Chapter 10 - Plans, plans everywhere, but does anyone really care?

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Julius We walked in silence for a while. “My father’s funeral is early tomorrow morning. I don’t want you to come.” Emily started. Careful not to frighten her away again, I had not tried to even touch her in any way. Instead, walking beside her with my hands clasped behind my back. “May I ask why not?” I frowned. “It is a small service of a pauper. I do not wish it to be more than that highness. Your presence will make it look like it means more.” She took a deep breath and looked into the distance. “Why did you … Why are we here then, Emily?” I kept stealing glances her way as we walked. “I don’t know. I wanted to thank you for saving my life.” I could hear in her voice that she was holding back her tears. “We were lucky, being in the right place at the right time. Things could have been much worse.” I frowned as she looked down at her wrists. “Yes, your highness. I think the reason I wanted to speak to you is that we cannot carry on with this, whatever this is. I …” I couldn’t bear listening to her reasons and I interrupted her. “Before you say anything else. Emily.” I took her hands in mine, turning her towards me. She was still looking down at the ground. She cringed with pain when I held her hands. “I’m sorry. Does it still hurt a lot?” “No, it is fine.” She lied. “Emily, you aren’t a great liar. What we share I will never find anywhere else, or with anyone else. This, as you call it, is love as far as I am concerned. Don’t you understand Emily? I am in love with you.” She looked up at me, her eyes brimmed with tears. “You love me?” Her voice was barely a whisper. “Yes.” Silence. It couldn’t be possible. She was a commoner. How could I have fallen in love with her so fast? “I fell in love with you that first day I saw you, your green eyes cutting right into my soul. You took my breath away, and I couldn’t get you out of my mind.” “Highness, you know this will never work. Your mother will never allow it. You need royal blood to save our kingdom from ruin. Being with me will only bring heartache and pain for everyone else.” She looked away. “No, it will not. Please, Emily, can we give us a chance?” I pleaded. I had never pleaded in my life. “I don’t know highness. This is a lot to ask and a lot for you to give.” She started looking nervous, looking around, almost ready to run. I grabbed her around her tiny waist, pulling her up close to me, and kissed her soft lips. She immediately melted against me, with no resistance this time. Opening her mouth to explore for my hungry kiss, her arms went around my neck. Third Person The Queen was looking out of her bedroom window at the dried-out land. If she could produce a daughter with King Angus and hand the daughter to the creature, the land would heal. Why didn’t Julius understand that she was trying to save the kingdom? He didn’t even give her a chance to explain! Placing her under guard, not allowing messages! King Angus would be there in two weeks to visit, and then she would return with him to his kingdom for the wedding. Julius would have no other option but to submit. She felt bad for her son, but it was the only way she could see to save the two of them from total ruin and poverty. If only he had agreed to marry Princess Anna! Stupid boy! Anna “Father.” I smiled. “Anna, my darling. You have returned. I take it that the Prince didn’t want to marry then?” He smiled. “No father, but his mother sent you this letter. I do believe that she is suggesting another alliance.” I raised a brow. “Come, come in first and rest my daughter. You must be tired after your journey. We will discuss strategy at dinner.” He put his arm around my shoulders as we walked in. Julius Breaking their kiss to take a breath, Emily looked down at the ground immediately. “Julius, we need to stop doing this!” Her voice was on the verge of tears. “Emily, come with me.” I took her hand, walking back into the castle with her following me, through the kitchen, past a wide-eyed Cook up the stairs of the kitchen into the castle’s enormous passage. It echoed with our footsteps. I slid my arm around her waist, walking with her until we reached the main staircase and went up the stairs. “Julius, where are we going? What are you doing?” She sounded nervous. “Showing you that it is not what you think it is, if you will let me. Please.” I stopped halfway down the passage to my rooms. “I, I don't know … I’ve never … And now … And nobles do this to their staff girls. What would you want me to do? My mother died this way! Your highness, please!” She stuttered as tears started forming in her eyes again. “Emily, please, don’t cry. I didn’t mean to scare you. It is not my intention to hurt you in any way. I will find the man that hurt your mother, and he will pay for what he did, but …” I took her beautifully pale face in my hands, my forehead resting against hers. “Please try and trust me. I promise not to hurt you. Or do anything you do not feel comfortable with. I just need you to, please.” She nodded. Her breath was short and fast as she followed me to my room. Emily What the hell was I doing? Shaking my head to clear the bad images of my mother out of my mind and concentrated on the here and now. He opened the door, letting me in, closed and locked it behind us. I started shivering with nervousness. Seeing it, he walked up to me, put his arms around my waist, pulling me into his embrace. Kissing my forehead softly. He took my small hand and put it on his chest. “This is what you do to me my darling Emily.” My wide eyes looked up at him. “This is how I feel, each time I see you.” Lowering his lips closer to me, he hovered just above me, almost touching my soft lips, but waiting