Chapter Four - I Want You To Be Safe

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I regretted it the second I got to my dorm. What the hell was I thinking agreeing to go get food with him? What if I embarrassed myself more than I already have...? Or what if he hated me and the person I really was? God.. My mind was overthinking again. One of the weaknesses I had and didn't like at all. I got out of my bedroom and went to get water in the kitchen. I galped the whole glass and then sighed loudly. "what? What do you mean that he cancelled..? No.. Then where will we go?" I heard Hannah say and turned to look at her and see who she was talking to. She was on her phone, and already dressed up like she was going out. She looked beautiful as always. "come on other parties? Fine... Where then..? Do they have something special? Okay I see.. I'll meet you outside... Bye.." I stopped looking at her when she said bye and pretented to be drinking from my already empty glass of water. "hey perfect..." she said and I wondered if I should ignore her or not. She has been calling me perfect in the past two days and I did ignore her because she was being a b***h to me. "still not talking to me? A party animal?" she asked and I sighed, "that's not why I'm not talking to you. I don't care how many days you party Hannah, it's your life right? But it really pisses me off when you judge me for the life that I live since it's different than yours yet I don't do that to you." Shhe furrowed her brows at me seeming shocked, "I'm not judging you.. You are judging me ..." "right...? You're just calling me perfect for fun right? Because I walk around calling you party animal?.. " She looked at me.. Just looked. "am I the one judging you or are you judging yourself and hiding that behind me and by judging me?" "I'm not doing any of that.." she defended herself a bit harshly and I knew that I hit a nerve. I smiled a bit, "like I said, I don't care what you do with your life. And I won't judge you for it, there's no need for you to be coming back home tiptoing at 6 in the morning. And as much as I don't make noise about how much of your life you're throwing away by not doing what you're really here for... Please stop calling me perfect for actually doing what I'm here for.. That doesn't make me perfect, it makes me a focused person who goes after what she wants.. Enjoy your party tonight." I said the last sentence and then turned around to go back to my room. I sat there nervously trying to be cool. What was I doing? Why did I agree to go out with him..? And this put, was it just an out out or was it a date? Coz then I'd be f****d. I'd be giving him the wrong idea. I knew I wasn't attracted to him, at least not that way. A knock at the door startled me and I took my small bag and got out. He was standing there with a beautiful smile in his face. He looked at me from my head to my toes and I blushed. "you cleaned up pretty well Adams..." I looked at Heer, "not so bad yourself Louis." He laughed and then smiled a bit, "you look beautiful Precious.." I bit the inside of my cheek before quickly saying, "you need glasses. You can't be walking around blind." That made him to laugh all over again and shift a bit from the door so that I could get out, "God you're funny. Let's go." I followed a bit after him shaking my head a little. I didn't know where we were going and I made sure I have enough money to take me back to my dorm. "so.. Precious... Where do you come from?" I cleared my throat, "Olieven... I stay with my mom, dad and little brother there.. How about you?" "I am from around here.. I have two older siblings, a very protective brother and an amazing sister.. But I stay with my dad.. My siblings are old and they stay on their own already.. So yeah." "nice.. I'm the first born and you're the last.. Tell me how it feels to be the last kid." He shrugged, "amazing I guess.. I can't complain, what about you Precious." I shrugged too not walking to get into too much detail about my life, "a bit hard. All the responsibilities from your parents fall right to your shoulders when you are the first child. You have to be a deputy parent or something... And then the pressure of not f*****g things up and living up to your parents expectations. Sucks..." He nodded his head, "oh yeah I fully understand you. Marcus would babysit me too when growing up.. Darn that's a lot of work.. Is that why you are so focused? Because you're the first born and you want to lead by example or live up to their expectations.." Okay, now we were getting personal and I wasn't sure I trusted him with my messed up life, so I just sighed and decided to tell him half the truth,"not entirely. I am like this. I was told to do what was best for me in every situation.. Then I wouldn't have to worry about anything coming back to bite me in the future." We crossed the road and he hailed for a taxi. We got in and it took us to town at Wimpy. I smiled a bit as a waitress toon us in. We got something to drink and he looked at me,"so.. What will you have?" I shrugged, "anything you're having." He smiled, "alright." Our drinks arrived and he ordered for us food. We started talking about ourselves again. And I tried by all means to avoid talking too much about myself and my family. Louis came out to be a very nice guy and he was cute too. I mean I didn't blame the ladies for wanting him. If I was attracted to men, he'd check all my boxes. He was smart, cute, funny, he sings and he also is good in sports. I mean what more could a person ask for? We enjoyed the rest of the night and then he accompanied me back to my dorm. When we got there it was 7:30 and the loud music at my neighbors told me something big was happening. I opened the door quickly and got inside. He followed in, "may I have a glass of water please.." I took a glass, "tap water or cold one..?" "tap... I still need to see my dentist about cold and sweet things." I laughed and gave him tap water. He took a sip and looked around, "this place is nice, cleaner than mine and my roommate.." "woow are you Indirectly telling me you aren't perfect just as I was thinking you are?" He laughed, "don't make me laugh.." I smiled, "I had fun today Louis. Thank you for not making me regret it." He smiled and walked closer to me, "see I told you that you won't regret it." I shrugged and shook my head a bit, "you were right.. Just a little bit." He stood an inch away from me and just looked at me. I stupidly wanted to know what he was thinking. Did he have fun? Was he going to leave anytime from now onwards?? I mean I had some school work to do. He opened his arms and hugged me. I hugged him back, "thank yuu for this afternoon. I really had a good time too." I pulled away from her and looked at my watch, "me too.. Thank you. Although I have the English paper to write and a history one now." He nodded his head, "ahh yes.. I have to go also anyways." The music became louder from the party next door and I internally screamed. Why did it have to be this close today? I still needed to do my school work. "okay...I'll go then. Thank you so much for this afternoon again.." he screamed and I nodded my head and waved him off. He laughed and got out. I locked the kitchen and went to my room. The noise was worse. Fuck. I took out both my English and history book together with the one I borrowed at the library earlier.. Library. God yes. I could go to the school library. But it was but far.. Like 20 minutes away if I walk. 