#Chapter 103 – Family Ties

1837 Words

  “Mimi!” Ian shouts, bursting through Victor’s back door. He had seen his grandmother through the window as he ran across the yard, his backpack slung over his shoulder. “Are you coming to our school today!?” She laughs, bending down to look at her grandson. “Your school? What are you talking about?” Alvin and Evelyn come through the kitchen door, Evelyn pressing it closed behind her. “We go to school here now, Mimi!” Alvin says, equally excited. Marissa turns a curious look on Evelyn, who nods and shrugs. “Victor and I decided to homeschool them for a few months, until the academy gets on its feet. We’re interviewing tutors today.” “How exciting,” Marissa says, smiling down at the boys. “Yeah I’m going to pick a really good one,” Ian says, hefting his backpack up onto one of the h

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