2 : "British Man"

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I flinched when a glass filled with alcohol was handed to me. I still kept my head bent down. I was getting nervous for my fake tickets. I don't know who it was but I'm sure it's a man base from his voice. My eyes ran over his arm. He has so many tattoos on his left arm as he holds out the glass. Those were familiar tattoos. I've seen them before. He has a tiny cross tattoo in between his thumb and forefinger. Those rings are familiar too. And damn, that's one hell of a huge hand. I gulped. I wish this man won't be a drunk maniac who doesn't want to f**k or drug me while he drags me upstairs so he can tie me up like fifty shades.I take a deep breath and finally pulled my head up. I think my eyeballs jumped from my eyesockets the moment I found out who it was. I was immensely surprised to see him again, the man who was looking at me while I was dancing alone a while ago. Gage Stockholm. He smiles, and his dimpled smile is very dangerous. If his smile could get me pregnant, I think I'm having twins now. "Hi, I'm Gage by the way." He greets Of course I f*****g know who you are, you dumb ass. I thought. My best friend's a huge fan of you. She's got posters inside her room and pictures in her phone gallery, I think most of her pictures are photos of you. If your photos could produce sperm then I think she's been f*****g pregnant all these years. She's got all of your CDs and DVDs. I hear your name every time I'm with her. I'm already deaf because she screams when she sees you on tv or hear you over the radio. I know who you are. I think I froze when his immensely green eyes locked with mine. I think I wasn't even breathing when he was looking and talking to me. I didn't really think that he could have this effect on me when I'm not a fan of his. Damn, he's really really really goodlooking and Monique is right. I'm salivating at how good he looked. Was it the drinks a while ago? I feel like it's getting hot here and I'm sweating. "Looks like you were mad." He speaks again. I think I swallowed my tongue. His smoldering green eyes are so intimidating. It's bothering me. I can't say anything. "You don't understand English?" He asks. "I understand English." I finally and thankfully answered him. He smiles. "Great. I thought you didn't." I quickly jumped off from the counter and fixed myself as I push my hair behind my ear. I look up to him and he's really pretty damn tall, like how Monique described him. s**t, his towering height makes me feel like I'm a midget. He's like a f*****g giant. How tall is he? 6'3? 6'4? "You wanna drink?" He asks. I grabbed it because I've noticed that he's been holding it since a while ago and he's a f*****g celebrity, that would totally hurt his ego if I turn him down. "What's in this?" I ask. "I think vodka." Ugh, this was the one I had before coming here inside the kitchen. "Cheers?" He raised his own glass. I smile sheepishly, "No drugs on this right?" I ask. He chuckles. "I won't drug you, beautiful." Argh it's getting even hotter in here when he called me beautiful. Ah, s**t. He called me beautiful. f**k this guy is doing something to my body right now. I raised my glass too. I had no choice but to drink it to be kind enough for him to offer me this and also I've never been offered a drink by a celebrity before. We drank it together while his eyes were observing me as I take the shot. It doesn't even affect him how strong the liquor was. I squint my eyes and grimaced. He chuckles softly. Ugh! And the sound of his laugh is f*****g sexy too. What the f**k is wrong with me? Why is Gage Stockholm affecting me this way too much? I asked myself. "Not much of a drinker?" He ask, leaning his elbow against the counter. "I drink, just not hard liquor." I coughed as I place the glass down. He nods, "You look..." He trails off the stares at me from head to foot. "I know I'm not wearing the kind of clothes appropriate for a party." I mocked him. "For this extravagant party." I corrected. He grins. "I was about to say pretty. It looks nice on you." I laugh humorlessly. I can't believe I'm actually having a conversation with Gage Stockholm. The f*****g Gage Stockholm who's loved by millions and millions of women from around the globe. But he seemed like he's a normal man. He's acting like he isn't that crazily famous. "It actually caught my attention." He adds. He looks at me seriously now, "You caught my attention while you were dancing with your friend and most especially when you were dancing alone." Is he flirting with me? Wait. He's been looking at me since I was dancing with Monique? What the f**k! I gasped, s**t. I need to find Monique! I inwardly snapped. "Is