A new used car salesman

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*Astrid* “Are you sure you are okay ?” I ask Zac as he shows up at the station, he looks rather disheveled and pale. He nods, and pulls me into him for a hug. “We have a case, and I am okay, no need to worry about me, I bounce back fast … I did miss you though”. “How can you miss me when you were unconscious ?” I say with a grin, trying to kinda hide how nervous it makes me, I mean it takes a lot to knock him out, especially for two days. “I just know I did, cause I always do”. He says, and kisses me. I sigh, and shrug out of his arms. “Come on, we’ll have Di Caprio do a blood test on you when we go to see the corpse, to see if there is anything in your blood”. “So what do we have ?” He asks, taking my hand as we walk to the elevator. “The case I mean”. “Young woman crushed between a tree and a sports car, not pretty”. I tell him, pushing the elevator button. “No driver present and no vitnesses”. The door plings open and we walk inside, Zac hitting the button for the basement. “So hit and run, who left the car … or are we suspecting murder ?” I shrug. “Too early to say I guess”. “Well let's wait a couple more floors to worry about that, and enjoy that we are all alone in a small room”. He grins, browsing me against the wall and kissing me. I don't realize we have reached the morgue before someone clears their throat several times, making me turn and smile. “Oh, hi Di Caprio”. While Zac is having blood tests done I am standing with Jensen by the victim. “How old is she ?” “Nineteen”. Jensen says, sounding sad. “Nina Clausen, she was found half naked and dead bent over the hood of a Ferrari out on the beach road … driver was MIA”. “From the cuts on her feet I would say she ran a fair distance”. Di Caprio says, coming over. Zac comes over too, looking at her feet. “She was running from someone, wasn’t she ? But that is not asphalt, on her feet. What is that ?” “I don’t know yet”. Di Caprio admits. “I have sent it to the lab”. “Where is she from ? Did she go to school ?” I ask. Jensen looks at her tablet with the info. “As far as we have been able to find, she moved here from Jutland about six months ago. She has some modeling and acting credits”. I look at the picture. “That is the same girl ? She looks more like sixteen or seventeen”. “Who was the car registered too ?” Zac asks. “No one, it had no actual license plate, just one of those commercial ones, from a dealership ‘Prime exotic cars’”. Jensen says. Zac looks at the girl. “Poor thing, probably came here to fulfill her dreams, and this is where she ended”. We arrive at the fancy car dealership about half an hour later, looking around at the cars that easily cost what most people earn in five years or more. “So, how small does your p***s need to be to buy one of these ?” I say, looking at the flashy cars. “Welcome to prime exotic cars, where every car dream comes through”. A man says smiling as he walks over, he looks at the nearest car. “I have one of these bad boys myself”. Zac just smiles. “Wonderful, my partner here has some questions for you”. Then he walks off, looking at the displayed vehicles. “Ask me anything, I am Joseph Bendtner, head of sales”. He smiles in that used car salesman way, he has the tan of someone who lives somewhere exotic. “These are perfect for a young good looking couple as yourself are they not ?” “Yeah, listen … I am from the police”. I tell him sweetly. “I need some information on one of your customers, someone who bought or leased a red F355”. Suddenly Zac calls out. “Uhm a little help here”. We turn, seeing that he is struggling to open the door to a very fancy orange car. Joseph pulls out a set of keys, pushing a button and the car beeps, before the door slides upwards, opening. “Ahh”. Zac says, reaching out to touch the door. “Very fancy … how much is this one ?” “That one is 1,1 million kroner”. Joseph says, a slightly haughty look on his face. Zac grins. “Let's make it a round million and I will take it off your hands today”. He slides into the car and closes the door. “No, wait a minute, no cup holder”. “Back to the red F355, who has one ?” I ask the salesman. “Listen, I would love to help you guys out here, but my customers … they value discretion”. He says sleekly, giving me a small shrug. I give him my most ‘do not mess with me’ glare. “This is a murder investigation, so you better tell me what I need to know, so you can get back to your little tanning bed”. “Joseph, do not listen to her”. Zac says out of the now open window and then he continues with a wink. “You are bronzed, beautiful and powerful … Hey Joey, let's take this for a test ride”. I laugh looking at the now rather confused car salesman. “I wouldn’t do that if I was you”. “Oh come on Joey, be the man, sell a car today”. Zac says with a big grin. Joseph looks halfway desperate at me, then he walks around the car and get into the passenger's seat. Zac gives me a look as he turns on the engine, and I send him a knowing smile, raising one brow slightly. I trust that he knows what he is doing by now, mostly at least.
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