Chapter Five: Aureaila's P.O.V.

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"Holy s**t, I can't believe we get to go see the infamous Blood Moon pack." Ridley said as we walked out of my sisters office. Atiana had given me a file to study about the mission. "Ooouu, should I go find Caleb?" Ridley wiggled her eyebrows at me. "We should go over the mission." Avery said. Ridley frowned. "We can do that later." "And you can get laid later Rid." Ambrose said putting one arm around her shoulders, and the other around mine. "Maybe this should be left up to the captain." Simon said smiling widely at me. Everyone looked to me for an answer. "Go get some food. Meet me at my house at 2 p.m. We can go over things then when everyone is refreshed." Avery gave me a small nod. Simon winked at me, and walked in the opposite direction of Avery. Ridley squealed, and took off to find her snack boy. I opened the file, and skimmed over it. "Ambrose, I want you to come with me though." Turning I headed for the exit of the school. "No problem sis." Ambrose followed me out the exit, and towards our home. All of us still live together. Mom is retired now and takes care of the house, and all of us no matter how old we get. Dad takes care of business with Pops. What that is, I have no idea. Ambrose and I walked through the front door, and headed for my room. The house is empty right now with everyone being at school. Opening my bedroom door, I threw the file on my bed, and headed to my bathroom to pee. When I came out Ambrose is sitting on my bed reading the file. "What are you doing Brosey?" He looked up at me with his dark blue eyes. Brose looks like a spitting image of our father. The only difference being his blonde hair. He's tall, standing at 6'6 with a big build. We train together every day. Working out became a habit of Ambrose's. So yeah, he's huge. Brose looks intimidating to everyone unless you know him. As soon as he smiles, all the intimidation flies out the window though. "A rouge problem?" Brose lifted one blonde eyebrow. "The Lycan King can't handle a rouge problem?" Ambrose chuckled. I snatched the file from him, and hit him with it. Opening it I read over a few more details. "Doesn't seem normal to me. They're appearing in the middle of their territories." I read more details. There isn't much here honestly. Did the Lycan King even investigate? I'm sure that's what we were hired for. "You think someone is teleporting them there?" Ambrose asked. "I don't know yet. Possibly?" "Not many people can do that." Ambrose commented. "Guess it would narrow down suspects. If that is what's happening. Avery should be able to tell if that's the case quickly though." "I am going to go make some food. Come down, and eat with me?" He asked. "Yeah, I'll be down in a sec." Ambrose left my bedroom closing the door behind him. I decided to read a little more of the file before heading down. Seems this rouge problem has been going on for a while. Six months ago was the first record they gave us. I can't believe someone as powerful as the Lycan King can't handle a few rouges. It is pretty strange that they seem to just be appearing in the middle of the pack grounds. And all across the country. Seems like someone is trying to scare the packs, and throw shade at the Lycan King. I sighed and put the file down. Brosey has the right idea. I need food. When I got downstairs to the kitchen, Ambrose had just pulled some plates out. "Perfect timing as usual." He smiled. Ambrose loves to cook, and he's good at it too. Ever since he was ten years old, he's been cooking for the family almost every night. Naturally, as he got older that changed a bit. School took over, and now missions. "Smells amazing. I really missed your cooking." My belly rumbled at that very moment making Brose chuckle. "Don't get too excited its just box mac n cheese, and a sandwich." I frowned. "Don't worry I'll make you some chocolate chip banana bread tonight. We can take some as a welcoming present to the Lycan King." He said. I frowned harder. "I don't wanna share my banana bread with the Lycan King." I grumbled like a child. Ambrose just laughed. That's fine he can make all the banana bread he wants. I most certainly will not be sharing with the Lycan King. Shortly after Brose and I were finished eating, the rest of the gang showed up one by one. As usual Avery was a few minutes early, Simon was right on time, and Ridley of course just got here. Ten minutes late. "Sorry! I got caught up with something!" I norrowed my eyes at her. "Mmhmmm." Ridley just smiled innocently. "Come on." I lead her into the kitchen where the others sat at the table. Ridley sat down while I grabbed us a couple waters. Handing one to Ridley I sat in the chair next to her. "Let's get started. So, the Blood Moon pack is having a rouge problem. They are somehow getting in the middle of pack territories unnoticed. Avery that's where you come in. When we get there keep your eye out for rips or anything out of the ordinary." I said. "Simon, I want you talking to the pack members. They don't have a lot of information, and someone alive had to have seen something. Don't overlook the children." I ordered. "Ambrose, I want you giving their pack