Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 Ella POV. Boom, that’s how the thunder sounded outside, again and again, it was pouring outside, I was terrified here, hugging my teddy closer to me. I was terrified of the thunder, I always hated how it sounded, out on the street, out of my window, and now out of my car. I had nowhere to go, I was a homeless person, living out of a car that have no gas to it, I couldn’t even change places even if I wanted to. This all started few months ago, my last fight with my mother, when she kicked me out of the house, I had my used car keys, a duffle bag with my stuff in it and six dollars in my pocket. I always thought six was a lucky number until I was left with only six dollars, I left the place crying, I had nowhere to go, getting into my crappy car and taking off to the road. I didn’t make it far, just up to an abandoned park, it’s where my car died, it wouldn’t start anymore but it was okay, that’s as far as I’m going from here. Lulu, my stuffed grey wolf with purple eyes was my one and only loyal friend, she was with me when I spent the six dollars, when I was too hungry and was ready to beg for food. She was also hidden in my backpack when I applied for the job in the local library, I always had a weak spot for the books and stories, when they took me I couldn’t be happier. My job was easy and simple, just help people buying their stories, cash them out, put the books back in place and finally I can read as much as I want. It was the best kind of job for me, I loved it and I got paid weekly, enough to eat, after my first paycheck, I had spent a full week starving, I tried to ask for my money beforehand but my boss who’s the meanest person ever, said no. How could such a cold hearted person be responsible for one of the best places in the world! There was no sleeping with a storm outside, I was up most of the night, I was up early and ready to go to work, I was slipping but pushed it down as I got out of her car and quickly walked over to the bookstore. I walked over to the children's books area, I was thankful no one was around as I sat down in a beanbag after grabbing a few books to read. "Ella, stop slouching around and get to work" my manager yells at me, there was no one in the shop while I was sitting around here. I looked up to see a woman standing next to the register, I huffed angrily and put the book away before walking over to the nice looking lady. "Hi ma'am, how may I help you?" I ask the woman, she was only about five feet tall, with brown long hair and brown eyes. "Hello, I'm here for the new werewolf story" she says looking at me, I tried my best to hide under my own overgrown bangs. "Do you have it reserved already?" I ask hoping that was the case so I can grab one that's near the check stand of all the reserved books for their customers. I was starting to feel self-conscious of myself as I caught the woman still looking but shook it off as I had to work. "Yes it's under the name of Kennedy smith” she replies. I nodded and looked up the name, once got to the checkout stand, finding it rather quickly then did the whole check out process for reserved books before putting in a bag for her. "Have a nice day. Enjoy the new book" I said smiling at her, she thanked me but was still standing here. I got more nervous the longer she stayed staring at me. "Ma'am, do you need something else? We have a coffee shop that sells delicious drinks and sweets. I always grab a few before I leave" I said which wasn't a lie. I always got at least a drink and cookie at end of my shift before cuddling in for the night in my car. I looked over at the clock and saw I still had about an hour left of my shift. “Really” she says and looked like she’s thinking about something before adding "We have a dinner party tonight, it's just in a restaurant down the street. You're welcome to join us" "Oh uhm..." I pause. She is so pretty and nice but I can't let her know I'm living in my car. Dinner does sound nice. "That sounds great... but I still have about an hour left till I can leave here" "That's great baby girl, you'll be just in time" she says making me blush she smiled one last time before she left with her book. I sighed and walked around helping customers find books or check out till it was finally time to clock out. When my time was finally over, I checked out and left, do I change my clothes? I have a skirt on with thigh high socks and a sweater. The weather was miserable enough so I decided to dress up a little today, well it’s the best I could do for now, with a big sigh I left the bookshop and walked toward the restaurant, she was right it’s just down the street. I made it to the door and froze, do I go in? Do I leave? I don’t even know what’s the party is for, I was about to leave when I heard my name being called. Chapter 2 Kennedy POV. The weather was bad, but I needed to get that new book, it's Robert birthday gift, who'd knew a grown up man would kill for the newest werewolf love book. I got into my car, drove carefully toward the local book store, they had the new book reserved for me. It was supposed to one quick drive, until I walked into the library. A girl was sitting on a bean bag, her blond hair was covering her eyes with overgrown bangs, she tried to huff them away from her face but to no use. She looked young, maybe she's just here with her parents, looking down at the book she had in her hands it was a kids story. Does she read for the local kids? Or is it just for her? I was busy looking at her, when the store manager called to her, he called her Ella, even her names was beautiful. I asked her for the new werewolf love story and she gave it to me right away. I wasn’t ready to leave yet, I was thinking do I ask her out? Do I sit outside and stalk her? Do I find a better plan that won’t get me arrested yet? I