Chapter 23 - Kadis

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“See you soon.” And with that Jane leaves to her meetings. Sitting back down, I take a look over the notes that I have compiled. I have already filled five or so pages.The information I found is so much more complete. Plus, there is less sorting through truth and stories. I started with the books that pertained to daemons. Not only am I looking for anything that may tell me about what Jane can do, but since Michael revealed himself, I need to find out what he can do. I haven’t found anything similar to Jane’s abilities, but there is a lot about daemons. I found out that daemons are similar to demons in regard to having a very diverse and large caste system. Much like my aura, a Djinn’s materialization ability, an Anarch’s shapeshifting, each ‘type’ of daemon has a specific ability. From what I read their abilities can range from putting people at ease, allowing people or beings to ‘see’ the truth, healing wounds, curing diseases, and instilling courage, just to name a few. Though it seems that their abilities are geared towards the betterment of a person. I’m still unsure what ‘type’ Michael is, but it’s looking like Jane isn’t a daemon. I’ll finish the book I’m reading, but I’m thinking that I won’t find any answers there. Unless I missed an important book somewhere. It’s possible I did. There were so many of them in the Archives, but this one does describe daemons in great detail. The other two I grabbed are about their realm and history. While they are interesting, there is not much information pertaining to abilities and powers. This is where my key focus is on. Jane’s ability is pretty specific and if I can find that one, I can hopefully find out what she is. Maybe I can still find a way to mark her! I pick up the Book of Fae. She has to be fae. There’s no other explanation. I not only can narrow my search by abilities, I can also narrow it by fae who look human. I don’t think she knows that she isn’t human, so her human form is probably natural. As I open the book to start, I get a text. “Drinks? The usual place?” It’s Jaed. I completely forgot about him. It’s a little early for drinking but I could use some food. I’m happy that he texted me though, I could use a little information on what has been going on in Helis. “Sure. Half hour?” “K” I stack the books and tidy kitchen. I'm pretty confident that the books will be safe here. Not that I have anywhere else to hide them. Taking one last look at them, I portal to Helis. -------------------- “Jaed! How is the honeymoon? I’m surprised to see you out in public.” I wink at him and Mikkas as I startle them. The couple blush and separate a few inches. Jaed is all smiles but I can see tension in his face. “Kadis, what are you having? The usual?” “Nothing to drink right now, but I’ll have a Meat-eater’s plate.” Jaed leans into Mikkas and whispers in his ear. Mikkas throws me a look, then gets up and heads to the bar. “Mikkas will grab our food and drink. How is it going with Jane?” “Great! I’m learning so much about her. I’m hoping to extend the hunt a bit longer. You know how much I like it that way.” Jaed looks over his shoulder at Mikkas, who is chatting with the bartender. As he watches him, his hand slides a small piece of paper across the table. When he turns back, his eyes bore into me. I discreetly palm it. I hold it under the top of the table and read it quickly. I keep my expression steady as I try not to react to the note. I’m being watched. Careful what you say. I figured he might be on the radar a bit with the ceremony happening at the same time as the theft. But there is no proof that he was involved. “I’ve spent the last six days in her bed. She came upon a windfall of money so she doesn’t have to work. I have her right where I want her. She’s ready to be marked, but I so do love to draw out the preliminaries. I’m thinking a few more days then I’ll mark her and bring her here.” “That’s great Kadis! I know how much you wanted this pet. She’s a looker alright. Mikkas and I have been cooped up for the most part since the hand-binding. He’s keeping me on my toes.” We settle into a comfortable conversation, but I can tell that there is an underlying unease. I try to put hidden meanings into my words, and Jaed does the same. We develop a rhythm and manage to exchange basic information. From what I gather, no word has been said about a breach of the Archives, Mikkas was interviewed, Jaed thinks he’s being watched, but otherwise everything else is normal. It’s hard to get solid information but at least we can get the gist across. I try to let him know that I found nothing yet, but I can’t figure out a way to tell him about Michael. The only thing I was able to convey is that he is really interested in Jane as well, but about him being a daemon is a little much to try and communicate right now. If Jaed is being watched I really don’t want them sniffing into my affairs. When Mikkas returns with our orders, Jaed pastes on his million dollar smile and we spend the rest of the afternoon chatting, eating, and drinking. Though we are enjoying ourselves, I get a feeling of being watched. Am I just picking up on Jaed’s paranoia or are we really under surveillance? When we part, I take a few portals around Earth and do a little sightseeing, just to see if anyone is following me. As far as I can tell no one is. A few hours later I head back to Jane’s. Hopefully I can get a little bit of research in. I let myself in and see the books have been moved. Jane’s bag and shoes are here, but I don’t hear her. I peak into the room and see her curled up under the covers. Her meeting must have tired her out. Human grief is weird. Some take it better than others. As far as I can tell, Jane is one of the better ones. She gets moments of sadness and tiredness, but overall she seems to be functioning quite well. Though the death of her friend has made it so that I had to slow down my advances. I can’t entice Jane into s*x anytime I want. I have to be sensitive to her moods right now. I can’t mark her, so it is extremely important that I am aware of her feelings. It’s a challenge, because after a mark is placed the pet is very docile and compliant and I usually don’t have to worry about it. Without a mark, Jane could cut me off at any time. I just have to hope that if I screw up that she will forgive me.  Luckily she hasn’t asked too many direct questions about me or my ‘life’. I can only deflect so much before she’ll ask the right question and I’ll be unable to give a vague answer. I have a feeling that skirting questions will only last so long with her. I have to find out what is going on with her, what she is. I have to figure out how to mark her soon. I can’t lose her.
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