Into The Woods

1104 Words
Back in the woods, Lucas gathered the men to strategic on how to free their brothers and get Mena at the same time with having a handful of men. Lucas needed to gather more werewolves to go against the vampires to be successful. In frustration, Lucas let out a bone-chilling roar that shook the earth. Minutes later werewolf were emerging from the woods. Lucas and these brothers quickly prepared for an attack. However something unexpected happened, the newfound werewolves nailed down before Lucas. Now a plan was set and it was more than enough werewolves to win this battle. The plan was to wait two weeks from them when they knew the sunrise earlier than usual then attack the vampires a couple hours before the sunrise giving the werewolves an advantage because of the sunlight also the vampires would never expect an attack. Lucas led the werewolves toward the vampire coven, and they were able to disarm the guards at the gate. Lucas told some of the men to go on to free their brothers while his mission was to get his beloved. Hearing all the commotion the vampires gathered up with weapons in hand to fight. In the meantime, Mena is ecstatic knowing that it is Lucas who has come for her. Lucas attacked vampires going down the halls and striking them down one by one was able to reach Mena's bedroom, however, she was not there, Lucas continued to run around the castle trying to find her. Mena was taken by her father who kept them and the higher Court together. The werewolves were able to kill enough of the vampires and now the Sun was starting to rise. Lucas still not finding Mena however one of the werewolves was able to locate the other vampires and told Lucas. Lucas quickly reacted and went after Mena. The werewolves gathered and advanced towards the higher courts, Lucas emerging from his men spotted Mena, and took her out of her father's arms. William was unable to stop Lucas being that he was outnumbered by the werewolves and let his daughter go. Lucas wanted to s*******r the rest of the higher courts including Mena's father however Mena asked to spare her father. Lucas, Mena, and the werewolf brothers left the castle with all the enslaved werewolves and went to the woods. Fate had other plans for the lovers; no one could predict what would happen next. Months have passed since the attack, and Mena was due to give birth anytime. The day Mena went into labor, there were some complications; the baby would not come out, and Mena was getting weaker and losing a lot of blood. Mena screamed at the top of her lungs, trying to push; she was finally able to give birth to their daughter; however, Mena did not make it. The birth complications were too significant, and there was nothing they could do to save her. Several years passed, and the vampires still tried to kill off the werewolves. Lucas created his pack and became alpha, while Lucas's daughter Nova grew up to be beautiful and deadly like her mother. Nova feels like she doesn't fit in being half vampire, half werewolf among a werewolf pack. She continued to train with the pack, hopefully feeling one with them. Many more years passed, and Nova was an adult ready to see what was outside the woods, but that was something her father denied her. Still only wanting to feel like she fit in and loved, luck would be on her side when Lucas decided to expand his pack. A Lot more joined the pack, and amongst one of them, a man named David caught Nova's eye, and that was all it took. David and Nova spent days and nights together talking about their future. Lucas didn't mind them being together, feeling relieved that Nova no longer looked sad and depressed. Having David around her, she hopes something will come out of that. David approached Lucas, letting him know he wanted to be with his daughter for the rest of his life, and Lucas approved. The following spring, Nova gave birth to a baby boy named Sam, and she was so happy now, feeling complete. Many days their small little family will go out and have fun running around amongst the trees like they do so often. One day when Sam was 7 years old they went out playing hiding amongst the trees. That day they did not know humans were traveling in the woods. Sam and David were supposed to go hiding while Nove looked at them but something was wrong, she couldn't find Sam. Still looking she heard a commotion and she spotted humans slaughtering immortal beings. her son was among them, Nova tried to save Sam but David stopped her and pinned her to the ground, and covered her mouth to keep her quiet. Nova watches everything unfold and sees her son being capitated by the humans. David kept her pinned down to the ground until the humans were far away. Nova was enraged and could not control herself she threw David into the air hitting the trees, she ran to her son's body and cried for what seemed like hours. She managed to get enough strength to gather Sam's body and bury him. While she was focusing on the task at hand David approached her trying to comfort her but that just made her feel even worse. Nova: Don't touch me, how dare you pretend what you did just didn't happen. We could have saved him, we could have saved all of them but yet you hid like a coward and forced me to watch everything, you are nothing to me I would rather have you dead than see your face again. With that, Nova said goodbye to her son and walked back without David to the camp where the pack was. So hurt, angry and sad Nova walked past everyone including her father. Nova made it to her place of peace which is at the river. She set beside the river with her head in her hands just thinking what was next. Nova: I can't believe this happened, we could have saved him but David's cowardly ways caused Sam's death. I want David to pay, I want those weakling humans to pay. As Nova thought those words rocks, dirt, and even the water started to levitate. Unbeknownst to her the objects dropped with a loud thumping sound getting her out of her daze. All she could do was look at her hands and figure out what just happened.
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