extra training. I'll be talking with their Alpha to enforce more members to join for the time being. Everyone needs some form of defense. Teach them to use weapons if you deem it necessary." I said. "Ridley, I want you to sneak around as much as possible. Listen in on conversations, observe people movements, let me know of even the slightest gut feeling. I am going to stick around the Alpha, and other higher ranking members." I finished. It might be fun. Ayla said. I don't know about that. Maybe he's a nice guy, and fun. She suggested. You might be right. I should give him a chance. "We will be leaving tomorrow at 8 a.m. Ambrose and I will be teleporting the group a few hours from the pack grounds. Any questions?" I looked at everyone. They all shook their heads. "Good. Have a good night you guys. Get a lot of sleep. See you in the morning." Avery and Simon shuffled out telling us all good night. Ambrose stood up, and started moving about the kitchen. Ridley whispered to me, "What's he doing?" "Making me banana bread." I answered happily. "Oh, f**k yes, can I have some?" "I'll make you your own loaf too. But we are taking a couple to the Blood Moon pack with us." My brother said. I rolled my eyes. Do I really have to share? "Oh? A peace offering?" Ridley asked. "Isn't them asking us for help a peace offering. Besides, not even the Lycan King could defeat us." I said. "Correct, but they could be a very valuable ally. We are extending an olive branch as a thanks for trusting us. It could bring a lot of help, and trust from others. Ya know, make Atiana's life easier." Ambrose said sarcasticly. "Who knew banana bread was so powerful." I teased. "So, why were you late?" I asked Ridley. "Funny enough, Atiana asked me to find the two men from the Blood Moon pack to tell their Alpha we would be coming. And of course, I had to have another taste of Caleb." She winked at me. "Of course you did." Ridley and I talked for a few more hours. We helped Ambrose with the banana bread. At least, what he would let us help with. The three of us sat in my bed, and ate an entire loaf together. "Oh my Gods, this was amazing!" Ridley said after she finished off her last bite. "I need to get going though. Or someone is gonna be mad at me when I'm late in the morning." "Don't be late Ridley!" I called. "Yeah, yeah." Was all she said as she exited my bedroom. "I should get to packing too. Night sis." "Night Brosey." I stretched my arms, and yawned. s**t, I should get to packing too. I got up, and grabbed my suitcase from under my bed. I've only been home for a few days too what a shame. Honestly, I'm not sure how long we're going to be there. I hope just a week, or two. I packed underwear, bras, socks, a few shirts both casual and dressy, pants, workout clothes, and pajamas. That should be enough. If not I should be able to pop back real quick. I walked into my bathroom to grab the to go bag underneath the sink. It has all my essentials toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, lotion, and a few other things. I keep this bag packed at all times. Deciding I'm not tired enough for bed I turned on the shower. I stripped out of my clothes, and took my hair tie out. My blonde curls fell around me, and down my back. I looked at my naked self in the mirror. My skin is pale, but clear. Perks of being a supernatural. My green eyes are surrounded by long thick lashes. I never had a need for makeup. My nose is small, but perfect for my face. Followed by my plump pouty lips. I can't even count how many of the boys growing up told me how amazing my lips look. My body has lots of curves too. I hated it when was growing up. The boys never left me alone. No matter how many times I told them I was waiting for my mate, or that I wasn't interested, they never stopped trying. It was extremely annoying. I remember punching a few of them, and breaking their noses. Giggling at the memory, I jumped in the shower, and let the warm water run down my body. Damn, this felt good. I cleaned my body, and shaved everywhere. Standing under the water, I wondered what the Blood Moon pack is like. I bet its beautiful there. I said to Ayla. Can we go for a run in the mountains? She asked. Of f*****g course we can! I said. Do you think the Lycan King will be a hottie? I nearly choked. Why would you wonder that? You never think anyone is hot. Ayla complained. What do you mean? I think lots of people are hot. I argued. No you don't. What does any of that matter anyways? I thought you wanted to wait for our mate. I grumbled. That's the problem! What if we meet mate, and you think he's ugly? Ayla exclaimed. I couldn't help the laughter from bubbling out. Stop laughing. Ayla whined. I'm trying, I'm trying. But, Oh my Goddess Ayla. More laughter. Do you really think I wouldn't find our mate attractive? I asked. You might. I just laughed at her as I turned the shower off, and got out. Grabbing my towel, I dried myself off a bit before wrapping it around myself. I stepped out, my laughter dying down. Walking to my dresser, I opened the bottom drawer, and pulled out a pair of black silk shorts. Pulling open the drawer above it I grabbed a thin white tank top. I dried myself off a little better, and put my