there something wrong?" He asks. "I.. I need to find my friend." I speak. "I need to go. I'm sorry. Excuse me." I began to leave and I didn't want to be rude but I really had to find my friend. But he was quick enough to grab my wrist and pulled me back gently. "There's tons of people out there, are you sure you can find her?" He asks. My eyes travelled to his hand holding my wrist but he's not letting me go, I could tell from the way he holds me. I stare back at him and smiled, "Yeah. I can. Thanks for the drink Mr. Stockholm." I say and pulled my arm away from him. I ran out of the kitchen and left him. I feel my heart beating fast. s**t, why? I honestly don't wanna be standing next to Gage or talking to him so we won't get photographed together, he's dangerous. Well, his fans are dangerous. If they see Gage with any woman, they'll hate her right away forever for no reason just because she was pictured being with Gage. Hence, the previous models he dated that Monique hated too. I don't understand why that happens, when they don't even own Gage Stockholm. I don't want to receive death threats and hates on Twitter coming from his fans. That's already too troublesome for me. I've got more important things to do than to entertain those people. But Gage sure is intimidating as hell. I walked around the house, already getting lost at how huge it was, searching for Monique but s**t knows where she went. The music is making me deaf and the people are making me feel dizzy. s**t, I think the drinks are making me dizzy. I shake my head and spin around only to find myself bumping onto someone. "Fuck." He cursed. I gasped. I spilled his drink on his shirt. "Ah, Christ." He flickers his hand that has gotten wet with his drink. He pulled his head up and looked at me. "I'm so sorry." I say right away as I wipe his arm with my hand. "I wasn't looking my way, sorry." I apologized again. He's quite fit a while. "Ah it's fine. I could just grab myself another drink." "I'm so clumsy. Sorry." I say again. "It's fine. I wasn't looking too." His eyes were so beautiful and I know he wasn't from Silver Spade. But who is he? He's handsome too. "You look like you're searching for someone?" He asks. "My friend." He grins, "You're lost?" I nodded. "What does she look like? Maybe I've seen her around." He says. "She looked... Well dressed than me." I answer and he laughs at my lame joke. "I didn't mean it that way." He says. "But you look cool with what you're wearing though. That's classic." He smiles. I snort, "You mean to say totally out of style? Thank you. I'm the only one who looked different here." He chuckles. "It does look unique." I smile at him shyly. "I'm Dillion by the way." He says while extending his hand. At least he offered a handshake, unlike Gage who offered a drink instead. I accepted it, "Tate." He releases my hand and slightly smiles at me. "Do you want anything to drink?" I shake my head, "Nah, I think I've had enough drinks for tonight." He nods. "Then I guess you gotta go look for your friend?" "Yeah, sorry again. Maybe next time if I'll see you around the city, I'll go buy you a drink." I jokingly said. He chuckles. "I'll look forward to that." "See yah." I say as I leave him. I begin to walk around again in high hopes that I will finally see Monique and leave the party already. Damn that woman, where is she? I walked upstairs and there were still people along the hallways that were drinking, talking and dancing. But I couldn't find where Monique just went to so I stumbled my way downstairs. When I couldn't find her, I began to grab two drinks from the waiter that was walking around and I made sure that it was a wine this time. I headed my way out to the house's backyard and found myself with a few people. I exhaled, failing to find Monique. I sat down on the patio's steps and drank my wine. I stared at the beautiful tempting pool. I feel the urge of wanting to take a quick dip now. I stand on my feet and began to walk closer to the sides of the pool, it's so blue and I feel like taking my clothes off and swim. I mean, no one would even care about it right? And it looked like those girls right across me had taken a quick dip from the pool too, they look dripped. "Come on, Gage. You can't say no to me right now." I quickly turned my head to where the voice came from. I found Gage standing by the sliding door of the patio together with Nick Grimshaw. Nick is here in New York? He laced his arm around Gage's shoulders while they laugh together. "I think I can." Gage chuckles. "Why don't you go with Smith and the others? I'm sure they'll be more thrilled to join." Nick pouts. "Alright. We'll just be upstairs. Feel free to follow us if you feel the