Chapter 1 - Not Him, Please!

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*Carreon Maddison's POV* --- "Hey, Carrie! Guess what? Phew! Damn, that was quite an exercise." My best friend Kate greeted me as she entered my room while panting. This girl doesn't even know how to knock on people's doors. "Hmm, what?" I asked and not even lifting my head to look at her because I could just see a face that I have been looking at for years. She jumped on my bed and grabbed my favorite pillow, then, hugged it tightly. What's wrong with this girl? I guess she's sick since she's always smiling. I mean, I'm used to her being so hyper, but I can sense something is not right with her today. She might be on her period. "Come on, just guess." She insisted and covered my book with a pillow. Well, I've been reading my textbook in our history class, and this is freaking killing me. I need to read seven f*****g pages about what are the significant things that have happened for the past century so that I have something to answer on our oral exam on Monday. I just hate school so much. It's like a creepy, deep, and dark dungeon for me. I just sighed and looked at her very blooming face. She's on make-up even though she already looks beautiful. There really is something wrong with her today. "Okay. Your parents adopted a new cat?" I uttered and she just pouted. Damn, I hate to look at that face. She absolutely thinks that she is cute when she does that, but the hell not. "Well, no. Try again." She replied and hugged her knees. I closed my book and stared at her face intently. "Ummm…. You are gonna go to the mall and you want me to be your bodyguard? Or chaperone? But you'll have to treat me lunch, of course." I asked and she just sighed. A very deep one. "Well, umm... Actually, it's just that I already have a boyfriend. Chrysler Hale, he finally asked me to be his girlfriend and I am very lucky because you know that he is---" She began but I cut her off. Did I hear it right? Boyfriend? "What? Chrysler Hale? Have you lost your mind, Kate? Do you even know how many girls he left brokenhearted? He's a f*****g player! Everybody knows that. He'll just break your heart by the end of this week. Trust me, that bastard will give you no good. I mean, there are other good guys out there who are gawking at you, and I think they are far more better than him." I ranted and she just stared at me like a lost puppy. What does she have in mind to let that asshole fool her? This is so not good in any way. "But, Carrie, he said that he's ready to change for me. He promised actually, and I hold on to that. I believe in him. Please, just give him a chance. Please?" She explained and begged, but still, I don't agree. He must have made a move when I was not around this b***h. "That's the thing they say to every girl they want to play with. They make you promises that are meant to be broken. That's it. Come on, Kate, grow some balls. He doesn't deserve you." I kept convincing her and she gave me that look again. She always gives me that when there is something I say that has no proof. "Hmmm. How many times did a boy ask you to be their girlfriend or even ask you out for a date? And, have you ever been a girlfriend before?" She asked me, and here we go again. Okay, I admit that nobody ever asked me to be their girlfriend because I just don't like anybody. If ever I can sense that the person has something on me, I just give myself a wide distance from them. I'm not that rude, but, I'm just being me. A pro me. "Kate, it doesn't matter if there are boys who asked me out or none. It's just that I'm giving you advice because I am your best friend. I don't want you to get hurt in the end. I don't wanna see you cry your eyes out again over some assholes." I explained and she seemed to be quiet. Then, she gave me a small smile and scooted near me. "Thanks for your concern, Carrie. I appreciate it. But I guess I can handle myself better now. I'm old enough to know if somebody's a jerk or not." She uttered while hugging my waist. And, I just sighed and hugged her back. I hope she won't have regrets in the end. This girl could be a pain in the ass, but she's sometimes sweet. We met when we were still in the third grade. She was bullied but I kicked the asses of those bullies and we became friends. I have always been there for her and she does the same for me. "Okay, I trust in you. But I will surely kick his ass if ever he will break your heart. He better be ready. These fists haven't touched any faces for a month already. I feel like I need to sharpen these." I told her while showing her my knuckles, and she just laughed. I’m effin’ serious about what I said. I am actually popular in the school as a badass girl because I punch those bullies who I catch bullying somebody, but mostly males only. I am just a regular customer of the detention room and the principal's office. What's the use of my martial arts training with my dad if I'm not gonna defend those who are vulnerable, right? "Fine. But don't kill him." She stated and I just shrugged my shoulders. I'm not so sure about that. That boy is said to be the campus heartthrob, and I just hate him so much. Like, come on, he changes girlfriends almost every week, or is it every day? He's just a typical player. --- "Hey, Carrie, can I borrow your Zippo lighter?" Kevin asked as he reaches for it. He is one of my friends that is in the other class and we've been hanging out since middle school. He's nice and I guess he does drugs, but I don't want to try that. I just smoke and that's it. It's so nice of them because they don't pressure me in trying that thing. "What's bugging inside your