Chapter 1: Aureaila's P.O.V.

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I was having the best dream. I was in the middle of the woods. Laying on a giant stump staring up at the clouds. Everything was peaceful, and quiet. Although, I swear I've been here before. Something seems so familiar about this place. Aureaila... Aureaila... "Aureaila wake the f**k up!" "Ahh!" I jolted up. My heart is racing uncontrollably. I looked at my sisters Acaisia, and Akari. These assholes. "Sorry Relly. I told her to be nice about it." Akari said, giving Acaisia the side eye. "You know how she is though." "Hey! In my defense I tried to be gentle, but you wouldn't wake up. Musta been having a great dream." Acaisia said wiggling her eyebrows. "Yeah, I was an only child, it was great!" I said. I stood up, and threw my pillow at Acaisia's face. I hightailed it to my bathroom to pee. When I came out with a toothbrush in my mouth my sisters are still there. There are 12 of us in total now. I know, crazy right. Guess Mom and Dad wanted a big family. First there's me. Then Atiana a year younger than me making her 19 now. Ambrose a year younger then her. Acaisia and Akari are the first set of twins, and wre 17. Next set of twins are Azai and Aries at 15. Then theres a third set of twins, Akeehla and Atreus currently 14. Axton is 12, Alessio is 10, and last, but not least, is Amory at six years old. Right now, these two are the ones bothering me though. I glared at them, my eyes slits. They look exactly alike. Both light blonde hair like Moms, and deep blue eyes like Dads. The only difference is Acaisia's hair is down to her butt, and perfectly straight. While Akari's hair is cut to under her ears. Their personalities couldn't be different though. Where Acaisia is loud, and bubbly, Akari is quiet, and keeps to herself. "Shouldn't you guys be in class?" I managed to get out around the toothbrush. We live on school grounds. Have our own mansion off to the back corner. Moms family has been running this school for generations. It used to be a school just for Witches, but our grandmother opened it up to all supernatural creatures. Mom made waves letting hybrids in. Now it remains a safe place for all supernatural kids to come, and learn. To practice control, and just be themselves. It is also the head base for an organization Mom created. We call it the Black Ops Core, or BOC for short. We deal with wrong doings against our kind. Kidnappings, murders, monsters that sort of thing. Mom just calls it The Squad. Lame, and simple. "We do have to get going, but Atiana wanted us to come wake you up. Says she has a mission for you." Akari said. "Yeah, guess we're off. Love you big sis." Acaisia blew me a kiss then grabbed her twins hand, and they left. I rolled my eyes. Acaisia's mate is going to have his hands full. Akari is going to give her mate hell too. Ayla snickered That's because she hasn't told anyone she likes girls yet. I said. I can't wait for her to finally be honest with herself. Maybe you should tell her we know. Ayla suggested. What? No. You know Akari. She has to deal with this herself. She'll tell me when she's ready. I said. And we will be waiting with open arms. Ayla replied. I smiled. Ayla and I are always on the same page. I know they say your wolf is a part of you, but Ayla is half of my soul. I would be post without her. My mind wandered back to my dream as I turned the shower on. I stripped down, and got in. Letting the hot water run down my head, and across my body. I've had that same dream for the last six months now. This time was only different because Acaisia woke me up before I seen him. I'm always in the same place though. Sitting, or laying down on the giant stump. But I'm never alone for long. Usually he's always there. I can never remember his face when I wake up, but those dark green eyes are burned into my brain. I can't get them out of my head. Everytime I close my eyes they're staring back at me. I wonder if they belong to my mate. They probably do. Ayla said. I bet we'll meet him soon. I admit the thought excites me to no end. All I ever dreamed of is meeting my mate. I can't wait to be loved like that. In the supernatural world, everyone has a mate. The Moon Goddess blessed Werewolves with their other half. After you have your first shift, you can find them. Wolves value mates more than any other species. To them mates are everything. You connect eyes with them, and your wolves knew. Their smell is supposed to be intoxicating, their touch sends sparks across your skin. Goddess I can't wait. Don't get my hopes up. Our first shift was over 17 years ago, and we haven't met our mate yet. I said. Ayla whined in my head. I know we shifted younger than anyone ever, but it's unheard of to not meet your mate for this long. Most wolves found their mates within 5 years of their first shift. I finished my shower quickly after that. Trying not to get lost in depressing thoughts. I picked out some clothes for the day. A black pair of leggings, a