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Tears glistened down her eyes as the scene unfolding in front of her eyes was just too much for her to take in. It was as if someone was ruthlessly stabbed her heart numerous times and left her to die. The only guy she had ever heart eyes for was there in the bed with some other girl. And there she thought she was lucky enough for her crush to come true when the said guy became her boyfriend. It had made her believe first love do come true, that curshes no always remain crushes. But first love, my foot. Even though the anger was bubbling inside her but she could help but when a sob escaped her lips unwilling. That's when she covered her mouth and started to run away to leave the house of her so - called boyfriend well ex-boyfriend now. But it was late as the guy had heard her sob and her rushing feet so he quickly stood up wearing anything his hands laid on in hurry and followed her. "Alison wait..." he shouted but she never looked back and kept running. She just didn't have it in her to face him right now. Her mind was a mess at the moment having no idea as to how she should comprehened her relationship of two years to fall apart like this. Never in this wildest dream she could have thought that her boyfriend would ever cheat on her. But as they say, expect the least expected. And she understood the meaning of it now. That what she could have never imagined actually happened and in a blink of an eye she lost the very relationship she was so proud of. She was doubting those two years both of them spent together. Did that really mean something to him too or was it only her all along? She didn't know anymore. It was as if her relationship all this time was nothing but a lie. A beautiful lie which was finally washed away by the harsh reality which she wasn't ready for. "Alison listen to me..." he said, finally getting a hold of her hand and stopping Alison on her track with her tear stricken face. Crumbling her resolve to escape or if possible then literally vanish from here. But there she stood unmoving with Ethan still holding her hand, not letting her go. "What is even there to listen Ethan?" she was glaring at him, challenging him to sprout any kind of nonsense. "What?! Telling me. I am waiting. Or your dumb brain can't think of a lame excuse." Alison mocked him when she found Ethan open his mouth to say something, anything at that. But no words came out. Was he really not even going to defend himself? Well it was more like he couldn't because he knew he f****d up big time. "Alison I am sorry. I really am. I never wanted to do this to you. I know you have heard this line a thousand times in a movies that its not your fault, it's me. And this time it's really me. It's my fault Alison. Please... -" before Ethan had a chance to complete his so - called - apology he felt his cheek sting. Alison slapped him hard with her eyes still shooting daggers at the said man. It's not you, it's me. It's my fault. She had never thought that there would ever come a time when she would hear those words from the guy she had been loving with all of her heart all this time. To her their relationship was too beautiful and magical to think it could ever come to a point, to a day where she would hear those words from him. Even if fairytales were only written in novels, still she believed she had found her own fairytale. But guess what, fairytales aren't real. And so was hers. It was heart wrenching to accept that her delusion of their fairytale, of their happily ever after had come to an end. That the mirror of perfect relationship they had was shattered and broken to some many tiny pieces that it was impossible to fix it. The damage was done. Ethan had decided to cheat on her and now they were standing facing each other with different emotions. One was guilty, other was hurt. "Yes it's your fault. It is your freaking fault. But you know what even I am to be blamed for not recognizing a jerk like you." Alison was yelling not caring if she was looking like a mad woman at this point. Because frankly after what she had witnessed, she indeed had gone insane. Well who won't, it would have been weirder if she had stayed normal after finding her boyfriend n***d and wrapped in sheets with some other girl, with both of them literally eating each other's face. She was beyond disgusted but more than that she hurt. That was the moment when she knew what betrayal feels like. "And you know what else. You literally chose the best day to cheat on me." Alison spoke with so much sarcasm which was dripping with her every word but she really doubted if it was even affecting Ethan. Because he would have never done this if she cared about her. Alison regretted crushing over such a man all her college life until her crush had finally become reality. When he had become her boyfriend, back then she had felt thousands of butterflies bursting in her stomach making her all giddy. It was like a miracle. But that was so she thought. She didn't know it would come to this. Only if she had known before that this was going to be their end, only if she had known before that her heart that she gave him will be thrown in a trashcan then she wouldn't have fallen for him this recklessly. But unfortunately she couldn't have known all this. Now she could only curse her past self for getting fooled. "Happy anniversary asshat." Ethan who was frowning a few seconds ago stood frozen at those words. That's when realization hit him hard. During all this chaos he totally forgot about it, their anniversary. Today they had completed two years today. Now he understood what Alison really meant with best timing. He actually messed it up big time. If he was feeling bad minutes ago then he was feeling worst now. But he couldn't undo a thing. "Oops sorry. Let me correct it. Happy break up you freaking bastard." with that being said Alison threw the bouquet of flowers at him but hey it wasn't enough. So she took out the cake and smashed it on his face and left him stood there his eyes wide open as he stared at her retreating figure.
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