decided to ask her to come over the party, I know it’s Robert birthday and I’m sure he won’t mind if I get him an extra gift. When she said yes, I felt my heart miss a beat, or maybe two, she’s like the cutest thing ever. When I called her little one, she blushed maybe she’s not against what I have in mind for her. I left the store and went back home, I had to change my jeans for something a bit more birthday appropriate for Rebert’s birthday. I got home and changed to a velvet dress with some high heels boots, my hair was curled quickly and was messy but fashionably messy. I got back into my car with the book now in a gift bag and left toward the restaurant we’re all meeting there, it’s supposed to be a surprise, he thinks we’re only going to casual dinner, me and him. But our friends in the community are coming too, we were all into dom and littles lifestyle, but our friends had a little partners of their own while we were liteless. I knew I was a mommy long time ago, it’s how we met, in a club meetup for care givers and littles, me and Robert hit up right away, but we didn’t find any littles that matches our preference. One year later, we got married and still no little, now that three years have passed, it was Robert birthday. I got in the restaurant and met up with our friends, Eden and her little Liam, James and Benjamin and their little Henry. We all agreed we need more girls into our group, I was the only female in our friend group, I greeted my friends and sat down waiting for Robert who’s running late. I had my eye on the door the whole time, it’s when she came in, she was still dressed in the same clothes as this afternoon, the skirt and high socks with the sweater. It was similar to what I would’ve dressed her if she was mine, but my choice is a bit more expensive then hers, I saw her stand at the door, she looked like she’s about to leave. “Ella” I called her moving toward her, she looked at me and blushed, red does suit her. “Hi” she said still blushing. “Come in, let me introduce you to the rest” I said taking hold of her elbow and walking her inside, I introduced her to our friend, the littles just smiled at her while the other were looking at me with knowing eyes. They knew I want a little girl, I always did, but never found my match, who knows maybe baby Ella would be it. “He’s coming” Henry says and we all stood up waiting for him to come in. “Happy birthday” we all called in the same time, even Ella did, a bit late but she did. Robert got closer to me and kissed my lips thanking me for the surprise, he knew it’s my idea to make him a birthday party. Of course it was mine, he thanked everyone, but then he noticed Ella, he looked at her and his eyes lit up with excitement. “And who are you little one?” he asks her, I wanted to slap him and tell him to take it slow but it’s his birthday. “I’m…E…Ella” the poor girl stutters. “Welcome Ella, I’m guessing my wife invited you over” he said. Birthday or not I was about to beat his a*s, the way Ella’s eyes bulged out gave him all the explanation he needed. “Ohh…uhh…Ken?” he says, yes of course now that he messed up he’s calling me. “Ella, this is Robert, it’s his birthday” I say hoping that knowing it’s his birthday would help her stay for tonight and hear us out. Thankfully Ella did smile and wished Rob a happy birthday again and sat down with us, it was time to order food now. Chapter 3 Ella POV Once I was caught by Kennedy, she walked me inside with her there is no going back now, I took a deep breath and went in with her. We walked to the table occupied by few other people all of them being males and dressed up for the occasion, I was introduced to all of them as Kennedy's friend. Some of the guys gave me a look like they knew something I didn’t while the other two just smiled at me and welcomed me with them. Henry said someone was coming. I’m guessing who this party is for, I felt like a weirdo standing there when they all yelled happy birthday once a handsome gentleman arrived to the table. I was late to saying the phrase but in the end I said it, I felt weird but weirder not saying anything to him. I saw him kiss Kennedy on the lips, thank the others and finally turned to me making me turn b****y red. He instantly called me little one causing my blush to get even worse, was it this obvious, did they both instantly know I’m a little? How could they? We just met? We exchanged names and greeting, I thought they were a cute couple in general filled with love and happiness. It would be nice if they were my mommy and daddy, that if they were ones. But what if they were but don’t want me, I’m nothing special and I’m homeless. I’m kicked out of my home and now live out of my car that hasn’t moved for a while now. Next it was time to order food they all chosen some expensive food that I can’t even pronounce, while I ordered the cheapest thing on the menu which happened to be a simple hamburger, I could hardly afford, I didn’t want a lot or to be a bother to anyone with paying for my food. I could feel the eyes of both Kennedy and Robert on me. I know I’m skinny but I’m not that hungry for a big meal anyway, eating small meals makes you get used to just a little bit of food at the time. This plane burger alone cost the same as my weekly food budget but I ordered something because I knew they wouldn’t let me out of the restaurant without eating something. I didn’t want to be rude since Kennedy offered me to join the party, her husband birthday party, not the kind of party you get invited to every day. Henry suggest we play the twenty one question games, well mostly to find out things about me since they are all friends, but still it was fun especially with all the comments from the others, they made me laugh so bad over this one question, water came out of my nose.
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