Chapter 20 - Jane

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I roll over to find myself looking at an empty bed. Disappointed, I run my hand over the spot that Kadis had been laying in. Cold. He’s been gone for a while. Probably for the best, I have a lot to do today. I force myself to get up. I wish I could just skip today, but Bea deserves to be surrounded by love today, and I vowed to give it to her. I let the water wash over me until I feel almost human enough to face the day. I have a lot to do. I get ready and after grabbing a quick bite to eat, I head out the door. -------------------- “How are you doing?” I look up and see Michael peering at me. I’m tired, I’m sad, I’m angry, I’m frustrated, I’m exhausted…. I’m lost. What do I tell him? I can’t pinpoint one feeling, they’re all swirling inside my head. I can’t think straight, my brain is foggy. Everything is so hard. Tears start to fall again and Michael warps me in his arms. I feel guilty. He’s being so nice even though I told him I was seeing Kadis. Where the Hell is he? He had sent a few texts. In the last one I received, he said that he would be here at 1:30, but the funeral is starting right away and he isn’t here yet. Michael finally pulls away when the director clears his throat. "Miss Quinn, we are ready to start now." I dab at my eyes and take one last look around for Kadis. I don't see him so I take Michael's arm and head in. -------------------- My head is killing me. The director said he had a quiet room I could use, so I’ve been sitting in the dark waiting for the Advil to take effect. Everything is crawling in slow motion. I’m stiff from standing at the door receiving everyone’s sentiments and condolences. Most of the people who came I already knew. A lot of them were residents from the building and some from the surrounding businesses, but there were a few friends of Bea's that I had never met. The funeral is over now and guests are gathered around visiting and reminiscing. Every once in a while someone will go up to the podium and share a story about Bea, but right now it seems fairly quiet. I can hear a few guests talking in quiet tones just outside the door. I pray like crazy that no one comes in, I just want a few minutes alone. The voices move away and I close my eyes. It’s been a whirlwind of greetings and words of sympathy. I didn’t think it would be possible, but my tears are gone. They’ve been replaced by an ache in my heart. I’m sure they’ll be back though, just not today. A soft knock comes from the door. I reluctantly get up. I guess I should go back out. At least my headache has faded to almost nothing. Opening the door, the director gives me a small smile. “I’m sorry to disturb you Miss Quinn, but a guest has been requesting to see you. He was very adamant on seeing you.” He waves towards the brochure table and I see Michael and Kadis in a semi-heated discussion. I can see they are trying to keep it quiet, but their gestures and scowls are giving away the intensity of the conversation. I head in their direction and as I get close, Kadis glances over and a small smile appears on his face as he cuts Michael off mid-sentence and starts towards me. Michael grabs at his arm before he gets too far. Kadis shrugs out of his grasp as Michael says something to him. Kadis glares over his shoulder and I can hear anger in his voice as I catch the end of his retort, “No, it is not, Michael.” Turning back to me, he holds his arms out for a hug. I should be mad that he missed the funeral after he said he would make it, but I’m not. I’m too tired to be angry. I step into his arms and he holds me for a bit. “I’m so sorry for not being here Jane. I really am.” Stepping away, I look over at Michael. He has a deadpan expression on his face as he watches Kadis and I. Removing myself from Kadis’ embrace, I walk over to Michael. “Would it be unkind of me to ask for a hug from you as well?” His eyes flick over my head, I presume at Kadis. Holding his arms out he holds me close for a second, then releases me. I want him to know that his presence and kindness is appreciated. “Thank you for coming Michael, I couldn’t have gotten through today without you.” “Anything for a friend Jane. You needed support, I was able to give it.” “Please stay for a bit longer Michael. I would like to talk to you again before you leave. But I would like a few minutes alone with Kadis.” Michael’s eyes pass over my head again and in this lighting they almost seem to pulse. When he looks back at me though, they look the same bright blue that they normally are. “Sure, Jane. I’ll be around.” With that he turns and walks into the small crowd a few yards away. “Follow me.” I grab Kadis’ hand and lead him to the quiet room. I wave at the director as I pass by to let him know that I’m using the room again. I walk into the room letting Kadis close the door behind him. When he turns around, I throw my arms around his neck and pull his head down so his lips touch mine. I’ve been numb all day and I want to feel something other than grief. At least for a little bit. Kadis lifts me up to him and squeezes me tight as he responds to my kiss with equal hunger. I enjoy the kiss a few moments longer before pulling away. “Sorry, I just really needed that. But now that I got that out of the way, I have to go back outside.” I go to open the door, but Kadis puts his hand on it to hold it closed. “I really am sorry Jane, I did try to make it. Are you okay?” “I’m okay right now Kadis. I’m not mad at you, if that’s what you are worried about. But I could have really used you here earlier.” I look into his eyes. The green in them is very prominent in this low light. I give a weak smile and pull on the door again. This time he lets it open. “And Kadis, be kind to Michael. He has been very nice in helping me get through this. I’m not naive about what is going on between you two, but I do consider him a friend. Please try to treat him like one.” “I’ll try for you Jane.” -------------------- I find Michael talking to one of the ladies from my building that lives a few floors above me. “Hi Kate, mind if I talk to Michael for a little bit?” “Sure Jane,” turning to Michael she gives his hand a shake, “Nice to meet you Michael. See you Jane.” And with that she leaves us alone. “Nice lady” he observes. “I don’t really know her. But she did know Bea, everyone did.” “Listen Jane, I’m really glad I was able to help you today, and what I’m going to tell you next is going to sound weird. But I want you to know that I really have nothing but your safety in mind.” He looks over at Kadis who is hovering at the other end of the room watching us. Michael runs his hand through his hair. “Kadis is not who he says he is.” I open my mouth to protest, but Michael cuts me off. “Listen Jane. Beyond me, beyond what you may feel for him, beyond what I feel for you, be careful with him. This is not about me trying to ‘break you up’. This is about your life.” I didn't want to deal with this today, though I should have expected it when I invited both Kadis and Michael. “I don’t know what to say Michael. I am being careful. Kadis has shown me nothing to make me feel afraid in any way. I’m sorry Michael, but I can’t take your advice seriously right now. I want to be friends but if it is going to be too hard for you to accept that, I can understand.” I look back at Kadis and see him engaged in a conversation with a nice older lady that I had just met today. She seemed completely smitten with him. “It’s not like that Jane. I really mean it.” He lets out a deep breath. “I’m just saying that he is not who you think he is. If you want to date him, date him, but please keep what I told you in mind and don’t make any hasty decisions.” He too looks over at Kadis, who is now helping the lady with a plate of snacks. “I do want to be friends. If that is what you are offering, then that’s what I’ll take.” “That’s all I can be, Michael.”
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