Unexpected Results

1499 Words
“I can’t believe that I was able to get a power up from his advice.” I said as I stretch my arm after my little training that I scheduled to do every day a few months ago. I can now turn any part of my body into metal more efficiently than from the time that I receive this ability. Nothing is currently known about the metal that I was able to turn my body into but there is one thing that I’m sure, the metal can withstand even the highest caliber of gun and will only make a small dent. Swords and knives are out of the question since some from the past experiment either broke or bend the other way. ‘He really did turned us powerful, I wonder how Freya and Hannah were able to improve themselves.’ I thought to myself as I wore my uniform. ‘I can’t afford to be late, the school years is only a few weeks away after all.’ I walked out of the door of the room but then I was immediately greeted by the people who decided to follow me even how hard it was. “Good morning leader.” One of them greeted as they bow their heads. ‘I can’t believe that I was able to make a group of people who are conscious of their body.’ I could not help but smile at the sight of something that I was not even hoping to see when I went here. “Good morning guys, did you get a good night sleep?” I asked as they walk beside me. “Hey Hannah, how long can you maintain your barrier now?” Freya asked she got out of the shower. I stare at the ceiling as I wonder about it myself. “Hmmm- now that you mention it, I was not able to keep track of the time I can maintain my barrier. What was the last that you timed?” Freya quickly scanned on her phone for the last timer that we recorded. “It’s three hours and twenty two minutes.” She said as she read the time on her phone. “Hmm- that timer is from a few months ago right? Then from my estimation, I can maintain my barrier for a good time of nine hours.” I replied. Freya and I were trying to track each other’s improvement from the start of our training but it turned out to be quite difficult, especially when we tried to keep track of mine since the longest time we can record is three hours and twenty two minutes since we always tend to fall asleep during our tracking so we gave up on recording my improvement since we always end up staying up late. “Your ability is troublesome to record since you can go on for hours while I transform something that I hold into a weapon that I can imagine- to some extent.” She said as she dries her hair. How long do you think you need to train in order to gain control of your ability like he did.” I asked while I shove a meatball on my mouth. Freya halted and also wondered about what I said. “He must have been someone who was programmed from his early age to train himself otherwise he will not have those reflexes and movements if he only started a few months before the Olympus enrollment started.” Freya estimated as she continued to dry her hair. ‘That might really be the case- even my father advised me not to pursue an investigation about his background. That would only mean that he had been someone who had his fate sealed before he was even born since most of the families right now has only one goal in mind and that would be ‘to have a single one in the family possess a special ability’ which I am also a product of the same goal but thanks to my father’s control over his greed I am the only offspring that sprouted from my parent’s love for each other while others as the news says were busy making babies every year in a single household.’ I thought to myself as I munch on the meatball that is inside my mouth. “I still can’t forget that day, even though a few months had already passed, I can still remember what happened clearly.” Freya said as dread conquers her entire face. Well, I can’t really blame her since I, too was shocked and surprised about what happened in front of me. Bones breaking and the painful sound of heavy punches engulfed the entire are that afternoon. “Anyway we should hurry up, we don’t want to get late when the end of the school year is close-“ *RING!* *RING!* *RING!* I grab my phone which was resting at the table and take a look at the caller this early in the morning, I was surprised when I saw that it was my father that‘s calling me. *BEEP!* “Good morning father-“my eyes widen as he told me that the investigation that I asked him was finished and they already know where the person can be found. After exchanging a few words with him the call ended. *BEEP!* *BEEP!* *BEEP!* “And that is what you should do- so any questions? If there’s none then please enjoy the time left for our session and take a rest. I’m sure all of you are tired and exhausted.” The teacher from the last session before lunch said as he sat on his chair and decided to sleep. “This entire morning has been really tiring. I can’t believe my body could not keep up with the exercises that we did a few sessions ago.” A student complained as she moves her shoulders around to ease up the pain. “Thank goodness teacher noticed the fatigue in our faces.” A student let out a sigh after realizing that a teacher like him still exist. “But how come the four of them do no look tired at all?” a student pointed out to the four of us. Well, I can’t blame them since it was the three of them that asked our teachers earlier to add more time for our exercises. Talk about devils, just because they experienced something a lot harder than what we experienced earlier doesn’t mean that everyone is the same as them. “Those exercises earlier are great warm ups but it’s a shame that our sessions ended fast right?” Lance said with a sad tone as if he was feeling incomplete and feel bummed about the lack of exercises. “Uhhh- right.” Our classmate replied a little hesitantly. Then they slowly asked Hannah and Freya about what they think of our exercises earlier- they told them the same thing. “To be honest we were fortunate enough that our teachers made us do the basic stuff though it was a bit – hmmm what word should I use? Ah-right! Disappointing.” I buried my face under my palm when I was just listening in to their conversation. ‘Oh my gosh, I must have made a few monsters. As they are right now, I bet they are even more athletic than most people- even athletes. But then I guess people with special abilities are really durable.’ I made a quick glance and saw the hopelessness in the eyes of our classmates. “Damn, I should have continued following behind Lance if I knew something like this would happen.” A student regret his decision as he mess his hair. “That’s why I told you not to give up-“ Lance comforted as he tried to hug him. “Looks like I will not be able to join you later for dinner Frey since my father will fetch me here.” I said as change my clothes. “Is that so- then I guess I’ll cook instant ramen for tonight. Where are you going by the way?” she asked with a sleepy face. “We are going somewhere important.” I replied as I walk out of the room. I was accompanied by some staff towards the front of the gates where the car and my father are already waiting for me. “Good evening father.” I greeted as I bow my head after the door opened and the person as the person inside the car flashed a smile. “How is my beautiful daughter doing?”
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