Chapter Twenty-One Your troubles are my troubles…-2

1015 Words

I could feel Chad’s eyes on me so I quickly regained my composure as I looked up to him, a smile on my face. “Please ignore everything she said, she’s always like that,” I said. “Like what?” Chad’s eyes bore into mine making me uncomfortable and vaguely aware that we were a heartbeat away from each other. “Impulsive…” I trailed off looking for the right words “likes to cause trouble but believe me, her words are baseless and unfounded,”. He reached for my hand as he rubbed on my ring finger, his eyes watching me like a cat. I couldn’t meet his gaze for fear I would drown into the expression I saw there. “Which of her word were baseless and unfounded?” his voice was barely a whisper. I could feel the heat from his body. I tried to distract myself by staring at his chest instead.

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