Chapter 5

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Bradwit on the plush custom leather seat of the car, relaxed and said: "Let's take a little breather and talk some business, darling." Vignette sat up and Bradwit slid down to sit next to him. He had given her a dress to wear so that it would not look slutty where they were going to dinner. As Vignette had asked him, he was taking her to dinner. And from what she guessed from the dress it was quite a swanky place. She did not have to be fully naked to wear it. So it was not much of a big deal to change her clothes and stockings with the ones he gave up to her and then also gave her a bag o put her clothes in. "What kind of 'business'?", she asked suspiciously. She hoped Bradwit wasn't a pimp. She'd never been a prostitute. It wasn't her way. She had always given s*x freely to any man who seemed to need it badly enough. True, she had received some pretty magnanimous gifts from some very grateful men. But she had never demanded anything but a stiff prick from any man. "Well", drawled Bradwit, "what you're going to do around here to earn your keep, for starters." "I don't understand", she replied. "Do you work here? Are you like an assistant manager or something?" "Darling", he laughed, "I'm Randy. You know, 'Randy's Red Garter'? That's me. I'm Randy." "Me too", she joked. "All the time." And then, becoming interested, "Sooooo, are you here often?" "Every day." "And Clarence, does he work here?" "Clarence is my right-hand man." "And these other fine gentlemen?" "Part of my management team." "Could I learn to dance?" "Darling', I'm betting you could teach the girls who work here how to dance. Or you could hostess or wait tables or do whatever you want. As long as you're out where the customers can see you, you're going to be the best thing for my business since tassels were invented." "I think I'm going to enjoy working here", she murmured as she leaned over, took hold of Bradwit's still-stiff monster and began to lick and nibble up and down the long shaft. She came up on one knee and tried to fit the enormous head into her pretty mouth. "Careful darling", he admonished. "No girl's ever been able to suck me off. Fifteen years ago, some little tart insisted on trying. I warned her, but she wouldn't listen. Wound up dislocating her jaw. Ligament damage too, if I remember right." Vignette gave up for the time being. She could think of lots of other ways to enjoy Bradwit's huge dong. “So what is it that you exactly do other than owning this club? Because you know, I am like dancing here, just as a hobby…you see…because this is something I figured would keep on the sidelines if my college degree did not work,” said Vignette. She knew that it was the time to get up all professional. “Wow! That is not what I expected. Are you just taking classes for a semester or????” he left the question hanging in there because he wanted to know from her how invested she was in her studies. “I am on a scholarship. Well it is a good thing that I am married to the son of the couple who are sponsoring me. I am taking Political Science as my special. I figured that it is something that I would love doing in case I am no good at getting a job,” said Vignette as she laid back and Bradwit put back his thick c**k in his pants and smiled at her. “Are you kidding me? This is an unexpected pleasure….I am thinking of hiring you now as my campaign manager….with a girl like you in my team I would not have to even bother about the support tactics at all. I was wrong….you are the best thing that has happened to me since I don’t know…a very long time,” said Bradwit and Vignette smiled at him. This man was a charmer and he liked her for obvious reasons and even after saying that she was married she did not react or act alarmed at all. That was a good thing. “I am pretty sure that the show you made me put with the boys, not that I did not enjoy it was solely in order to see if I had any moral compass or not when it comes to s*x. So since you have had your fun and we are talking business why don’t we make things clearer between us?” asked Vignette with that sultry smile still playing on her lips. “You are sexy and strong and you have the guts to talk to a man like me without getting scared. I am getting more and more enamored of you every single minute that I am spending with you,” said Bradwit as he placed his warm large hand on her thigh and Vignette smiled back at him. “Yeah I get that. You are falling in love with me. That is only natural for every man, I am used to it by now. But you still did not answer my question,” said Vignette and the man sighed. It was going to be really difficult dealing with this woman, she not only had the street smarts to handle herself she was also intelligent enough to use things to her own benefit. “Look I get that you are good but if you need to work for me then you would have to tone down that attitude!” said Bradwit. He was trying to assert his dominance over her but Vignette was ready for that as well. “Oh really? First you wanna talk all business and now you are asking me to curb the attitude? Well to be very honest, Senator Markin, I did not say yes to your proposal and I have