Chapter 3

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Chapter Three Kendall DAY 2 After the day I had yesterday, it feels nice to sleep in. As soon as I throw off the covers, I hear the wind howling against the cabin and see nothing but snow. The huge master suite overlooks the mountains, but right now, I can hardly see anything outside. It’s a complete whiteout. “Oh s**t,” I mutter, realizing there’s no way we’re leaving later today. Surrounded by trees and mountains with a long private driveway, the cabin is twenty miles away from Roxbury. It’s the perfect getaway for a romantic honeymoon, but there’s nothing romantic about being stuck here with Ryan. Instead, he acts as if it’s his own personal hell. It’s definitely not normal to get this much snow this time of year. Usually this happens closer to Christmas and into January and February, but hardly ever mid-November. This rare arctic blast will probably keep me stuck here with Ryan longer than either of us intended. After I throw on a sweater and slide on my slippers, I go downstairs for coffee. As soon as I enter the kitchen, I see Ryan at the table on his phone with his laptop. “Dude, I think we’re stranded here,” Ryan says to whoever he’s talking to, and he doesn’t sound happy. He looks miserable too. Great. “No, the main road is snowed over. It’s so bad they won’t be able to get the plows out for a few days, and apparently, the news said they expect more snow to come. I had to take a few emergency vacation days from work. We got twenty inches so far, and it’s still coming down. The wind is brutal, so it’s just f*****g blowing everywhere. Even if the roads were open, I wouldn’t be able to see it.” Twenty inches? Jesus. It’s confirmation that we’re not leaving anytime soon. I grab a mug and pour myself some of the already brewed coffee. He’s still chatting with who I assume is Eli or Cami. After I grab some creamer from the fridge, I continue listening to his conversation. Ryan releases a huff. “Thanks. I just wanted to let you two know so you don’t get worried about us. Hopefully, we don’t lose power. With my luck, an ice storm would make its way here too.” Lose power? Oh hell no. I can’t be here without power. We’ll just have to shovel our way out if that happens. I sit at the breakfast bar with my coffee and scroll through my phone when I hear Ryan whisper, “Yeah, she’s a f*****g trip.” Wow. I haven’t done anything, and he’s already being rude as hell. After he ends the call, he goes back to typing on his computer. His forehead wrinkles and face contorts, which makes me wonder if he’s getting weather updates. If so, it’s not looking good. “Sounds like you’re stuck with me for a bit longer,” I say, hoping to break the awkward tension. “Won’t be so bad. You’ll get a few days off. Maybe take advantage of it and relax for once. Could also work on getting the stick out of your ass.” I hold back a laugh knowing he’ll probably ignore me for that last comment. “Easy for you to say,” he mutters. “Not everyone lives off their family’s money. Some of us have jobs to do. I’m sure your biggest concern is getting to the nail salon on time every day.” “Really?” I snap my gaze toward him. “That’s the best you got? How original.” I roll my eyes though he’s not looking at me. “For your information, I go every other week, and it’s far from my biggest concern, asshole.” I hate that he thinks he knows me when he clearly doesn’t. He’s never even tried, yet he acts as though he has me figured out. “Well, maybe if you had job aspirations and goals at your age, being stuck here would be a concern. It—” “At my age?” I interrupt. “So because I’m twenty-four, I should have the rest of my life all planned out? And if I don’t, I’m a slacker?” He clears his throat, finally glancing at me. “I didn’t say slacker, but that it might be hard for you to understand that I enjoy working. Being a doctor is who I am, and knowing I can’t be at the hospital with my patients worries me. Not that you care.” “Don’t put words in my mouth. I said to relax, which you’re incapable of doing. Considering you can’t do anything about being stuck here with a ‘f*****g trip,’ you might as well take advantage of the time off. But you know what?” I stand, grabbing my mug. There’s no emotion in his face as I scowl at him. “Be miserable all you want. Alone.” I march toward the stairs and don’t look back. He can sulk by himself. Just because I don’t have an intense career doesn’t mean I’m a worthless trust fund baby. If he’d bothered to ask or tried to get to know me, he’d learn there’s a lot more to me than that. He’s just like everyone else and has formed his opinions about me based on what he sees on the surface. Once I’m in my room, I decide to take a bath in the jet tub while finishing my coffee. Cami always has it stocked with a variety of bath bombs, lavender oil, candles, and bubble baths. It’s just what I need after Ryan ruined my morning. I pair my phone with the Bluetooth speakers in the wall and jam out to Halsey, who I have a major girl crush on. Her voice soothes me as I soak in the tub. After a while, I decide to FaceTime my sister, Piper, to let her know I’ll be here longer than expected. She’s three years younger than me and a famous YouTube star. It’s kinda funny because we’re so opposite. I prefer to stay out of the limelight, and Piper lives for it. She’s a perky, blond lifestyle vlogger and a natural extrovert. While I’d rather stay behind the camera, there are times when she’s had me in her vlogs. “Hey, what’s up? I’m doing a live video on **,” she answers. “Well, excuse me,” I mock. “I just wanted to talk to my sister. So I’m stuck in Roxbury.” She looks into the other phone mounted on a tripod stand. Piper takes so many pictures and social media videos, she had to get a work phone so she could use her personal cell for calls and texts. “Okay, guys. I’ll be back shortly for my ‘get ready with me.’ Love you!” Then she blows kisses before ending it. “What’s going on? You’re stuck in Roxbury.” I snicker, shaking my head. “You’re so extra.” I give her my best kissy lips. “Shut up.” She flips her long hair and pouts. “Now tell me what happened.” “We got twenty inches of snow, and we’re basically stuck here until they can plow the roads. It could be days, and Ryan isn’t happy about it. Let me correct myself…” I clear my throat dramatically. “He’s not happy about being stuck with me.” “Why would it take days?” “We’re on a private road, and it’s on the outskirts of town, like in the mountain area. It’s not a priority. Plus, Roxbury’s population is like two thousand. They probably have one snowplow.” She chuckles. “True.” “And we’re supposed to get more snow. When I looked out this morning, I could hardly see a thing. It’s windy too.” “So yeah, you’re definitely stuck there for a bit. Now tell me about Ryan being a jackass.” I snort because I’ve told her about Cami’s brother a few times. She knows I think he’s attractive, but his pissy attitude and dull personality ruin it for me. He’s always been on the serious side, but since the pandemic started, he’s changed a lot. Working in the ER at one of the largest hospitals in the city means he saw the worst of it. “He called me a f*****g trip when talking to Eli and Cami,” I explain. “And he’s just been super moody. I mentioned relaxing while he’s here, and he blew up over it. Basically said I was a spoiled brat who had nothing to worry about.” “Wow…” She pops a piece of gum in her mouth and starts smacking her lips. “Sounds like he needs to get laid. Maybe you can help in that department.” Piper waggles her brows. “Yeah, that’s not happening. He can’t stand me. For whatever f*****g reason.” “Sounds like this could be an opportunity to get him to like you. Show him the real Kendall Montgomery—inside and out.” She shrugs, popping a bubble. “Both stranded in a mountain cabin surrounded by snow. Kinda sounds romantic to me.” I laugh, though not hating the idea. “Add in watching Hallmark movies by the fireplace and I’d be in.” “See? Worked for Cami.” “Yeah well, I’m not Cami. Eli was in love with her, so that’s different. Ryan only sees me as his sister’s annoying best friend. We’re supposed to be decorating the cabin, but it looks like I’ll be doing it alone since he’s set on being an asshole.” “You have time to butter him up.” Piper flashes a wink. “If you get my drift.” Rolling my eyes, I shake my head. “Yeah, I get your not so subtle hint.” “Mom’s begging for grandchildren, and since I’m waiting till I’m forty, you’ll have to take one for the team.” “I’m not getting knocked up just to make our mother happy!” “Well, prepare for her to bombard you with ‘your internal clock is ticking’ reminders. I’ve been getting them for a year, and I’m only twenty-one!” Piper flashes an annoyed smile. “Mom knows better, I guess. Probably thinks you’ll be the first to have an oopsie pregnancy,” I tease. “Absolutely not!” I take a drink of my coffee and realize it’s starting to get cold, so I chug some more of it. “Well, I better get back to my live stream so I can do my hair and makeup.” “Where are you going?” I ask, confused. “Did you get snow there too?” “Yeah, but not as much as you. The roads should be cleared before noon.” She flashes a s**t-eating grin. “Lucky.” I groan. We say our goodbyes after I promise to keep her updated. I need to text Cami next but decide to wait until after I’m out of the bath. Once the water cools, I drain the tub and throw on a fluffy robe. My cup is empty, and I’ll eventually have to go downstairs for food. Kendall: Your brother’s a jerk. Just thought I’d let you know. Cami: What’d he do now? Kendall: Snapped at me for no reason. So I told him off and walked away. Cami: I’m sure he didn’t mean to. He’s under a lot of stress. Kendall: That’s no excuse to be rude. He made it very known how he feels about me, and it wasn’t good. Cami: I’m sorry. Just remember he’s reserved and doesn’t show emotion well. Just give him time to come around to the idea of being there with you. He’ll open up. I scoff. Kendall: Doubt it, but I guess I’ll try because I have no other choice. If I’m gonna be stuck here with nothing to do, I don’t want to argue with him the whole time. But he needs to put in some effort too! It’s not like I deserved his attitude. Well, I did say he had a stick up his ass… Cami: Kendall! Kendall: I was kidding! He can’t take a joke? Cami: I don’t understand why you two fight. Probably because he likes you and is trying to push you away. Kendall: HA! Now you’re just being delirious. Cami: You like him, or you wouldn’t care what he thought. Kendall: No. He’s HOT. That doesn’t mean I like him. Cami: Whatever you say ;) Kendall: This is your fault, ya know. You couldn’t go to Hawaii for your honeymoon like a normal newlywed. Cami: Nope :) The paps can find me too easily there anyway. I want pure privacy and romance. You two will have plenty of time to make it super special for us now! Kendall: If he’ll help. Right now, he’s set on being miserable. Cami: As I said, he’ll come around. Doubtful, but I guess time will tell, and it seems we’ll have plenty of it. I just hope he doesn’t think he can say mean things, then act like nothing’s wrong like he used to do when I was a teenager.
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