The Goddess' Chosen One, Chapter One - Karmen Kramer

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The Goddess’ Chosen One 1.You have to fall to rise Luna woke up in an unfamiliar bed. This is definitely not her room, or any room she knows. And she’s not alone! There is a man sleeping next to her. She gazes upon the peaceful looking face and her foggy brain clears up a bit. It’s Lothor. The man Vesna set her up with. Or should she call him dragon? Does it matter? Would he mind? She knows to shield her mind around dragons, even sleeping ones, so what she thinks is completely hers alone. He does present an astute picture. Their conversation from last night was on point and his wits are in no way second to his charm. Gorgeous to a fault, too. If she didn’t know better, she might think of him as a god in disguise. But there is no sign of divinity around Lothor. Charisma and charm, yes, but nothing divine. Not a drop of divine blood in him. It must be ages since his bloodline was created. She can detect that. Maybe she can ask him if he knows? Just like she knows there is something more about Vesna. Being mated to a dragon does not make you one. Dragons are rare and secretive, but everyone knows they are born. “You look at me like you regret it already,” Lothor says without opening his eyes. “I do not. How do you know I’m looking?” She asks him. Luna is looking at him. Why shouldn’t she if he looks so alluring? “I can feel your eyes on my skin. I can’t explain it better,” he says. “Alright. Where am I looking?” Luna inquires. Can he really do this? “My abs. Just at the line where the covers end,” Lothor chuckles and the rippling effect does strange things to the said abs. Luna swallows the saliva that pooled in her mouth. “And now?” She breathes lightly. “My shoulder,” he answers. She sighs. He really can do this. Dragons are weird, but maybe that’s just a man thing? She’s not asking Vesna about this. How hard is it to figure a man out? Luna never gave them a second glance, but this specimen just might be worth it. She already sacrificed everything for him last night when she could have said no. Laying back against the headboard, she closes her eyes and searches for her temple. It lies in ruin. The waters of Elysium are splashing over the marble. Is the whole island sinking? Should she care? There is peace and almost a serene feeling about it all. “Are you hungry? Ty’s housekeeper makes a variety of breakfast jams and they are amazing with the home-baked bread she serves,” Lothor asks her. “Oh!” Luna exclaims. “We’re still at the castle. I can’t just show up in yesterday’s gown. What would they think?” “Well, you are a goddess. Can’t you make your clothes appear?” Lothor scoffs. “I can try,” Luna says. She sits up and thinks really hard of the spot she last saw her normal clothes in. The ones Veles and Ilona provided when she first showed up. Her white gown would be equally out of place as the amazing thing she had on last night. She feels cotton between her fingers and then she carefully opens her eyes. The jeans and shirt that appeared are hers. Luna forgot about the shoes, but she has seen women combine jeans and stilettos, so that’s what she’s going for. She dresses fast when Lothor walks to the adjacent bathroom. He doesn’t seem to have a problem with nudity as he strolls there with the confidence of a Greek god. He can be proud of himself, she thinks. The chiselled lines of his back are perfect. She chose right for herself. If she had to fall, he’s the perfect guy to do it with. Even if this thing only brings a few days of pleasure, she at least knows what all the fuss is about. No regrets, only lust for more. But Luna is a prideful creature, she won’t beg. She will have to find another way to keep the dragon lord with her. Walking around the castle in daylight loses some of the magic and mystery but it still shines. The staircase is bathing in the sun and she wishes for a sofa somewhere from where she could admire the play of light. A young girl greets them happily in the foyer. Luna smiles back at her, then she follows Lothor. The man seems to know where they are going. “This is a hotel. I love what Ty and Vesna did with the concept. And I appreciate that there is a family parlour for the days I don’t feel like eating in the main dining room,” Lothor tells her softly. It’s amazing how he changes his tone of voice when he wants to be discreet. The parlour is set up to be a small dining room. With tables decked out with all the breakfast foods one might want. They are alone here and Luna starts entertaining the idea of keeping him for real. Asking about his mate will have to wait. It might ruin things, so she will maintain the illusion for a while longer. But it’s gnawing at her all the same. There had to be a mate at some point if he had a son. Dragons don’t let go of their mates easily, so she wonders what happened there. A safe topic is needed because she doesn’t want to scare him off. “Do you live here?” Luna wonders. Vesna told her so little about the man and she is curious now that she got to know him better. “No. In Switzerland. I love the peace there. The mountains and lakes. I can take you there if you want to see it,” Lothor smiles at her. His charm is drawing her in. Does he know what he does to her? His violet eyes are shining when he talks about his home. His face is softer and more relaxed. He actually looks younger. “In a castle? I know it’s a cliche that all dragons own castles, I just wonder. It doesn’t really matter to me,” Luna asks him. Why does she have the need to explain? To justify her questions? Can’t they just talk? “Not really a castle, it’s more of a keep. There are tunnels and underground caves, but the main living space is a modern glass and steel house nestled between the rocks and the old towers,” Lothor tells her. “With a description like that, I'd love to see it. The view must be astonishing?” She smiles at him. If she plays her cards right, she just might keep him. “I’ll ask Vesna for a favour. I know it’s hard to teleport to a place you haven’t been before and she can get us there with a portal key,” Lothor says it like it’s not a problem at all. Luna hasn’t seen the gods use those portal keys that often. But then again, she’s only been here for a few days. “Teleporting is difficult in any way. We are not worshipped the way we used to be. Our powers are dampened…” Luna sighs. She misses the old days when she didn’t have to think about it and did it on a whim. Now, she’s not even sure she could teleport to the next room. “Can you do it?” “No. I usually fly. But it takes four hours to get to Switzerland from here and dragon travel can get cold,” he explains. “I don’t mind the cold, but I have never flown before,” Luna muses. Last night wasn’t exactly flying. He barely spread his wings to get them on the roof. “We can save the flying for some other day,” Lothor chuckles. Does this mean he’s not leaving her? Is he entertaining the idea of sticking around? Is there a chance for her after all? Why does it matter? Is it possible to fall in love at first sight?
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