Chapter 4: A Lot Can Happen In A Day

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Chapter 4 James's POV... My phone went off and I picked up without looking at the ID. "Hello?" "James, its Callie," I instantly got up. "What happened?" There was a silence on the other end before, "she's awake!" yelled a happy Scott. "She just woke up but something's wrong with her. Her wolf is gone and she didn't heal her." I cringed. "James?" "Oh right, I have to go. Bye," I said quickly hanging up and grabbing extra clothes with me. I have to shift, if I'm not able to shift I'm not fit for being Alpha. Luckily when I got to the woods I was able to shift and I barked, glad that nothing happened to me. After a while of running, I returned to where my clothes laid and got dressed. .......................................................................................................................................................................... Callie's POV... Healing as a human was taking longer than I thought and soon I grew bored with nothing to do. Davis came regularly to check up on me with my homework and to talk. My parents came too but only once and it was to inform me they were going on a business trip. My brother on the other hand never left my side and it stung. My mate should be the one being by my side right now. As much as I loved my brother, he wasn't my mate and I felt empty without James, as must as I hated to admit. Every day as I lay on my bed I could feel what he felt when another woman pleasured him. It disgusted me. I should be the one to make him happy and whole, not some random slut. Every night in my dreams I found myself in the same field and I sat there with my wolf trying to convince her to speed things up and get this healing process done, but she never gave in. Until one day... Actually, one night... "Look I know he rejected us and you feel lonely and broken without him," she winced but I continued, "but we'll have to face him one day and when that day comes we have to prove to him, to them, that we're strong and we don't need him. That he made the biggest mistake of his life by letting us go." She looked at me, you know what happens when a wolf is rejected; the wolf dies. No wolf has survived without their mate. I looked directly at her eyes, "the Luna told me there was a bright future for us but I can't do it alone, I need you." My words finally synced in her hard skull and she nodded her big wolf head. Bright light covered her fur as the deep scratches healed and as her bones went back to their original place. I smiled and she wagged her tail. As she got up, I lifted my hand to pet her and when my fingers touched her, I felt warmth fill me. I woke up and quickly got up and ran over to Scott. I gently shook him until a very tired looking brother of mine opened his eyes. "What?" he asked confused and tired. When his eyes focused on me they widened. "Hey Scott, I'm feeling better, we should head home," I said before he could respond and ran out of the building. It felt good getting fresh air in my lungs. I finally felt better. The summer breeze felt wonderful as it lightly moved my tangled brown hair. . .......................................................................................................................................................................... The next day was Monday so I got up early to dress up a little. My mate might have rejected me but I wasn't going to let that get me down. I had to show him he was wrong. That he made a mistake. I also decided on wearing some makeup. I made sure to leave before Scott saw me or else he'd make me go back to my room and change. I walked to school, it was probably a 10 minute walk but I didn't care, I wouldn't sweat just because I walked to school, I was a wolf. It was still a bit dark when I arrived and students were still making their way to school calmly. I held my backpack tighter and walked to the entrance. I was right, his expression was priceless. When I walked in his eyes widened and he tensed when he realized what I was wearing. I decided to put on a skirt and a tank top which wasn't normal for me since I only wore jeans and shirts. The blonde besides James shot me a glare before taking him with her. Ignoring them I walked to my homeroom and chuckled as I felt everyone's eyes on me. Normally I wasn't used to the attention but today I was going to enjoy it, even if it was just for a day. .......................................................................................................................................................................... Since James is a senior and I'm a junior we don't have any classes together but, sadly, we did have lunch together. I could hear whispers as Davis and I walked in. "Did you see Callie today?" "Yeah, she looks totally hot." "I wish I was her mate." I laughed, "Can you believe this? They're acting like... I don't know it feels wrong." Davis smirked, "well Cal, you do look good today." "Watch it Henry," I snapped and he only chuckled amused. "Cal, you never told me what happened that day with you and James and don't try to deny it, your brother told me you recovered your memory." I hesitated, Should I tell him? I asked my wolf. Yes! He's been your best friend since you guys were babies! I nodded and Davis looked at me confused. "Davis, James is my mate," I looked at him expecting him to be shocked. His eyes widened, "oh wow Cal that's not what I was expecting. What happened between you guys in the woods?" I tensed, "he um, he rejected me." Davis tensed and his eyes darkened before growling dangerously. I could feel everyone's eyes on us, "Davis, calm down I'm over it." He snarled, "Callie, how can you say that?! You know what happens to a rejected mate, you saw how Ana died because she was foolish enough to reject hers!" I winced and whispered, "The goddess told me something good is going to happen." He snarled more, "What do you think it is? Maybe you'll be happy in the afterlife thanks to that, that... player!" "Calm down Davis," I said trying to calm him doing, he was acting paranoid and eyes were starting to turn. "No! Don't tell me to calm down Callie," he shouted and everyone's eyes were on us. I could feel James's eyes glued to my back and when I turned around I saw he was sitting really tense watching Davis alert. I sighed and reached out to hug Davis so he would relax and a loud growl filled the room. Everyone turned to face James but he didn't seem to notice, his eyes were boring into mine. He took a step towards me, when I stiffened Davis turned around and growled. "Don't you dare take another step towards her!" Davis yelled and James's eyes turned darker. "She's mine," his wolf growled close enough so only we could hear. "You're pathetic you know, a stupid excuse of an Alpha," said Davis and James snapped. He lunged at Davis as he shifted in mid air. Davis never backed out of a fight, he shifted too and the two wolves circled each other looking for a weakness. Murmurs filled the room and then, James leaped on Davis's back and everyone heard the snap of jaws and bones. Davis pushed him back and kept his ground in front of me. The crowd around me was starting to push me back and I was almost too far to see what was going on. Suddenly James had his jaws clamped around Davis's neck; too late did I realize what he was doing. "No!" I yelled in horror and pushed through the crowd running towards my best friend. I was too late, a sickening snap filled the cafeteria and a small whine escaped Davis's lips before he dropped limp on a puddle of blood. James kept on ripping him apart as I ran closer. When I was close enough I shifted and lunged at James. He looked startled for a second not being sure of who attacked him. Without a second thought he struck at me and I fell as pain filled my body. I whined and recognition flashed across his face. He ran towards me and started muzzling me but I pushed him away too disgusted and heartbroken to even look at him. I turned and sprinted out of the room and out of the school. I needed to leave. I couldn't suffer anymore. He'd done enough and I was done putting up with it.
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