Chapter 5 - Kadis

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I can’t believe my luck! The universe has aligned for me and now here she is. Again though, she has seen me without my permission. I must figure this out. A flutter goes through my chest, as I slowly stretch and I could feel her eyes following me. Putting on what I hope is an interested expression, I turn my mouth up into a smile and focus my full attention on her. I see her eyes dart to the left and right. “Umm, sorry to bother you, but I was wondering if you would be able to help me.” I decide to have a little fun and see how far it goes, but before I can even get a word out she starts to shake. Her eyes go glassy and her eyelids start to flutter and I realize what is about to happen. Jumping out of my chair I manage to catch her just before she falls to the floor. I gently lay her on the floor. She’s still breathing, but I don’t know what is wrong with her. I put out an area permission, run to the end of the section and yell for someone. Running back I see that she is unchanged. As I’m moving her to straighten her head, I hear someone coming. “I don’t know what happened!” “Sir, you need to move back so I can help her, I know first aid.” I reluctantly move away and the guy, one of the librarians I think, is checking her pulse and leaning close to check her breathing. “What happened?” he barks at me, as he starts to turn her onto her side with her head cradled on her arm. “I don’t know! She just came up to ask me for help, and then she collapsed.” Turning towards me, he furrows his brow, “You don’t know her?” “No” The librarian pulls his phone out, “Yes, I need an ambulance at St. Jerome’s library…. Young woman, 18-20…. Unconscious… Steady heartbeat, but her breathing is laboured….. Unknown.” I watch as the guy hovers over her as he’s talking on the phone with who I assume is 911. I don’t want to leave her, but there is nothing I can do right now. I step back out of the guys line of sight and revoke my permission. He grabs his radio and yells at the person on the other end to send the paramedics to Section 23. A few minutes later two paramedics run in. They proceed to assess her and get her on a gurney. A girl is prepping her for the ambulance ride, while her partner is asking the librarian questions. I tune out the chatter as more and more people arrive to see what the commotion is about. I look over to see the librarian gesture towards where I was standing, then look around. He must be telling them about me. The female paramedic says something to her partner. The other paramedic turns back towards the gurney and they start to wheel her out. I move closer to the librarian and overhear him telling the other worker that they were taking the girl to Catherine’s Medical Center and that he will head there after work to check on her. Not wanting any interference from this human I reach over to the computer he is at and proceed to have it wipe its memory. The look on his face as the main system shuts down is one of horror. The two librarians are scrambling to check the other systems as I walk through the door to Helis. That should keep him busy for a while, I don’t need him in my way. ----------------- “What is up with you Kadis?” I look over at Jaed, who is glaring at me. “You invite me out for a drink, and then spend all your time either ‘Going to check on something’ or ignoring me. Frankly it’s getting a little boring, and you know how I hate boring.” He downs his drink, turns in his chair and surveys the club. Our waitress, a cute Succubus, grabs his empty cup and replaces it with a full one. I take a look around and see that the bar has just begun to fill up and the festivities have already started for the night. Groups of demons have started to form in booths and private areas. More and more lower demons paraded around trying to catch the eye of uppers. Flesh flashed everywhere. Jaed followed a couple of Anarchs with his eyes as they walked by. The male brazenly looked over his shoulder and winked at him as he licked his lips. As Archon demons, Jaed and I are powerful enough that we rarely have to seek the approval of an upper demon. It’s been centuries for me, and even longer for Jaed. Actually, that’s how we managed to end up as friends. We ended up in the same group once and have been pretty much inseparable since. We sometimes even share pets. Though very rarely do we have a pet that we both desire. My tastes run a little more subtle than his. Oh don’t get me wrong, I love a hot body, but for anything other than releasing primal desires I prefer a more rounded persona. Jaed is right though, I have been distracted. I’ve excused myself more times than I can count to portal back to earth to check on her. Then when I’m not there, all I can do is think of her. She had regained consciousness, but is resting now. I made sure to only enter her room when she was asleep, so she didn’t know I was there. No one else sensed my presence. I slam my drink and shake off thoughts of her. I came out to take my mind off of her for a while, not to sit here and mope. I look over and see Jaed still watching the Anarchs. Taking a closer look, I see the female has chosen a body type very similar to my pet. Sitting up straighter, I beckon them over. Jaed turns with a surprised look on his face. “And here I thought you didn’t want to have fun tonight.” He laughed as he wagged his finger at me.  “Well, I didn’t get all dressed up for nothing!” I teased him back. “Besides, I see you have chosen your partner for the night.” I gestured in the direction of the male Anarch. “You know me too well Kadis. That’s what I like about you.” Turning back to the approaching demons, Jaed maneuvers the male to his side, leaving the female to slide in next to me. She doesn’t really look like my chosen, but the nice thing about Anarchs is that they are shapeshifters. I can literally mold her to look like whoever I want. I guess it will have to do for now. Waving at our waitress, I signal for another round of drinks. Let the games begin.
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