Chapter 7

5961 Words

MY PHONE WOKE me early the next morning. I cracked open my eyes to see it was barely light outside, and then I squinted at the unknown number. A few months ago, I would have let it go to voice mail, but these days, I never knew when someone from the hospital might call about one of my parents. “Hello?” I rasped. “Jesse James?” The male voice sounded familiar, but I couldn’t place it. “Yes.” “My name is Ben Stewart, and I work for the Agency in the New York branch.” I sat up. “I know who you are.” Fear clawed at my stomach because there was only one reason he would call me personally. “Did something happen to my parents?” “Your parents are safe. But there was an incident at the hospital last night, which required us to move them to a new location.” I got out of bed to pace the room.

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