pajamas on. Walking in my bathroom, I hung my towel up, and applied lotion to my body. I ran a wide tooth comb through my long hair, and then headed for my bed. Lifting the covers up, I crawled in my big cuddly bed. Ugh, I'm going to miss my bed. That Lycan King better give me a big soft bed while I stay there. ********************************************* Morning came too quickly. A yawn escsped me as I brought my suitcase downstairs, and set it by the door. I walked into the kitchen, and Ambrose is sitting at the bar eating a piece of toast. "Morning sunshine." He greeted me with a bright smile. "You are too cheerful in the morning. It weirds me out." I grumbled. Brose laughed and said, "Coffees in the pot." That perked me up a bit. I went in search for the biggest travel mug we have. Rummaging around I found a 32 oz mug. There's just enough coffee left in the pot for me. I poured creamer in until the color turned brighter. I like my coffee sweet, real sweet. I took a long drink, and asked "Anyone here yet?" Ambrose nodded. "Avery is in the bathroom." Just as he finished his sentence, Simon walked in. Must be 8 right now. I pulled out my phone to check. Sure enough, 8 o'clock on the dot. Damn it, Ridley better not be too late. Ten minutes later, Ridley showed up. "Sorry! I started heading here, and then I forgot my phone charger, and I had to go back." She rambled. "It's okay Ridley. Is everyone good to go?" I asked. Everyone nodded their heads. "Alright. Ambrose will take you two, and I'll take Ridley. Everyone hold on to your suitcases. Simon and Avery make sure you stay close to Ambrose after we teleport. He's taking both of you, and we are going a long distance, so he might be woosey when we arrive." "Why are we not popping out right at the pack gates?" Simon asked. "I don't know. You'd have to ask Atiana that. My guess would be that the Lycan King is a bit skeptical though. Probably will send his best men to confirm we aren't actually going to kill them all." I said. "They asked for our help though, why would they think we would cause them any harm?" Simon asked. I looked to up into Simons warm brown eyes. "He's the Lycan King. This could be a ruse. Someone like him can never be too careful. The packs that have been attacked have lost several members so far. It probably took him a little convincing to even ask us for help." Simon just nodded his head in understanding. We gathered up our suitcases, everyone holding their own. Ridley looped her arm through mine, and Simon and Avery placed their hands on Ambrose shoulders. "Ready?" I asked Brose. He nodded at me, and we closed our eyes concentrating. When I opened my eyes we're at the destination. I looked around at the scenery. We're in the middle of an overgrown field. An old red barn sat a little ways to the left of us. The paint is faded, showing its years of work. Just beyond the barn sat a big white house. The house also looks a bit run down. It's extremely beautiful though. Looking back to my group I noticed Ambrose looks a little uneasy. You good? I mind linked him. He met my eyes. Yeah, just a little woosey. I won't be able to teleport for a few days probably. That's not a problem. We need you in tip top shape, so as soon as we get to our destination I'll make sure you get some blood bags. That's sis. I just smiled at my brother. "Alright guys, they should be waiting for us at that house. Let's go." I turned, and started walking in the direction of the house. This land is beautiful. About ten minutes later we reached the barn. It looks much more run down up close. The doors are shut so I can't see what's inside. Another couple minutes, and we're at the house. The grass is less overgrown the closer we get, but still looks like it hasn't been cut in quite some time. Just like the barn, the house looks worse the closer you got. Shingles are missing from the roof, shutters on a few windows have fallen off, or are about to, and the first step of the front porch was smashed in the middle. Damn, I hope no one actually lives here. I stopped in front of the house admiring its beauty though. She just needs to be fixed up a bit, and she'd be a dream. My team is circling around the house also, inspecting the grounds. Ambrose and I might not be able to die, but our other team members can. Just like the Lycan King we need to be cautious too. I looked to the long driveway, and see two black SUVs with tinted windows. The cars are here, but where are the men. I don't sense anyone in the cars right now. Just then, the front screen door of the house swung open revealing a very intimidating man. He is extremely tall, probably around 6'7 having to bend slightly to walk onto the porch. His hair is shaved in a buzz cut, and he has a long scar that runs from his left hazel eye, down his tanned neck, disappearing through his gray T-shirt. He crossed his large arms over his wide chest. Man this guy is f*****g huge. Maybe even bigger than Brosey. Another man stepped behind him. This man has a friendly smile on his face. His golden blonde hair is tied back in a man bun. He has warm light brown eyes that seemed to twinkle as he smiled down at me. His build isn't as big as his friend, but still pretty big. "Hi! I'm