baby blue cropped T-shirt, a black thong, and a white bra. After drying, and dressing myself I combed through my long wet hair, and tied it in a high ponytail. I put my socks on then my black boots. Looking at myself in my full length mirror, I decided I look good. No need for makeup, I never wear it unless there's a special occassion. I headed downstairs, and was met with the youngest of all my siblings, Amory. She's sitting at the kitchen bar eating a piece of toast, and avoiding her oatmeal. "Good morning Mo." I said cheerfully as I kissed the top of her head, and sat on the stool next to her. Amory looked at me. Her eyes huge. She's so damn cute. Mo doesn't look like any of us. She has strawberry blonde hair that falls in loose curls down her back. Her eyes are the strangest thing about her appearance. They are white. Pure white. Rimmed with black. They stand out, and tend to be off putting to most people. Which angers me to no end. Just because Mo is different she gets bullied all the time. I know most of us did. Kids are terrified of the Morningstar's, and people tend to bully us to make themselves feel better, and safer. The usual backwards ass logic. "Good morning Relly." Mo said flatly. Mo is a lot like Atiana when it comes to emotions. Neither one of them seem to have very many. At 19 Atiana has managed to get herself the nickname the 'Souless'. It doesn't seem to bother her, but does anything? "Good morning ladies!" Miriam said to us as she slid me a cup of coffee. I took a long drink, and moaned. "Ugggh, this is heaven. Thanks Miriam." "You're welcome honey." She smiled warmly at me, and returned to wiping down the counters. Miriam is our nanny. She is an old friend of the family. Miriam's dark brown hair is up in a tight bun at the back of her head. Little specks of gray are peaking around her face. Her dark brown eyes sparkled as she smiled at me. Miriam has the warmest aura. She's someone you just want to hug all the time. Usually, she does housework with us. Yes, with. My parents make sure we have chores. Even now at almost 21, I still have chores. When our parents are away they ask Miriam to keep an eye on us. With us older kids being in so close of age, we help out a lot. I love my siblings more than anything. No matter what I may say, I'm glad my parents decided to have 12. "Amory dear, please eat your oatmeal." "No thanks." Mo said with her nose in the air. Poor kid has always hated oatmeal. Can't blame Miriam for not remembering what each of our likes, and dislikes are. Amory was always kinder than people give her credit for. Mo will never tell Miriam that she just doesn't remember that Mo hates oatmeal. Miriam opened her mouth to say something when I stopped her. "Actually, I'm famished, and she told me I could eat her oatmeal. She's not that hungry this morning." I said with a wink at Mo. "Fine then. Are you ready for school Amory?" Miriam asked. "Do I have to go?" Amory whined. "Yes dear, you do." Miriam said. "But I hate the other kids." Mo complained. I visablly winced. "Cheer up Mo. I heard there's a new kid in your grade starting today. Maybe you guys can be friends." I said trying to cheer my little sister up. Amory looks defeated, but mumbled, "yeah maybe". My heart constricted. I hate these kids. She's in the first grade for f**k's sake. "Why don't I walk you to school today Mo?" I offered. "I thought Atiana wanted to see you right away Aureaila?" Miriam scolded. "Oh, she can wait. I think she'd agree with me walking our favorite sister to school." I said. I grabbed Amory's backpack, and kissed Miriam on the cheek. Then we headed out. Amory, and I had walked for a few minutes before she broke the silence. "You didn't have to walk me ya know. I can walk myself, but no one trusts me." She mumbled that last bit. "Did you ever think that maybe I just like spending time with you? I feel like I never get to see you anymore." I told her. "Thats because you're always away on missions." Mo states. If that ain't the truth. "I know I've been gone a lot kid, but the work I do -" I started, but was interrupted. "Is important. Yeah, I know." Mo said, and then rolled her eyes. I stopped us, and bent down so I can look Amory right in her eyes. "Amory, I know you understand the importance of what we do. I also know you don't understand why we have to do it. We're the strongest people in the entire world. I feel like it's my duty to help those who can't help themselves." I told her. "Do you really think they deserve it?" She asked. Mo looks so serious. She searched my eyes, looking for an answer. "I know people are mean to you at school. But not everyone is like that all the time. And it doesn't mean they aren't worth saving." I said. "How do you know if someone is worth saving?" Mo asked. We started walking again as I thought about her question. How do we know if they are worth it? I walked Amory up to the school doors. "I'm not sure how to answer your question Mo." I said honestly. "But I think you just know what the right thing