Chapter 15

1972 Words

Elizabeth sat with a stone face as they had lunch in her spacious backyard. She had just been delivered bad news regarding her bid for a newly vacant US Senate seat. "Let's face it, the demographics have changed and we live in a very liberal state," Robert said. Elizabeth shook her head. "Just a month ago I was leading in every poll. Now this?" "Polls change fast these days," Robert said. She wasn't impressed by his answer, and her face showed it. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't fire you right now?" Robert shrugged it off. "Because you love fat balding men like me. Give me a break. These things take time." "Really? I could have sworn that we're running out of time. But maybe I'm wrong about that." "Alright, sarcasm aside, I still believe that our chances are strong. We'

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