Lance. This is Colt. You must be the team the Anderson School sent?" Just as he finished, the rest of my team came to stand with me. "That's right. You guys our ride?" The big guy Colt scoffed at me. I met his cold gaze, and smiled warmly. He just glared back at me. Oh, this guy is gonna love me, just wait. "Yeah the rest of our guys are inside." Lance said. "There's more of you in there? How did you guys not fall through the floor?" Ridley asking teasingly. Lance chuckled at her. "Its not as bad as it looks I promise." Lance replied to her as he walked down the porch steps skipping over the smashed one. Colt walked down next, then three more men walked out of the house, and down the steps too. I immediately recognized Caleb, but not the other two. Both men are the same height as Caleb. One with dark skin looking like he is of Native American decent. His long black hair hung in a simple braid down his back. He has a strong aura around him, but looking into his dark brown eyes I can tell he's a softy at heart. The other guy has dark chocolate skin, and deep black eyes. He has more muscle than the other two though. When I looked him in the eyes, he smiled widely showing a full mouth of perfectly straight white teeth. I smiled back at him. All of the men are dressed similarly too. Basic boot cut jeans, plain colored T-shirts or V-necks, and either tennis shoes, or boots. "Hey guys! Nice to see you again Aureaila, Ridley." Caleb said, and winked at Ridley who giggled in return. "You guys ready to go?" I nodded. We all made our way to the two SUVs. Caleb stopped to grab Ridley's suitcase, of course. The dark chocolate man offered to take Avery's, but naturally, she declined. "Want me to take yours to the car Captain?" Simon asked with a huge grin on his face. "No thanks Simon." Simon flirts with everyone. I'm no conquest, he just has a thing for... well, anything with a pulse. I decided Ambrose, Simon, and Avery would go in one car and Ridley and I in the other. We loaded up all of our suitcases, and hopped in. Colt, Lance, and the Native American man road with us. I slid in the car to the middle seat and Ridley slid in after me. Colt hopped in the driver seat, Lance the passenger, and the other man in back with us. After we were all settled in, Colt started driving off. I'm not a person who likes silence all that much. Ridley is the same way, so it only took about five minutes of silence before she opened her mouth. "What's your guys names? Don't think I caught any of them. I'm Ridley. This is Relly if she didn't already tell you." The man in the back was the one to reply. "This guy is Colt. Lance. I'm Logan. The guys in the other car are Caleb, who you seem to know already, and Zeke is the other guy." Logan gave us a small smile, and turned his attention out the window. I think he's shy. Ayla said. Gotta be. There's too much softness in his eyes. "Ya know. I think Zeke has a thing for your other friend." Lance said. "Oh Avery? Ha! Poor guy." Ridley giggled. "She a bad person?" Colt asked in a very deep voice. "Colt." Lance scolded. "It's totally okay, we get it." I said. "She's not a bad person. She just doesn't let many people close to her heart. I feel like you can relate to that Colt." I smiled sweetly. Lance and Logan busted out laughing, but Colt just glared at me in the rearview mirror. I didn't miss the twinkle in his eye though. "She's also Fae in case you were wondering." "Are you guys all different species?" Logan asked us. "Isn't that a rude question Logan?" Lance asked incredulously. "No its fine, its not rude at all." I said giggling. They're kinda fun. "Ridley is a vampire. The black haired boy in the other car is Simon we dont really know what he is honestly. He can do magic like a Witch, but more intense, and he can pull magic from more than just the elements. The other man in the car is my brother Ambrose. Call him Brosey though he hates it-" "He hates it, but you want us to call him that?" Logan asked. "Uh, yeah, he's my brother. I live to irritate him. Anyways, we are Tribrids, and then some." I finished. "Tribrids?" Logan asked "And then some?" Colt asked. Ridley answered for me. "Relly is a Morningstar." I tried not to visibly wince. I'm not ashamed of who I am, but it can cause trouble sometimes. "Oh shit." Lance said turning in his seat to face us. "So, you're like a Demon, Witch, Werewolf, and Vampire." It wasn't a question, but I nodded anyways. Lance and Logan just stared at me for a moment. I'm waiting for them to make some snide comment, or call me evil. Ya know, the usual bullshit scared people say. Instead, Lance said, "That's f*****g sick!" "Yeah, I bet you're like dumb strong." Logan said. "Uh, yeah, I guess." I reached down to my carry on bag, and pulled out a loaf of banana bread, and a plastic knife. "You guys want some banana bread?" "f**k yesssssss b***h!" Ridley said. "Yeah, I'll have a slice!" Lance said happily. "You carry around banana bread, and plastic cutlury in your bag?" Logan asked with a small chuckle. "Well, it is a nessesity." I said as I passed everyone a slice. When I tried to hand Colt a piece he just shook his head. "Come on, I didn't poison it." "Banana bread isn't the best thing to eat while driving