'yeaaaaaaah... Swallowed swallowed! Swallowed! Swallow!!v I heard shouting from the other room and I cursed a thousand times before actually taking my backpack and leaving the place. I walked straight to the school library and started working on the English paper when I arrived. In about 45 minutes I was done and happy with it. I took out my book about Mandela and then heard a voice call my Surname. "Adams....!" "yes?" "it's time to leave..." I took my bag and then my books by hand and went to the front desk confused, "what?" "it's time to leave.. I need to close the library.." "but ma'am... I'm not done with my work yet.. You can't close it." She turned and pointed at a paper behind her. It was showing trading hours and they were all from 6 until 9pm. God it was 9 pm already...? I frowned, "there is a party next to my dorm. I can't finish my school work there." "then next time come early my child. I really have to go now." I felt my heart break into many pieces and I was now genuinely regretting agreeing to going out with Louis. I could have done my school work then and I wouldn't be so homeless trying to get it done now. I sighed and got out. I figured she also wanted to get back to her family. I went to the bathroom and then when I got back the corridors were empty. I sat in front of the library door and started reading the Mandela book.. After a bit, when I now had an idea of what I could do with my biography I started writing down some points. I looked at my watch and saw that it was approaching 11. Fuck.. Fuck.. Fuck.. I quickly got up and put everything in my bag then headed out of the campus. It was dark and I was really scared of the walk I had to take. I wondered if there would be people still walking outside at this time. But then again there probably would be. Students parties all the time. So I guess I'll meet a few people walking. I put my phone away in my backpack and made sure to tie it on my stomach closely and started walking out.. I turned around the corner that was facing the gates and ran to someone.. "oh shit.. I'm sorry..." I said lifting my hands up. "Adams????" I quickly let my hands down when I noticed the voice, "professor Wright..." "what are you doing here at this time?" I swallowed, "I was finishing up my work in the library.." "really? Now?" she asked looking at her phone and I sighed. Of course she knew the library closed two hours ago, but I went ahead with it, "yes... Now.." "the library closes at nine you know that right?" she said furrowing her brows at me. She then looked at her phone again, "it's 11 now Adams.. Why are you still walking out here...?" I swallowed, "okay you're the dean right? Maybe you can help me.. So in my floor they usually have parties like 4 dorms away.. But tonight it was right next door and I couldn't even hear myself think coz of the music. I had two papers to write for the stupid English lecturer and for Professors Spancer... I couldn't concentrate there and I needed a quiet place to do my work.. The library was closed and I had nowhere else to go.. Look, I don't want you to stop them from living their life the way they want to.. But please accommodate us. If they are allowed to party until the sun goes down at least let us have access to the library until the sun goes down." After saying that she just stared at me and didn't say anything. I felt shitty and emotional. God I hated being on my periods and her seeing me like this. All I wanted was to just go to my place in peace and not have to complain at the school gate at 11 pm. "let me give you a ride back home.." she said and I shook my head, "umh.. Noo.. I don't want to inconvenience you.." "you're not doing that. I need to make sure you get to your dorm safe.. And I won't know that if I leave you here to walk home. So come on." I sighed feeling defeated and followed her to her car. She got in the driver's seat and I got in at the back. God her car smelled so good. Exactly like her. "what...? You're at the back?" she asked after putting the safety belt on and I closed my eyes, "yes..." "why? I mean there is no one in the front you know." I smiled, "yes.. But I just... I couldn't go in there without you telling me to." She sighed, "come in the front then.." I quickly did as she asked and then she started driving. "so are you done... With your school work?" I nodded my head, "thank God yes.." "where were you for real because the library closed at 9." "at the library.. Outside the door." She nodded her head, "which block are you in?" God we were already at my place? "H.. Block H." She drove that side and then stopped at the parking lot. We could still hear the music from up there. They were still going on. I shook my head a bit before undoing my safety belt. "thank you Professors Wright.." "it's not a problem... Look I'm sorry you had to sit outside the library for two hours to finish your work. I'll figure something out and see if they can't open it the whole night." I smiled, "thank you.. Thank you so much professor.. That would be highly appreciated." "okay.. Now go in there and stay safe.. You should not be walking around at night..please, I don't want you to get hurt or worse.." That flattered me, "thank you.. And I'll hear from you I guess how everything will go." "yeah... What classes do you have tomorrow..?" "history... English God.. Umh and a few others." "you hate English?" "I love it.. Just not the guy who's supposed to be lecturing us. He is not doing that at all." I said opening the door, "thank you for this. You're sweet." She smiled, "like I said, I want you to be safe. Now go...and sleep well." I blushed, "you too." I closed the door and started walking towards my flat. I could hear the music get louder and louder as I came closer. I turned around to check behind me and I saw her car still there. She flicked her lights and I smiled before waving at her. She was the sweetest and I was somehow a bit happy that she'd try to help about the library thing. I didn't want to inconvenience others with their party life. I wanted to also be free to study at anytime.
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