Chapter 1: Vengeance.

2009 Words
It has been a few years since I have left the facility. I'm 27 years old now, they took away 11 years of my life from me. I barely remember my childhood, the drugs they gave me have messed with my memory and I still have trouble remembering some of my past. Slowly, oh so slowly I have been dismantling the organization that took me from my brother while also searching for him. A year after I escaped I went back to my childhood home and looked for any sign of Seth. Instead, I found the home abandoned and in shambles. It must have been abandoned the day I was taken, the dishes we used that morning were still on the table. Nothing personal was left. Our pictures, drawings, and old toys were all gone. A small part of me was actually hoping my brother stayed all these years and was waiting for me. Sadly, my hope was for nothing. I traveled to a small town in Alaska where I was able to stay off the grid and continue my research and dismantling of the facility. I suppose I am quite the oddity to this small town, I rarely travel from my small cabin deep in the woods. It's so deep into the woods that it takes me a day of walking to reach the town and nearly two days to get back with supplies. Unfortunately, today was one of the days I had to travel and get supplies. I was low on some basic food staples I couldn't gather myself. It was mid-summer so thankfully I didn't have to wear bulky winter clothes. I quickly dressed in my clothes and grabbed my backpack. I also grabbed a rifle, I may be a murder and assassin but I was not capable of killing a bear or wolf with my bare hands. Wouldn't that be a fun way for me to go? Mauled to death by a pack of wolves. I locked up my cabin and headed down the path to town. -------------------------------------------------------- The hike to town didn't take all day as I had initially thought. I had a few hours until dark so I could do my shopping quickly and get into a motel for the night then head back home. "Hello." A cheery voice said as I walked down the street. I turned my head and watched as a young woman came running up to me. "Can I help you?" I asked irritated already by being stopped, normally I'm left alone. "Uh yes! I just moved here with my brother and we don't know where the store is" She said smiling. She was a pretty girl, short with dark brown hair and pretty green eyes. She was also a terrible liar. I'll almost feel bad as I snap her neck and kill her so-called brother. "It's a small-town child. The store is right there. Now, what do you really want? I'm extremely busy" I growled out. She flinched a little at my tone and looked over her shoulder to a man leaning against a truck. "I-I uh just wanted to get to know you, I haven't seen you around before" Ah now she wishes to tell the truth, I suppose she can live then. "I have no interest in friends. I want to get my supplies and go home before the wolves tear into my home again. Now, if you don't need anything important I will be leaving." I stepped passed her and continued my way to the store. I only needed rice, beans, and some powdered milk. Maybe some snacks. Walking into the general store the chatter from the other customers stopped. Like I said it was rare I traveled and this visit was going to be their gossip for the month. I ignored their stares and went to the checkout counter. "Bag of rice, a bag of beans, and two containers of powdered milk." I said taking the pack off my shoulder. "Oh course ma'am. Anything else?" The old man asked. "Yes, but I will look for that myself. Just ring up the stuff and I'll pay for it in a moment" I walked down the isles looking at the food. I didn't have any electricity other than a small generator that powers my computer and phones. I probably should buy a better one to power a mini-fridge. Maybe then I could get ice cream more in the summer than waiting until winter to store it in my shed outside. Sighing, I grabbed a few packets of beef jerky and some random chips. Maybe I'll pick learn to make jerky. I grabbed a 12 pack of soda and made my way back to the checkout. "This all?" The old man asked. "Yes. Thank you" I said as I paid him. I was here for more than an hour and already I was tired of these people. I packed the food into my pack and slung it over my shoulder. Maybe I should just skip the motel and walk home. I adjusted the rifle and led the store. "Ma'am! Wait!" A voice called. I chose to ignore it and continue walking to my home. I don't have the time or energy to interact with people yuck. "Jesus slow down! Please, I just have a question" The man called again. Groaning in frustration I stopped and waited for the man to catch up. "What in the hell do you want?" I snapped turning around. "Just your name. I asked the other townfolk but none of them seem to know and I was curious to know the 'crazy lady who lives in the woods with wild animals'. N-not that I think you're crazy! I think you are absolutely gorgeous and I would totally bang you if I wasn't swinging for the other team-" "No" I said cutting his rambling short. "No? How come? Please!" He begged pouting. "Little boy I would rather gut myself than give my name out to people I have