Chapter Twenty Two

2120 Words

‘What? Why not?’ my best friend asked quickly, surprise and a flicker of hurt in his eyes. Trying to control my own heart as I watched the second most important person in my life try to cover his emotions I whispered, ‘because I have a boyfriend, I don’t want people going up to him and saying that I’m cheating on him because they hear me call you boyfriend.’ Jay stares at me like ive lost my mind, maybe I have, is our friendship thing so bad? ‘but . . . we’ve called each other that since we met’ he muttered and my heart shattered at how broken he sounded. ‘I know’ I replied hastily, ‘and I don’t like it either, you are my best friend! Maybe I’m overthinking this, why would anyone care what I call you? I’ll just talk to Wade tomorrow . . ‘ Jay’s head snapped up at my words, ‘Wade told y

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