to do is in the moment." Amory nodded, her curls bouncing slightly. "Alright. Try to have a good day okay?" I said. I kissed Mo's head and sent her in. After watching the doors close behind Amory, I headed for the front of the school. Our school is absolutely huge. It is a sort of boarding school. Right in the middle of Georgia. My ancestors hid this place in plain sight. While we are hidden deep in the woods, we are just outside of town. We don't really mingle with humans much. They just think we are a bunch of stuck up rich kids, but they can think whatever they want. I climbed the steps up to the school smiling, and waving at some of the kids I know. When I'm not on a mission, and get to be home, I hold training sessions after school. Many of the teens who wanted to be part of the BOC team showed up every time. They are very promising, and I am very proud of them. The older kids are between classes right now. Shuffling around to get to their next class before the bell rings. That's when I smelled it. Or should I say, her. I followed the scent to a closet of some sort. Luckily the students are all in their classes now. I took a deep breath, and opened the door. There she is. My best friend Ridley tangled up with some guy. Blood ran down the corner of her mouth as she looked at me with wide eyes. "What the hell are you doing Ridley!" I whisper yelled at her. "Having a snack. Want some?" She winked. Ridley is my oldest friend. We met on the first day of kindergarten. Some kids were bullying her for her firey red hair. Little did they know it's a common trait for the Hail family. The Hail family are the rulers of the Vampires, and the Vampire realm. Ridley is the youngest daughter of the Vampire king. I stood up for her back then, and we were inseperable after that. Ridley is probably the hottest girl I'd ever known. Long legs, perfect figure, bright blue eyes, and of course her curly red hair. Her skin is as pale as the moon. With a smile that could melt any man, or women, and it did lemme tell ya. I walked into the small room, and shut the door behind me. I thought this was a closet of some sort, but it looks more like a storage room. Ridley is sitting on a tall work bench with some guy I've never seen before between her legs. She has a black skirt on with an olive green cropped cami. No bra, and naturally, her n*****s are hard, and poking out. Ridley is everything I'm not when it came to s*x. I mean, they say Vampires have a higher s*x drive. I'm part Vampire, but I believe in waiting for your mate. I have never even kissed a guy. "No, I do not want some. Are you crazy?! There are kids around ya know. And who the hell is this guy?" I asked. The guy looked up at me. He's a total hottie. Young, maybe 18. Light brown eyes, and sandy hair. He has a huge build, and stands about 6'1. Just Ridley's type. He smells like a wolf too. Must be a warrior with a build like that. "Hi, I'm Caleb. I'm here on business for my Alpha. And don't worry my Alpha is half Vampire, so I'm not like one of those asshole wolves." He said. Referring to the fact that not everyone is all for Hybrids, and being buddy buddy with each other. Vampires, and werewolves have hated each other for a very long time after all. Ahh I see. He isn't the brightest. Ayla said nearly making me giggle out loud. Well apparently, he is just a messenger. "Wait, you're part of the Blood Moon pack under Alpha Ryker the Lycan King?" I asked. As far as I knew, they are the only ones with a Hybrid Alpha. Caleb smirked. Must be a cocky dude. I'd expect nothing less from a member of the Lycan Kings pack. I rolled my eyes at him. "Yup." He said the one word so full of pride I almost laughed. "Only, Alpha Ryker is stepping down, and handing the title over to his son. Ryce. I mean, Alpha Ryce." Ryce.. Hmmm. I don't know why, but something about that name held importance. My heart did a little flip as soon as I heard it. "Sounds like a douche. Ridley come on." I said. I turned, and walked out of the small room. Honestly, I can't believe I openly said that. First of all, it was rude. But what am I doing? Trying to pick a fight? I'm supposed to be the level headed one. The one who keeps the peace. Ridley came running to catch up with me. "Oh my Goddess, I can't believe you said that!" She laughed. "When did you start calling people, especially Alpha's, douches?" She asked, still laughing. "I have no idea. Do you know why he's here?" I asked. "Nope. Just know he, and one other guy came from the pack with a message for your mom. The other guy wasn't happy that she wasn't here, despite the reins being handed over to Atiana. Ambrose had to step in before Tia cut their heads off. Literally. You know that calm look she gets before she kills. That look." Ridley went on, and on about what happened after that, and how she ended up in the room with Caleb. I stopped listening though. I couldn't shake the feeling that name brought me. Just who is this Ryce guy?
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