Chapter 1

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Fluttering eyes opened to be blinded by the darkness. I quickly opened my eyes wide and jolted up. Snapping my head from right to left; trying to figure out where I was and what happened. The first thing I sensed was the light snores in my room which was unusual. “Who’s there?” my voice sounded strange to me. I felt parched and my head throbbed. I threw the duvet aside and quickly stood beside my bed in search of a source of light. The moment my legs touched the ground and the whole weight shifted on them, they wobbled and I met the floor with a loud thud making me groan in pain. There was some shuffling and footsteps came closer to me. I felt someone gently but firmly held me and started to pick me up while someone else flicked on the light switch now making me close my eyes tightly. “Are you alright?” An unfamiliar feminine voice reached my ears and I slowly opened my eyes to look at her. There stood an old man scanning my face for an answer but the confusion was evitable. “You should have called for help rather than doing it yourself.” He said in a stern voice and I found myself nodding. Weird! “May I know who are you and where am I?” I tried to ease the hoarseness of my throat when I was handed a glass of water. Bless them! The elderly woman now came close to me and patted my shoulder lightly. “We are just an old couple who works our own cafe for a living here in Massachusetts. We found you...” she gulped hard looking at her husband who nodded and she proceeded after a pause “near the riverside in a damp area. You were about to die with fading pulse and no breathing. Luckily our Adonis found you there that grabbed our attention and we rushed you to seek medical help.” Suddenly all that happened back then flashed my mind and I shuddered not realizing the fresh tears falling down my face. “Hey... shhhhh honey. I don’t know what happened to you that lead you to that condition but now you are okay and safe with us!” She smiled genuinely at me and I sobbed harder. I was pulled in a warm hug and cried shamelessly in their embrace not thinking what impression I would leave on them. When my sobs subsided, I pulled apart wiping away my tears. “Thanks a lot Mrs...?” “Just call me Maria or better aunt!” I nodded briskly, “Thanks Aunt Maria for taking me in. I would soon find myself an apartment and move out.” “You needn’t go anywhere. We would love to have a company at this age but it is okay if that’s what you want.” Uncle voiced out. “Marcus is right. We would love to have someone of your age. You can stay as long as you want but if you still feel the need to move out. Well, you can...” Maria passed a small smile. “I don’t think that’s a good idea. I would rather move out myself than being thrown out by you later.” I didn’t realize I spoke it out loud until I heard Uncle Marcus huff. “We are pretty sure that would never happen. Anyways, I guess you should rest some more before the doctor comes to check on you.” He turned and went to the bed that was just few steps away from mine. “Don’t mind him. He was just glad to have a child in the house but since you are adamant to leave, he must have felt bad about it. I know you don’t feel safe enough to share anything with us but I would appreciate if you would. That way you can help the burden lift off your shoulders and feel relaxed.” She stared expectantly at me but I remained with a stoic expression. A part of me wanted to tell her everything but the other, a broken side of me screamed no. “Good night my child. Call me if you need anything. I will be here close to you.” She kissed my forehead and luckily she turned to go before I cried inwardly shutting my mouth to let the sobs escape my lips. It was only now I found that she was sleeping down on a mattress parallel to me and near to the switch which she switched off after making sure I was tucked in the comforter. It felt strange to call the strangers as uncle and aunt and suspicious when they are the ones who took you in and were looking after you. I was confused and angry upon my fate. Am I a joke? What is it that I did so badly that had me into this place? I never hurt anyone nor betrayed anyone my entire life; intentionally at the least, so why me? Why me and my family? Tell me god please tell me? I cried the whole night when the memories flooded my mind. I felt something cold hit my skin and fear gripped my heart. I screamed and jolted away from whatever the hell was. “Please...” I was held by strong arms and I yanked myself away from them until the same unfamiliar yet concerned voice reached me. “Everything’s okay child, it’s us... your uncle and aunt.” Marcus had pulled me into a gentle yet tight embrace to stop me from hitting him anymore and placed his cheek on my head. I ended up crying and felt guilty of my actions. I was sorry for acting this way when they were just concerned. I shouldn’t bother them. “Hello my name is Dr. Joseph. Now that you are finally awake, may I know your name?” He passed me a smile as he put his stethoscope around his nape. ‘So, the cold thing was just a stethoscope?’ “I-I am... Sunny.” I didn’t want to tell anything else. “Uh-Okay!” Not getting anything more he continued, “So, Sunny... how are you?” ‘How are you?’ easy but the most difficult question to answer. I was not okay. I am broken and barely living but you can’t just say that out loud to the unknowns. “Are you okay?” he asked sceptically and since I don’t trust myself, I nodded. “Do you feel any pain? anywhere in the body?” He asked. ‘Yes... In my heart!’ that’s what I wanted to say but I know better not to speak. “My whole body aches with movement.” I told him and noticed the voice cracking. “That’s obvious since you were shot in the thigh and stabbed in the back and stomach. You had several injuries like you were beaten with something heavy. Do you remember anything?” he asked. It was like a trigger when all those images crossed my head and with great difficulty I shook my head. “No...” my voice was barely above a whisper. He narrowed his eyes before sighing loudly. “Okay, if you say so.” He turned to the old couple. “She is having a PTSD and few injuries. I have prescribed some medicines for the latter and it would be helpful if she opens up about her trauma to heal. It would also help to understand the type of traumatic stress she is undergoing.” Joseph then turned to face me. “I would appreciate if you just let us help you.” He smiled again before making his way out. Uncle followed him and aunt sat beside me passing me a juice. “I can see you lied but don’t worry. I wouldn’t pressurize you or anything. I just want to let you know we are always there for you.” She put the glass in my hand and gestured me to drink. ‘We are always there for you’ those words were like a déjà vu and I breathed heavily not wanting to let it affect me but I was failing miserably. I felt numb not knowing how to react, what to answer or more importantly why I was here at the first place? A pleasant yet nauseous smell hit me when a plate was handed over to me. “You need to have something in your system girl. You need strength.” Uncle spoke sternly. “I can’t eat...” It ached to voice out my thoughts without crying. “I am not asking. I am telling you that you’ll have to eat it. We know other ways as well.” He glanced at me with a ‘No-Nonsense’ look. I didn’t respond and I guess that annoyed them. They went to work and I didn’t know when I felt asleep but I was woken up by someone. “Why haven’t you touched your food? Its four hours since that time. Is this how you’re gonna behave?” Uncle fumed and I shook with fear. I know he was different. He meant good but the way he behaved reminded me of them and I couldn’t help but retract.  I pushed myself back till the headrest hit my head but I didn’t stop there and ducked to the corner of the room. I am pretty sure I looked like a mad woman but I was scared. I wanted to defend myself. “Honey, you are scaring her so please just stop!” Maria half-yelled at her husband as she tried to approach me slowly. The concern on her face could have not melted me but what did was her shaky hands that lay out stretched and that teary gaze that were fixed on me trying to study my moves. I slowly let exhaled and took deeper breaths. ‘It’s Alright! It’s safe.’ I chanted to assure my heart and didn’t flinch away when those shaky hands touch my arm. 
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