye color. "Being honest?" I immediately shake my head. "I meant food wise you rabbit." He chuckles and grabs the menu out of my hand. Unconsciously, he starts rubbing my leg lightly looking at the menu, while Sebastian rubs at my back. I look over at Cassy. "Found what you want?" "Yeah, I think I want a burger and fries. What about you?" She asks. "Well, I didn't want anything, but I could eat me some fruit and a salad." Austin looks up at me. "That's it?" The astonishment is clear in his voice. "Well, yeah. Did you think that I was going to order the whole menu?" He shakes his head. "No, I just know that you haven't eaten anything for the two days we have been with you. You should've ate something." He reprimands me. "Do not condescend me. I wasn't hungry. " I say sliding over the both of them and standing up. "Come Cass. Lets go get food." I turn around and head to the counter. There are about 4 people in front of me. I blink back the hot tears stinging my eyes. I feel a hand on my shoulder and I jump. I spin around and come face to face with Sebastian. I sniff and relax under his touch. "Are you okay?" I nod. "Where is Cassandra? Is she okay?" I ask looking behind him. He frames my face with both of his hands, forcing me to keep my focus solely on him. "She's with Aust. Are you okay?" he asks again. I look up, my eyes locking with his.  "Be honest Belle." "Yes. I just overreacted." I wipe my eyes and turn back around. "What do you want?" I ask, clearing my throat. "You. But I could settle for a burger and fries." He says. I can tell there is a grin on his face. I bite my lip and nod, trying to ignore what he said. Though it seems impossible to do so. There are only two people in front of us now, and it seems like its taking forever. I turn back around to face Sebastian, to find that he is already looking at me. I opened my mouth to say something but I get cut off when something hard hits my ass. I turn and come face to face with a fat middle age human. "You did not just f*****g slap my ass." He smirks. "I did sweet heart. It was sitting there, big and round. How could I not?" I can feel the anger rolling off of Sebastian in waves. "Touch me again, and I will castrate you right f*****g here." I growl out. He looks taken aback, since he is human, before he rolls his eyes, reaching for my hair. "Oh, come on. You know you liked it." He laughs out, and smirks again. "That's it." Sebastian moves forward and grabs the man by his collar. "You touch her again and I will f*****g kill you. She is MINE. MINE. Understand?" The man nods his head frantically, trying to pry Sebastian's hand from his shirt. "Good. Now git." Sebastian says and pushes the man away. He stumbles and falls. He hurries back up to his feet and begins walking away. I place my hand on Sebastian's arm and turn him to face me. His eyes are dark, but not dark enough to where his wolf is in control. Though, he is just about there. "Calm down. I'm okay." I tell him. His eyes roam around my face and end back in my eyes. He looks like he wants to say something, but instead he does something I wasn't expecting in that moment. He kissed me.
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