Chapter 16

1620 Words

After Anabel finished her bath, she got out and laid in the bed until she felt like getting up again. The moonlight peaked into her room through the curtains, she got out of bed and went to the window, it was dark but the moon was high and it was right. She wasn’t sure she was still in the Shadow realm, she didn’t care. “This is a good place to live,” Marcus said coming into the room. Anabel turned to look at him but didn’t speak. Yeah, this place was nice, but she didn’t belong there, she didn’t want to be there not without her friends. “I can’t live here.” She said turning to look outside again. Marcus walked closer to the window, “I think you could if I made things better here for you, bring your friends here. You would like it.” He said touching her skin, he didn’t realize it was as

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