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“Oh, look at them go,” Emily pouted as she took notice of Mykel and Kaye leaving the counter.    Both Martin and Emily observed as the pair left the cafe’s premises. The expression on their faces was quite amusing to miss.    Kaye looked like she was too conscious of her surroundings while Mykel wasn’t even paying attention to the prying eyes.    Emily giggled as her eyes follow them. The scene was similar to when they were kids. Mykel would often force Kaye to do things that didn’t interest her. So most of the time, she would leave with displeasure on her face while Mykel seemed satisfied with himself for dragging her along.   The way they acted couldn’t deny the fact of their relationship. Well, neither of them was denying it this time anyway.   “It seems I missed my chance to talk to them,” Martin murmured after sipping his coffee.   Emily turned to him with an amused smile on her face.    “You know, I always thought they are meant for each other,” she commented with a dreamy expression on her face.    Martin raised one brow staring back at Emily. He sat his cup back on the table and waited for the continuation.    “When they were kids, they would always do things together.” Emily paused for a moment to bite a piece of her sandwich. “Ask anyone in town. Whatever they do or where ever they go, they are together. In school, by the beach, in the park, or even in supermarkets. It's like one couldn’t leave the other.”   “Like an extension of one’s body. Don’t you think?” Martin fished for a confirmation.    Emily only nodded in response. She finished her meal and sipped on her tea. She briefly called for the young boy, Keith. Somehow, she wanted to eat something sweet after her sandwich.   It didn’t take a while for her chocolate cake to arrive. Soon as it arrived, she dug her fork into it and took a bite.    Martin stared at her with delight. He gently shook his head and said, “are you sure you’d be able to finish that?”   Emily giggled looking back at him with vexing eyes.    “You’re here to help me finish.”   Martin sneered but still took his fork. Emily could be cunning at times. She knew what exactly could be in her favor.   Martin smiled as he took a piece of cake. The taste, the smell, and even the texture were still the same. Even the cake, the filling, and the glaze. He could never forget this sensation. Kaye definitely got Macy’s taste buds.    He knew because he’d been taste tasting for Macy since they were younger. Every time she came up with something, he’d always be the first person to get a bite of it.    The foods that Kaye made just showed how she admired Macy. She paid attention to all the things her aunt had taught her.    “You know, they also complement each other,” Emily muttered while they shared the slice of cake.    Martin was a little confused. Unsure of what Emily was talking about. They sat there for a while now talking about random stuff.   With a furrowed face he asked, “you mean the tea and the chocolate cake?”   Emily laughed at his response. She wiped the chocolate off her lips with a napkin before answering him back.   “Oh no. I was talking about my son and Kaye.”    So she was still on with that? Martin thought to himself. He was a little embarrassed by how he interpreted the situation.    Emily went on and on without asking for a reply. So Martin just let her be with her monologue. It felt like Emily needed to let such thoughts out of her system. Or perhaps discuss it with the others.   “My son is a very cheerful person, as you can see. Too much that it's childish actually.” Emily continued with a slightly disappointed look. “On the other hand, Kaye is independent. She has a serious outlook on life. And so, when they are together, they influence each other.”   “I see what you mean,” Martin acknowledged the statement. He actually tried to picture out the thought in his mind.    Though he noticed that Mykel only acted childish whenever he never got Kaye to agree to his terms. And Kaye never seemed bored with Mykel on her side. They may have contrasting behaviors but they tolerate each other.    “I have never seen my son more serious in his life when he changed schools at the last minute.” Emily added while she played with her fork. “I remember him standing on our entryway, dazed. It was after Kaye ran to our house when she received the acceptance letter.”   “From the university in the capital, right?”   “Yes,” Emily grunted as she stretched her arms. “Mykel was devastated. Like he felt betrayed or some kind. He expected her to join him on a college next town.”   “He worked hard.”    Martin saw Miko restless by the entrance. He whistled calling its attention.   Miko’s ears perked up as he turned his way. The canine ran towards him delighted to see a familiar face.   “He did,” Emily exclaimed with happiness. “He may seem naive but he is smart. He could go beyond the average just to reach his goals.”   Martin could see how Emily was fond of her son. Her eyes were brimming with pride.    As for him, he had nothing against Mykel either. He may be immature at times but he has been a reliable person. The way he saw them, they were each other’s source of strength.   Kaye may seem reluctant but he felt that deep inside her, she wanted to relish this happiness.   “You aren’t planning on giving my son a hard time, are you?” Emily asked after a few minutes of silence.    Martin scoffed and opposed the idea. “I just want to make sure they are doing fine, you know. I think fit each other, too. We all have our flaws. So if you want to spend a lifetime with someone, better have one that can tolerate those flaws.”   Emily burst into laughter. Martin sure hit the nail on that one. If you want to spend your life with a person, might as well spend it with a person who can accept your everything. From the trophies to the scars.    “With the amount of time they spent together, I guess it wouldn’t be a surprise if they end up together,” Emily snickered. She lowered her head trying to pet the dog sitting beside them.   ”Rather, it would be a surprise if they don’t end up together.” Martin added. But the sudden pause he made felt uneasy. “Do you think time is enough to secure a relationship?”   Emily also fell into silence. He has a point. And here they were discussing the young one’s relationship like it was up for them to decide. They don’t even know what was going on. May it be the past nor the present.   “I just wished they’d talk to us more,” Emily grunted under her breath. Various expressions could be read on her face. She was smiling yet her eyes were sad.   Martin couldn’t utter a single word. He understood what Emily meant.    Of course, the relationship was out in the open. Whoever saw them could already tell. Still, there was something suspicious about them. And none of them knew about it.   “Well, all we could do is hope they make the right choices and watch over them,” Martin smiled as he turned to his side and watch the flow of the waters.   Both sighed and turned to observe the crowd. It was past the lunch rush but the cafe was still bustling.    Lots of tourists came in from the train station and others from the ferry. The ferry was a new addition to Mt. Salvador. It could take both passengers and cargo more efficiently. Though for now, the route only comes from the capital city to Mt. Salvador. Twice a day with a three-hour journey.   In the future, there were plans on expanding the route. Actions like this could bring promote local products and better businesses to residents.    Actually, business seemed to be doing great and the first day of the summer fair was already a success. But neither of those were on Martin and Emily’s minds.   “You think something is wrong?” Martin asked after the long silence.   Emily shrugged and chuckled. “I don’t know. Perhaps I just worry too much.”   Martin laughed while playing with Miko’s face. The words seemed familiar to him. His coffee sessions with Macy were also filled with anxiety and self-doubt. Incidentally, both Macy and Emily share the same expression, too.    “Have you told Mykel about this?”   Emily stared at him and shook her head. She was ignorant on that part. Even for her age, it was difficult to ask questions without being nosy. She still wanted to respect their privacy. She wasn’t the type of parent who would force her kids to tell her everything.   Or perhaps, they might have encountered something hard to share.    No one really knew.    Though she remembered asking Mykel on a few occasions. She knew something was amiss when Kaye returned without Mykel one day two years ago.    She recalled the smile plastered on the young woman’s face, it was forced. And she wanted to respect Kaye’s decision so she waited for her to open up on her own accord.    But it never happened.   “Oh well, things are going pretty well for them so there’s nothing to worry about,” Emily dismissed the thought while she played with the rim of her glass.    Truthfully, she was worried. But seeing how happy they were right now, she chose to ignore the lingering thoughts.
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