The Goddess' Chosen One, Chapter Six - Karmen Karmer

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6.Mine Luna wakes up in a warm embrace. She could get used to this. Waking up with someone. Waking up with Lothor. It feels nice, good even. She feels safe and treasured. She feels that she finally matters to someone. Luna is no more just an unattainable, distant goddess that nobody is supposed to touch. She gets to live. It's a revelation to her that life is much more than just existing. The world outside of her bubble is vibrant, loud, and interesting. Full of people, shifters, and gods that live in plain sight. She can do that now. The only thing that is left is to find out something she’s good at and do it. “Mmm, you think too much,” Lothor murmurs. “Relax, enjoy life, don’t worry what you’ll do and it will come to you.” “Easy for you to say. You have it all,” she scoffs. “Have you ever wondered what you’ll do in your life?” “Of course. I was a warlord in mediaeval times. When the world got more unified and functional I had to do something else. Riches don’t just fall from the sky, you have to create them,” Lothor answers. “But you’re royalty?” Luna turns around in his embrace to see his reaction. “That does not automatically bring money. If you don’t take care of the people on your land, they don’t pay tribute. Then the whole system changed and the tribute went to the state and not the landlord. So, companies were born and rent became a thing…Do I bore you with this lecture?” Lothor chuckles. “No. I had no idea. Maybe I should read about it?” Luna says. She never thought about the human world. She never gave it any attention. “There are history books in the green room, but you can just ask,” he smiles at her. “You don’t mind?” Luna wonders. “Of course not,” Lothor smiles. “You claimed me as yours. Dragons have a very unique way of understanding that. If you agree to be mine as well, all that is mine will be yours.” “I don’t understand that logic. But it doesn’t sound like a hardship,” Luna answers. She needs to think about it. What would he want in return? Dragons don’t just give things, and he said all that is his… Luna slips into a soft robe and walks down the stairs to the guest room. He said it can be hers and that includes all the clothes in the wardrobe. A little magic to make them fit and she is set for the day. She selected a floral dress that flows around her much in the same manner as her robes. His smile is all the confirmation she needs that her selection was right. The other surprise of the day is an elderly woman serving them breakfast. “Martha, this is Luna. She’s here to stay,” Lothor tells the woman. “And, Luna, this is my housekeeper Martha.” “Mistress,” Martha smiles at her. The woman leans closer to Lothor and whispers almost inaudibly: “Finally. You deserve to be happy.” “You didn’t tell her anything? I can recognise her for what she is, but she is clueless,” Luna chuckles when Martha leaves them alone. “Well,” Lothor pauses: “I don’t know how you feel about people knowing who you really are. I will leave that to you, if you want to tell her or not.” “But, she’s a werewolf. She must know what you are?” Luna inquires. “Doesn’t mean she knows about the gods walking among us. She can’t sense that you aren’t human,” Lothor explains. He gave her more to think about, so she asked if she could go out and think. Walking always seemed to help. She is pacing up and down the terrace, enjoying the sun and the view. Stopping every now and then to just observe the changing landscape and the play of light when clouds move over the valley. At one point she noticed a dragon fly off and return with a large package. And she’s thinking about everything but what she should have been thinking about. “You seem deep in thought,” Martha says behind her back. “Not really. I should be, but I can’t get my thoughts together at all,” Luna answers. The woman might help shed some light on the situation, but would she talk about Lothor with a stranger? “I have time. His Lordship decided he’ll cook today,” Martha smiles. “Hm? Tempting,” Luna nods. “Come sit with me.” “What bothers you?” Martha inquires. “What to do? I need a job of some kind,” Luna starts. “Lothor said I have all the time in the world, but I really want to do something.” “Hm? What are you good at? Did you study? Because frankly, you look like a model to me,” Martha chuckles. “He didn’t tell you,” Luna laughs. “I’m not from here. I’m not even human.” “But you’re not a dragon. I have this metallic aftertaste in my mouth around dragons,” Martha looks at her. “And I met that ex of his once.” “I’m not a dragon. I’m a goddess,” Luna smiles gently. “A moon goddess.” “Oh! Why do you need to work then?” Martha exclaims. “I can’t just depend on Lothor,” Luna shrugs. He hasn’t said it, but she has the feeling that even he works from time to time. “There you are different from the other one, too. I like you. I don’t know what to say about actual work, but just thinking about it is enough,” Martha smiles. “You will find something, I’m sure.” “Thank you,” Luna smiles back. The werewolf is easy to talk to. She knows now why Lothor likes her so much. “Hold on to him. Treat him right and he’ll give you anything you might ever want. Screw him over, and nothing on this Earth can save you,” Martha says very seriously. Luna has the feeling that the older woman is protective of Lothor. A dragon doesn’t need protection, but it’s sweet. “I have no intention of hurting him. Lothor is my Chosen one,” Luna chuckles. “Is that like a mate?” Martha inquires. “Yes. About the same,” she nods. Luna understands the terms and the difference, but it is practically the same. A mate can be a chosen one, too. Some shifters don’t wait around for the one. “Lothor had a chosen mate before, but this time I chose him.” “What did he say? Did he choose you back?” Martha asks with big eyes. “He said: if you agree to be mine as well, all that is mine will be yours. Is that the same thing? He chose me back?” Luna wonders. “Basically? Yes. If you feel complete with him, let him mark you. Everything gets so much better after that,” Martha winks. “I think it’s time for lunch. I won’t keep you.”
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