Under Attack

3546 Words

Amilton took a break. Marco stared at him. "It is the lieutenant?" Amilton swallowed again. "It's Lieutenant Bruno." "Are you absolutely sure of that?" Amilton sighed. "I have... All the evidences points against him. More than five men saw him enter the special wards...I believe it was the moment he implanted the bombs...not only...the device has his fingerprint." Marco sighed. "Unbelievable.." "I didn't believe it either." "I don't know why Bruno would do that. He was always a good soldier... the best, I can say." Marco got up and started pacing. "I have no idea sir. In fact, I didn't even think of a reason." "There is no other evidence?" "No sir." "I wonder if there was an accomplice...maybe Tadeu?!" "No sir. If there has an accomplice, it shouldn't be him. He really was

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