just met, especially ones who are annoying as you. Bother me again and I'll skin you alive and hang you from a free for everyone else to see. Understand?" I asked. f**k that was kinda morbid even for me. "Y-yeah" he answered as his face paled. I nodded and turned to leave again. "Foolish little boy" I grumbled to myself. That encounter firmed my decision to just walk home instead of staying the night in this godforsaken town. -------------------------------------------------------- When I finally made it back to my cabin I was absolutely beat. I didn't even bother unpacking the groceries I bought. I just threw the pack on my small table and kicked my boots off. I shook off my blankets and got into bed to sleep. Just as I woke up. I heard someone knocking on my door. Cursing I stood up and grabbed a small handgun from underneath my bed. I looked through the hidden peephole and caused under my breath more. I was found again. Two men stood at my door dressed in all black. I didn't see anyone else but I figured they have surrounded me. "Who are you?" I asked, buying my time as I grabbed my emergency pack. "You know who we are Freya. It's time for you to come back. You've had your fun, the bosses want you terminated." One said. "I don't plan on dying today boy. You might though" I retorted. I took a deep breath and grabbed my swords and knives I'm probably going to get my ass shot again. I knew what they were waiting for, I used to do this too.  They were waiting for their orders. They would block off my escapes and squeeze in on me, throw-in some smoke and storm in. Then boom, turn me into swiss cheese. I quickly kicked my door open and stabbed the closest one in the neck. I had a tiny window to haul ass out of here before they could box me in and take me out. His partner retaliated with a kick to my ribs knocking me into a pile of wood. "f*****g ass hole." I snarled chucking a piece of wood at him. I charged and tackled him to the ground, stabbing him in the neck as I did. I don't have the time to play around today, I needed to leave and quick. No sooner than he hit the ground did I run into the forest for cover. It didn't take long for them to notice and send people after me. Bullets whizzed passed me, some scraping my face and arms, it was like a dull pain hitting my arms and legs. I ignored it. I wasn't too far from a safe spot to hide out from the facilities soldiers. "s**t!" I yelped as a bullet hit my side. It didn't stop me from running, I wasn't going to make that fatal mistake. I ignored the burning pain in my side and pushed harder, I was so close. Diving under a branch I spotted my small hideaway. It was just a hole I dug into the ground that is camouflaged with dead branches and plants. It was just big enough I could lay down in it. Throwing my pack inside I slide in after it and pulled the cover over it just in time. I tried to calm my heavy breathing as I heard them run by, searching for me. It would be a few hours until they left. Maybe longer, I am a bit of a pest to them. "Spread out. She was hit so she can't be far" a voice ordered. That was probably one of the higher-ups, they tend to send the best of the best after me. Honestly, I was surprised it took them a year to find me again. I held in a groan of pain as I shifted my body to put my hand over the wound. I was lucky this time. I knew I should've relocated sooner. I cursed myself as I felt more blood pour out of me, I felt other wounds now that my adrenaline wore off and it was hard not to voice out my pain. Taking a deep breath, I adjusted myself again and put pressure on where I felt the wounds. My arm, legs, and stomach were all bleeding. What a way to go, in a dirt hole I dug myself with classified information at my feet and covered in blood. I wonder who will discover my body, if at all? It's not like the townfolk will notice me missing. I was the town recluse and I already got my supplies just today...yesterday? They wouldn't notice I was gone until winter. -------------------------------------------------------- A few hours passed and I felt so light-headed, it was hard to keep my eyes open. I f****d up big time not moving sooner. I got complacent here and it has gotten me killed, how f*****g perfect. If I stayed too much longer I would bleed out, if I left right now then they would catch me. Either way, I would die. So I had my choice, leave now and be shot to death...more or stay and bleed out in a hole by myself. I cursed myself out as I laid in that hole, who would've thought I'd dig my own grave, literally. This is a sucky way to go, I was almost finished. So f*****g close, I just had to stay here thinking it was safe. So f*****g dumb. At least it's kinda peaceful, I always figured I would die in some horrible explosion or maybe drowning, never thought it would be from blood loss in a f*****g shallow grave. Maybe there is still a chance for the drowning if it rains. That would be fun. At least I'll die in a pretty area. AN The first chapter is done. Yay! Tell me your thoughts on the story so far. These will be very, very slow updates. I'm focusing my time on The Wolf of the Woods. 
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