17. All Hallows’ Eve-1

2012 Words

17. All Hallows’ Eve Mina Silly question: do you want to talk about it? Except for class, Aldo hadn’t let me out of his sight all day until his dad had come to pick him up from school, but we hadn’t talked much. He seemed to be hoping I’d say something first, so I’d managed to avoid this silly question until now, after dinner, when it popped open a video-free Skype window that we would both pretend wasn’t hiding whatever part of his face needed to heal before tomorrow. The Shaun illusion from the night before was gone, but that didn’t mean I was any stronger or nobler than it had given me credit for. Not really. I’d asked Aldo to watch me for a few hours. I’d slept for nine. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d slept for nine hours at once. I wasn’t sure when I’d last slept for two h

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