not set my terms as well. How are you thinking that you can already put me underneath your control? What do you consider me as? Your subordinate employee???” asked Vignette as she laughed out loud. When she called him out as Senator Markin, his face had an immediate look of shock and then it passed away and he smiled at her. “You are good, you are really good,” said Bradwit as he smiled again. And in the meanwhile they reached the restaurant. It was the Marcello’s. It was a place which was so exclusive that you would have to book three months prior in case you needed to have dinner there and this man had not even made a single call and they were standing outside and the manager himself came to escort them to one of their tables. It was a table for two but more than enough spacious. It was not a booth, and they were sitting on opposite sides to each other. “I thought that you would be wanting to do something more with me now that you are in the restaurant,” said Vignette as she perused the menu. “This is a place where I am almost a regular. And everyone knows that I deal with my business meetings here itself and not anywhere else. So I suppose it is not okay for me to do something like that in a place like this. Even I have my limits,” said Bradwit as he gestured towards the waiter. One of them rushed immediately to take the order. “Are you ready to order, Sir?” the man asked in a well groomed voice. “We will have a bottle of Chianti, 2000. And we will take some time to decide what we will have the main course. If there is a chef’s special for the starters or soup then I guess you would have to surprise me and the lady,” said Bradwit as he smiled at Vignette. She knew that there was no point in saying anything at all. This was a power play and he was clearly trying to show her how comfortable he was. None of this might be true but for the moment he was clearly trying to impress her. And who was she to go against a man who was trying to woo her actively. Once the waiter went away, Vignette looked at him seriously and said,” You don’t hold the final call in employing anyone, do you? And neither you are Randy. You are just a front who is trying to show that you are the head. If I knew that earlier maybe things would have gone differently.” “Well I have to say that you are one very intelligent cookie. And love that in a woman. You are correct on that count. It is my son Randolph who is the owner of the place and in return I use the women when I require. But you would have to really impress him with your original dancing skills and not to mention s****l prowess, but again you are already amped up on that front so it is nothing to worry about,” replied Bradwit truthfully. “And this son of yours? How young is he?” asked Vignette as she took a sip of the wine that the waiter had poured for them in the goblet. “He is not that young sweetheart…he is older than you, that I am sure of. Just make sure that you are absolutely breathtaking and regal just like you were today and then we would not have to worry about anything else at all. And you also said that you were married, right?” asked Bradwit and Vignette nodded. The wine was really good. “Does your husband know about this or….???” He trailed off not wanting to ask the entire question. “Well it was suggested by my mother in law was that there are a few things that a girl must be keeping secret from her husband so that she would have something worth to hold on to in her life to make it a lot more interesting. Lately I have been having a few problems with him which is making me rethink about my choices in life but the moment when I am on stage or I am in the hands of men being played like any instrument, I get this feeling that this is what I am meant to be,” said Vignette. “Well to be honest it is good to see a woman who is not going to be held back by the man in her life and is not afraid to get what you want. So are we ready to order yet?” asked Bradwit and Vignette nodded. She had never come here in this restaurant before and she was looking forward to the dining experience. Once they had finished eating and had proceeded to desserts, the whole conversation was all about politics, business and aims in life and everything else that could be said at the dinner table. “You are a perfect hostess as well. Where from did you learn everything?” asked the Senator. “Well my Mom is an excellent businesswoman who is currently opening more of her stores in Europe and my mother in law has been the wife of a politician for so long that being a hostess has been almost like breathing to her. She is a lot better at this than me but I am trying to learn in the best way that I can,” said Vignette. “You have thoroughly impressed me Vignette, now let’s see if you can impress my son and then we will know that everything will be perfectly in plan,” said Bradwit as he caught hold of her hand and kissed her knuckles. Vignette smiled at him and also inwardly, this was as simple as hook line and sinker. Hello ladies...I am guessing you all have been waiting for the next update quite enjoy and don't forget to write the comments...and also add the book to your library.
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