head? You've been quiet." He asked and I just looked at the surroundings. I'm actually just thinking about something. We are currently at the back of the gym, in a very quiet place that no students go here since they're afraid that drug addict students are always hanging out here. And, they're not wrong. "Yeah, Maddison! Are you experiencing a broken heart again? You know that I'm always here to fix that." Mike asked while making gestures with his hands and putting them to his chest. He is such an asshole. He's been saying that he got a big crush on me, but I don't mind it. Maybe they can sense that I just treat every guy as a friend or an enemy, nothing more and they understand that. Or maybe they can sense that I'm gay or something. Well, I'm also not so sure about that since I've never got attracted to men or women. Or maybe the right one hasn't come yet. "No, I'm just thinking if where can I get answers in my Math assignment," I answered and they just stared at each other knowingly. Total morons. They are also not that smart kids, just like me. We skip classes, don't make assignments, make trouble, and do not listen to the teacher most of the time. I just got good grades because whenever there is an exam or a test, Kate helps me study very very hard to the point that I pass out. That girl is worse than my mother. "Well, talking about finding answers to your assignment? Here it comes." Kevin said and looked behind me while waving his hand. Somebody is coming. "Oh, hi! Kate, you look good today," I greeted her with a high pitched voice. Damn, I was not expecting her to be here. And, I gave her a cheeky smile as I dropped my cigarette on the ground and stepping on it. s**t, she caught me again. Now, I'm in deep trouble. "Here you are, Carreon Maddison! You're smoking again, huh? How many times do I have to tell you that smoking is very bad for your health? You never listen, you stubborn egghead. I really can not understand why you love to burn your lungs." Kate ranted while dragging me away from my group of friends. Geez, can this girl be nicer to me? "Ow, ow, ow! Kate, it hurts, you know." I protested as she pinched my side. She hates me smoking, but I can't help it. It makes me relax and my body craves it. --- "When will you learn, Carrie?" She asked me like she's reprimanding her younger sister and crosses her arms on her chest. Oh, her signature pose. She is dead serious by this time. I just scratched my head and sighed. She has been telling me to stop smoking for like two years ago. But quitting is a hella big leap for me. "I... Uh… I'm trying, okay? But slowly." I stated and it's true, I guess. I can actually smoke almost eight sticks a day and it's not good for me. Well, I started when my father died in a car accident five years ago. And, that made me into someone who I never thought I would be. But luckily, Kate stayed by my side even if I have become the shittiest person on earth. "Fine, but make sure that you are going to stop." She uttered and gave me a warm smile. I nodded my head and picked up my things from my locker. "Hey, Babe!" Somebody uttered, and as I looked at the person, he hugged my best friend from the back. Did they just kiss in front of me? This is pathetic. I really hate this bastard. "Can you please get a room?" I stated sternly and just stared at them. They let out a nervous laugh and I glared at him. "Oh, uh... hi! You are Carreon, right?" He said nervously and put his hands inside his pockets. The heck is wrong with him? We've been schoolmates since primary school, and he acts like he just knew my name? I just hate him. Did I mention that already? He doesn't look that bad after all. He's just one of those boys who are taking advantage of looking good. A f*****g player. Can this type of person just vanish with the snap of my fingers? "No. It's Maddison. And one thing, Chrysler Hale. Mark on this one. If ever you break my best friend's heart, I will come to you and I will break your face. Prolly not just your face but the rest of your bones." I told him and warned the jerk with my fearsome voice. He seemed to flinch and looked at Kate nervously. "Well, I uh… Umm ... Okay, I pro… promise. I will not break Kate's heart. And, I gotta go to my classroom now. Bye, Babe!" He said while stuttering and started walking away. Then, I looked at my best friend and she got a not-very-happy face. Did I say too much? I just shrugged and we walked side by side to our classroom. --- "Do you really have to threaten him?" She asked as we take our seats. The teacher is not here yet, so, we still have time to chat. "Well, he should know that there is somebody that he shouldn't make a mess with," I replied and made a very stern look on my face while cracking my knuckles. She just laughed and pinched my cheek. She's really having fun doing that ever since forever. "Okay, okay. But thank you. And, I suggest that you should find yourself a boyfriend too, it'll make you a change for sure. And, for you not to be so f*****g bitter." She said, and with that, I acted like I'm disgusted and about to puke. Katelyn Harvey is one hella gorgeous girl. She's definitely a boy magnet. But some of those boys are afraid of her best friend and that's me, so, there are very few who got to ask her out. But that asshole slipped out of my fingers. "No, that's not happening. And... for you to know, I am not bitter." I asserted and here comes our teacher in History. --- We are finished with our oral exam, and now, he's talking about having a field trip with the other classes to a museum this coming Friday. I just hate field trips as much as I hate school.
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