Chapter Two

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      The Gadduccis are well known in the area, with their wide variety of businesses owned and co-owned, investing into multiple businesses with wide range of departments. Theodore Gadducci is a sixty years old alpha male who owned a large acre of land not far from the city and on that land stands a huge mansion that would fit an entire twenty two bedrooms, two cinemas, apart from the dining area, two kitchen, three living area, three home office, a huge indoor swimming pool, and an underground secret room that only selected people could go in supervised with each corners and places around the land is under supervision with fully equipped high definition cameras updated each year, plus an underground garage filled with luxury and up to date cars. He is a man known for his intellect and wit, his intuition are never wrong and his decisions are precise and unchangeable. He is also a very secretive person whose secret transactions are only a handful of individual knows. He holds many banks in the city and billions and billions of asset, he was married before but a tragic turn of events killed his dear wife and from then on he is seen sporting with bombshell women whom we can call the typical gold digger, there were parade of women in his entourage whenever he is seen on public occasions but none of them lasted a week. He is getting older but his assets and connections are getting bigger. The only person who would inherit these all is his only son.             Adam Stephan Gadducci not only is the soulful heir to his father’s fortune he also is the one who will run his under the table businesses. When Adam was just five years old he was playing outside with a few hired people watched over him, he saw men with black leather jackets and pants wearing dark shaded sunglasses, some of them are visibly seen holding a large guns and others are tucked in there side pants. They were mauling a man from one of their bodyguard’s car and brought the man at the back and he never saw him leave, as a kid he was curious about this stuff so he would asked his father but he would always receive the same answer, “You will know about it someday.” As he grows up there were countless of people going with those men and never returning. He kept asking questions after questions then his father grew tired about his curiosity that he shipped him to Europe to study there, being the only son his was close to his mother when he was in high school he knew his father had many affairs when his mother would come visit him, he knew his father always had visitors and he also knew that his mother knew about all of them. Being married to a man so powerful that just one snap of finger you could easily be wipe out from the face of the Earth without a trace, as if you never existed. Those affairs were never serious and he knew his father loved his mother so much, he could see that and she could feel it. During holidays they would always have a family dinner just the three of them spending the whole day together without any interruptions, that’s the part Adam loves about his father that he is a family’s man, family always comes first but for some reason he blamed him for the loss of his mother.             It was winter evening when they went to family dinner out to one of the fanciest restaurant in the city, they were happy and celebrated Adam’s return from Europe. He was in his Second year of college, as soon as they step outside a moving car with a masked men and all of the sudden it was like rain of bullets just passing through them, his father quickly covered him and his wife and their body guards covered the family, their other car where the other body guards took off and chased those men who showered them with bullets. It happened so fast that the only thing he remembers is that his father is sobbing his heart our crying and carrying the body of his mother bleeding to death. Inside their car the driver quickly drove them to the hospital. He is still in shock while holding his mother’s bleeding chest, compressing it preventing her from having too much blood loss, when they got to the hospital the doctors and nurses tried to revive his mother’s body after an hour they pronounced her dead. He wanted to shout and blame anyone who is in his way, he wanted to blame his father for whatever reasons that he just knows this is about those people that kept coming in their house and never returning, all the secrecy. After a few days they gave her mother a ceremony and buried her just in the hill inside their premises. The only hill in their estate that is overlooking throughout the place and when you are looking at the window of his father’s bedroom you could see his mother’s grave looking back at you and at mornings the sun would shine on her tombstone like a ray of light, it’s like her reminding them that she would always be there for her boys watching over them. She is the heart and soul of their family and the moment she’s gone his father was more workaholic than before those holiday dinners turn into a dinner of silence and small talks. When he graduated he moved back in and told his father that he would start something for himself before he could take over the family business, he told him that if he could make this start up a success then he proved to him that he is worthy of the fortune he will have in the future and not just because he is the son. He wants to be worthy of it, that’s the trait he got from his father, integrity.             As the years past due his company skyrocketed to success and now one of the big and top leading publishing company in the city. His father once asked him why publishing, he answered that he always wanted something adventurous and not just something digits and stock bonds, he want to discover and know what people are thinking, in that way he could practice his people skills and intuition. His father did not argue with him since that, he also would appear to one of his father’s meetings from time to time. He has an idea on what his father is doing behind all those businesses and he knows their fortune does not just comes from those companies they invested in. Adam is successful on what he is doing and by tomorrow he would meet new people that he will be talking to, the human resource department insisted to leave the interviews to them but he feels like meeting people so he ordered that he would conduct the interview, surprising the applicants the way he likes it, in that way he would know firsthand on how the potential member of his company would work under pressure, he likes to challenge people, not to scare or embarrass them but to teach them a lesson, to learn how to stand for yourself when being intimidated or being put down, he will know their strengths and weaknesses and not just what’s written on their portfolio. That’s nothing to him, what he wants and looking for is character because that’s what you brings to a company. Intellect is one thing but a keen eye for detail and a person with character is a whole new level.             His morning routine consists of two hours vigorous workout or one and half if he feels tired, then shower then a meeting with his father, that’s always the first agenda of their day. Meeting with each other to talk and make plan for the business and keeping track on where they are, always the same topic since his mother died. Nothing all too heart to heart talk or deep conversation about life, about settling down or anything just pure manly stuff.             He dated once in a while, going on fancy dinners with well-off women, spotted with a woman in his place or cruising the yacht with a group of friends from the same family circle, his social life is very limited as well, not too extravagant. He focus most of his time on his business and settling down is nowhere in his agenda for a very long time. Driving in his Black Tesla to work in a hurry because he is late with just a few minutes he arrived at the huge building with his family name plastered on top of it, he parked at his private space and went straight to the private elevator leading directly to his office. Opening his office computer then buzzed in his secretary through the computer system transmitting his voice through Bluetooth. “Heather, let’s start.” With a direct order relayed his click end then wait for his secretary to bring to him a nervous but eager applicant.                 
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