don't you agree?" He asked sternly. "You'll regret it if you dooonnn't." Ridley told him. I waved the thick piece around next to him, and finally he took it. We devoured the loaf within 20 minutes. All of us having a second slice even Colt. The next hour went by quicker than I thought it would. We're all getting along so well. These guys are seriously good people. I know their Alpha is a Hybrid, but I really love how welcoming they make us feel. Even Colt is talking more, not much more, but more. We drove into a small town passing people walking along the streets. The road is lined with all sorts of stores. We pulled into a parking lot of a small diner. "You guys hungry?" Lance asked. "Starving." I replied. The other SUV parked next to us, and we all got out. We walked into the diner, and a middle aged women greeted us. She sat us at a big table, and soon we all ordered, and are just waiting for the food. We made small talk through our meal, but I can tell the Blood Moon men are getting a little anxious. They must of stopped without their Alpha's permission. I rushed my team, and soon enough we're all back in the cars, and on our way to the pack lands. "How long until we're there?" Ridley asked "About another hour and a half." Lance replied The rest of our ride went pretty much the same. I found out that Lance grew up in the pack, but that Logan and Colt did not. Also, they are all top notch warriors. Colt wouldn't tell us anything other than he joined the pack after Alpha Ryce took over. He seems to hold the utmost respect for his Alpha. I had to assume the Alpha feels the same, if he trusts him enough for this. Logan had joined the pack when he was four years old. He told us about how he was raised in a lab by human hunters, and was rescued when he was a small child by the old Lycan King. I found the story very endearing if I'm going to be honest. Ridley and I told them how we met. I was shocked when Ridley had told them that she was the Vampire kings daughter. She doesn't usually tell people that. Says she hates the way people treat her after they find out, and she just wanted to be a normal girl. Before we knew it, we turned down a long dirt drive. Colt drove for about seven more minutes before arriving at a huge extravagant barred gate. A large man dressed in camo pants, and a black T-shirt walked up to the window as Colt rolled it down. "Hey guys. I'll have them open the gates, and let Alpha know you've returned." The man smiled. Lance was the one to thank him though. The large gate doors opened slowly. Colt drove through slowly allowing us to take in the pack lands. It's like a small town in the middle of the woods. We passed by a playground, a grocery store, and a town hall. Lance told us they also have a school, clothing store, and a small hospital. Ayla are you seeing this? Yes! Its so beautiful here! Did you see the mountains in the distance? We should go for a run ASAP. I laughed at her. I'll try. After another ten minutes of driving, we pulled up to a log house. I say house, but let's face it, this is a mansion. Not as big as my home, but damn it's nice. The men got out, and Ridley and I followed suit. Lance and Logan were nice enough to grab our suitcases from the back. The rest of my team had gotten out as well. Simon has his suitcase in hand, and a mischievous smile on his face. Ambrose looks annoyed as he holds his duffle bag. Zeke actually has Avery's suitcase in his hand, and a huge grin spread across his handsome face. Avery has her arms crossed over her chest, and is glaring daggers at Zeke. I tried my best not to giggle I really did. "What's so funny Captain?" Simon asked. Fucker loves starting s**t. Not going to lie, I sometimes love it too. Like now. "Oh, nothing." I said as I looked Zeke, and Avery up and down. "Let's head inside. Alpha is waiting for us." Caleb said to our group, and headed inside. Stepping through the door we were greeted with a large foyor. Man, this place is gorgeous. The five of us looked all around taking in our surroundings. Caleb lead us into the house to a living room. As soon as we entered the men straightened up, and a powerful sensation hit me. The Alpha must have just entered. I turned around, and locked eyes with the sexiest man I've ever seen. He stands tall at around 6'6. Light stubble lines his strong jaw. His black hair sits messily on his head like he'd spent all day running his hands through it. Beautiful black locks fell on his forehead above the most beautiful emerald eyes I've seen. I frowned. Something about those eyes seem so familiar. The Alpha headed straight for our group. I straightened myself up, and when he got closer I reached my hand out to him. Opening my mouth to introduce myself, I was cut short. The Alpha walked passed me ignoring me completely. He walked up to Ambrose, and spoke with the sexiest deepest voice I've ever heard. "You must be the team captain. Nice to meet you, I'm Alpha Ryce Blackwood. Lycan King." Ambrose stared at him. Ridley covered her mouth trying to hide her laugh. Simon smirked. Everyone else just looked uncomfortable. All I know, is that I am not sharing my banana bread with this misogynistic asshole.
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