Chapter 14

2991 Words

"Guy mommy have an important meeting today, I need to work in my office can you two promise me to play nicely?" I ask them. "Wes mama" was Ella quick reply, too quick for my l*****g, I turned to her, I'm still debating ust placing her in a playpen until my meeting is over. "How about you go in your playpen until mama's meeting is over?" I ask crossing my fingers she'd go willingly, it'll be less worry if she's safe where I can see her. "Nuuuu!!" she yells right away, I slap her thigh lightly telling her off yelling, she can't yell not today. "Hunter are you gonna be a big boy and keep an eye on Ella for me?" I ask hoping if he's taking care of her they won't fight. "Sure mommy don't worry" he replies with too much trust, I just nod my head and leave them for the day, I moved to my off

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