for me to close the space between us. I hesitated for a minute, felt his warmth around me. The shivering stopped and I kissed him. Slowly moving my arms around his neck, my fingers ran through his dark hair. Picking me up bridal style, he carried me over to his bed. Breaking the kiss, so he could put me down on top of the soft bedding. Laying down next to me, he didn’t break eye contact. “Are you still okay?” He asked and I nodded. He pulled me closer. His hand was holding my face, his other around my waist. I went slightly rigid at first, not sure what to do, but quickly recovered when his hot kisses required more attention. When we needed to breathe, we broke apart panting. I pulled my legs together tightly. I was wet down there and couldn’t understand what was happening to my body. My nip.ples were tight. The look in his eyes filled with lust. He moved closer until he was right on top of me. “More?” He asked, holding his weight off me. I nodded. Lowering himself down beside me, he held my head on one side, kissing me just behind my ear on the other side, leaving a wet trail of kisses down my neck, pulling me onto my side, so we lay side by side. He left small kisses down my shoulder and back up my collarbone. He let me lie down on my back, smiling at me. “You taste of cinnamon. Do you want to try more?” He looked nervous. “How can I taste of cinnamon?” I was shocked, missing the second question. Sniffing the air, I started to try and figure out where the cinnamon could be coming from, when he crushed his lips down on mine again. Stunned by his movement, I held back, making him break the kiss. “Now Emily, forget about the cinnamon. Do you want us to carry on?” Looking into those blue pools for eyes, I felt myself drowned. “What will this mean, Julius?” I was slightly out of breath. “What do you want it to mean, Emily? I want you to be my Queen, but I know it is too early for you to make such a decision. I would love to devour your entire body right now, but I know you might not be ready for that yet. So, I will reserve myself to going as far as you feel comfortable.” He looked conflicted as he said it. “Okay. So, we uhm … Can do what one does, and I will stop you if I can’t go further?” My voice waivered slightly. “Are you sure, my love?” He frowned. “Yes.” Both of us felt a rush of adrenaline as he removed his shirt. I took in the look of him. Quickly looking back into his eyes. I had never seen a man naked and his body made my heart almost flutter! He lay down half his weight on top of me, half off. Not nearly as heavy as I thought he would be. Looking into my eyes, he moved closer again, just enough for me to almost feel his lips, but not all the way, as he was kissing me. I had to move towards him to complete the kiss. He softly nipped my lip for me to open my mouth, so he could explore the wonder that lies inside. Our kisses grew hungrier with each passing moment. Breaking the kiss, taking deep breathes of air, Julius again started his torture trail of wet kisses down my neck, my shoulder and back up my collarbone. This time, however, he did not stop there. While untying the strap holding my frail cream top together, he kept his eyes locked on mine. The knot was no problem for him and my firm round breast lay ready when he pulled the cloth away. My nip.ple was small and pink, already hard in anticipation. A moan escaped from my lips the moment his hot mouth touched my skin. My hands automatically went to his shoulders to stop him. He sucked on one last time before letting go. “Do you want me to stop?” He frowned. “I don’t know!” I moaned. “Do you want me to continue?” He sighed. “I don’t know,” I cried. “Do you like it?” He asked. “I don’t know!” I screamed. He took my palms, intertwining his fingers with mine, pinning my arms above my head. Lowering down onto my nip.ple again he softly sucked, making me moan, pulling my legs together and up towards me. He smiled, looking up at me. “Why are you doing that?” He looked amused. “Why do you ask?” I asked, wide-eyed. “Emily, I need more than short answers and questions from you if this is going to work. I ask because if you are wet and aching, it means your body is enjoying what we are doing. I’m guessing you haven’t had any experience before?” The idea seemed to make him happy. “No! One should save this for marriage! I don’t know why I’m lying here underneath you half-naked!” Clarity hit me and I covered myself with my arms, pulling my hands from his grip. “Because you want to.” He whispered in my ear, making goosebumps come out all over my skin. “But if it is a marriage you want first, I will have it arranged for tomorrow. I know I love you and I want you to be my wife. Not just because of this.” He held me tight against him. “But because you, Emily, captured my heart from that first moment I saw you.” “Julius! You have completely lost your mind!” I sat up straight, forgetting to tie my top. My enticing breast still open and my nip.ples hard. “Why?” He lay down on the pillow, resting his head on one arm. “You would get married, just to prove to me that … That … This?” I stuttered, unable to form words. “Yes, I would marry you to prove to you that I love you, this, as you call it, being part of that proof. It is an act of love, Emily, not one of pain as you grew up to believe.” He looked so damn handsome! “You said we could stop when I wanted to?” I thought it was my only defense left. “Yes, that is what I said.” He nodded. “I want to stop. I need time to think.” I sounded completely out of breath! He looked disappointed, but still got up off the bed, walking around to my side to help me up. Tying my top again. “And no wedding plans!” I felt incredibly nervous. “Okay fine! No wedding plans … Yet.”
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