Chapter 57

1605 Words

Vignette's POV The library was fairly calm, a few scattered students and book worms here and there. I carried my laptop to a rather secluded corner, only rarely getting a visitor looking for an old newspaper or magazine. I checked my phone, saw that Daddy had not texted me back yet, and opened up my tumblr, scrolling randomly. Of course there were naughty pictures galore on my screen, and every now and then I looked up to check and see that no one could see my screen. My face was flushed and my panties were beginning to soak through to my skirt. I adjusted myself so that, should my juices dribble out, they would hit the seat instead. My phone suddenly vibrated, and I opened a text from Daddy. -What are you doing, little girl? I giggled to myself and blushed as I typed my response. ~lo

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