need to. First room on the left." Gage nods as Nick leaves him by the patio. A woman walked up to Gage, hugged him and gave him a kiss on the cheek casually. They talked for a while and he doesn't know that I was around which was a good thing because I don't wanna be around him. I don't know why I don't wanna be around him, I feel scared when he's near me. He's giving me breathing problems. I quickly looked away so that he won't know that I was trying to eavesdrop with his conversation with that sexy woman that looked like a VS Angel. I turned my back to him and emptied my first glass of wine while the other glass was still full. I kept walking around the pool, still facing my back to him. It's funny as I look at myself holding two glasses. But then I don't care because no one would totally give a f**k about what I do around here. I continued walking around the pool while the music that's blasting from the inside are creeping out here at the backyard. "The pool is deceiving me to take a quick swim." I tell myself. As I move my head up, still walking to the other end of the pool, from the corner of my eyes, I noticed someone from across. It was Gage. He saw me. s**t he noticed me. He was walking on other side of the pool. Every step I take, he takes. He was obviously looking at me while his hands were inside his pockets. I look ahead, and he's going to meet me on the end of the pool. I stopped from walking and headed to the farthest corner of the backyard right away. I stood to the edge and I could see the beautiful view of the city of Los Angeles. The mansion was located on a hilltop-like place, so basically the city lights were visible from here. Wow, this is a breather. "Mind if I join you?" I flinched when I heard that raspy voice. Of course it was Gage. I groan, knowing the fact that he's with me. I don't want to get related to him, his world is so crazy and his fans will kill me because I talked to him alone. I want to take precautions before anything happens and before my face will be the talk of the town online. "Well you're already here." I answer. He chuckles. "Two glasses." I glance at my hands, "Yeah. I needed a bit of wine." I notice him beginning to face me but I try to look straight ahead. "Are you trying to avoid me?" He asks. I grin. Yes. I inwardly thought. "Not really. I mean why'd you thought of that?" I questioned him. "I feel it. But I'm not gonna harm you." I look at him now and the way he looks at me so seriously is as hot as hell. "You really wanna know the truth? Yeah I'm avoiding you." I said honestly. He grins. "But why? I'm harmless." "because you're Gage Stockholm." His brows creasing. "Doesn't make sense." I chuckle. "I don't wanna get involve in your sparkly world of fame and fortune. And I know how your fans react when they see you in a picture with a girl." "Sparkly." He snorts then grins. He pulled his head up. "So you're not a fan." Ugh, I don't get where this conversation is even going but he's seriously not giving up. "Sadly not. I hope that doesn't disappoint you." I answer. He shakes his head, "It doesn't. I know we can't please everyone." I look away. "But I know a place where no one will see you alone with me." He says softly. I quickly moved my head to him. s**t, his sexy green eyes are still looking at me.  He's making my heart race just by looking at me. How can he even do this so easily? It's as if it's his special skill. The way he looks at me is so dangerous. So sexy. Fucking sexy. "How sure are you that I wanna be alone with you?" I asked sarcastically. He just remained silent and just looked at me. We're just looking at each other. "I know what you are, Gage. I've read the news and I'm not oblivious to it." I say. "What am I?" He asks. "You've been with tons of women. Even the ones who are twice your age." I answer. He licks his lips while his eyes were still at me. f**k, he needs to stop that. "That's not my fault I'm friendly." He answered back. I snort at the word friendly. "Be with me for one night and I'll show you I'm not the man they say I am." He tells me seriously. He offers a hand and I look at that huge hand of his eagerly. I moved my had up to him and I think he's really serious. "Where are you gonna take me?" I ask. "It's going to be a surprise." He grins as he takes my hand and began pulling me back inside the house. I stare at how he holds my hand, as if he has held my hand before. But I know he has held a lot of other women's hands before me and that's something out of my business. But damn, he's making me feel something I haven't felt. He makes me feel something new. Something I can't explain. Ugh Gage. What are you doing to me?
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