Brewing Strom

2127 Words
“This year went by so fast, I was not expecting it to end this soon but such is bound to happen. You all have been taught well by your teachers and we hope that all of you will fit in perfectly to the society that views you as blessed individuals. Do not lose your confidence if something is not going according to your plan, persevere and your goals will be fulfilled. Thank you all for being with us for an entire year, I know that it is short but we hope that you have enjoyed your stay here in Olympus.” The principal said during his speech for the graduates of Olympus for this year. The crowd cheered when the principal declared that they are graduates of Olympus as they threw their stuff in the air as celebration for their graduation. “Where is Rain? It’s the day of celebration and he has yet to appear, will he keep us waiting?” Freya said as we stand away from the cheering crowd. “I went to his house earlier and saw that all of the things inside were gone after taking a little peak inside. Did he say anything about leaving?” Lance said as he looks around to see if he can see Rain around while I was contemplating that it was not the case. I felt a presence on the nearby tree as the leaves rustle like something left from the branches. A tie fell on the ground the instant the rustling of the leaves stopped so I went to take a look and found that there is a letter “R” initial embedded on the back side of the tie. “Hey Hannah, what are you looking at?” Freya asked the instant she saw me picking something up. I looked around and saw nothing beside the greens around us. “Nothing, I saw something so I went to check it out and it turns out there nothing after all.” I replied as I went back and hid the tie in my pocket. *CREAK!* “I had so many memories here, to think that the day would come when we have to leave this place.” Van said as he place his hand on the door and reminiscence the past memories that he experience on Olympus. “It can’t be helped, the plan was to set in motion this year and this is our first step to achieve our goal.” I said as I turn my back on the house that I have stayed at for so many decades. I can feel Van looking at me as if he is trying to ask something but could not find the words nor the confidence to do so. “Don’t worry, this place had grown close to me after all those years. Whenever I am here, the memories of my past just drifts in my head and all the memories I have made here come rushing in my head, good ones and even bad ones.” I said without turning back. “I, leaving this place today will feel like this feels like this is my first graduation on Olympus where I and my friends leave this place together. And that will start the reason why I am the only left alive from that tragedy and that is to avenge them. Then and only then, I might feel that my burden is lifted.” I added as I walked out of the pavement of the house and eventually Van followed behind me as we left for the gates of Olympus where a car has been waiting for us the entire time. ‘In the next few weeks the plan will start and I will finally will be able to find out why- why has my batch been sacrificed? Viktor Salem, I swear I will burn you to ashes the moment I learn the truth of what really happened.’ I thought to myself as I glanced back to the place where I have considered home. *OPENS CAR DOOR* *VROOOM!* “Master, we have an urgent message from the doctor.” One of the servants said as he hands the letter on his hand. “Ho- that old fart has sent me a message eh? It’s quite a new experience, usually he just look at my letters and ignore them. What urged him to contact me first, did something wrong happened to another laboratory? Or could it be another problem with the stocks of serum?” the man arrogantly took the paper with a chuckle before reading the contents. *RIPS OPEN!* “Hmmm- let’s see what did that old fart sent me?” he mutter to himself as he unfolds the paper. ‘Who would use to send letter in this day and age? We are already ahead in terms of communication and other things and yet they stick to the old method of communication. Is it to know that the letter is authentic or not? Or is it because the founders ordered to do so? If they want to keep a low profile they should at least embrace some new methods, that way we don’t stick out like a sore thumb and mask ourselves as a different organization.’ I thought to myself as to why they do not use phones or any technological advancement for communicating with other leaders but then something caught my eye as the master reads the letter. His smiling and joyful expression disappeared and got replaced by a horrified expression as he started to break some sweat. ‘What is master reading? Is it a threat from the higher ups? No way- master has been doing his utmost best for the organization without failing the higher ups even for a single time. Did something bad happened perhaps that made him react that way?’ I wondered as I tried to take a peak on the letter since master seems to be occupied by his thoughts as he read the letter but he then folds and puts the letter back inside the envelope and placed it carefully on the table and held his trembling hands as if he is greatly bothered by what he read. “Tell the doctor I have read the contents, I’m pretty sure he sent the same letter to the higher ups. I want to be alone for now, please leave me be for the time being.” Master said with a trembling tone as he asked us to leave the office as of the moment. *CLOSES DOOR* “I have never seen master that nervous in my entire employment here, he is usually smiling and laughing at misfortunes of others but not that expression that he is wearing this day. What must have been the contents of the letter that is great enough to bother the master that greatly?” my subordinate asked the instant we walked a little far away from the master’s office. “I don’t know man. It was the first time for me too, I have never seen that expression on master’s face since my employment. But if he was that bothered by it then it must have been a really serious letter from the doctor.” I replied with a stern tone. “Hmmmm hmmmm hmmmm hmmm- looks like that is about to happen.” A man covered in mud told himself as he puts the hay that he carries and wipes the sweat from his forehead. “A storm is brewing, I wonder what those old geezers are thinking right now that they did not took my warnings seriously. A phantom from death is coming to claim the souls of those who fiddled with his life. Now- how will you react to that phantom no- the demon that you guys created yourselves.” The man tidies his clothes and waves his hand to the persons who passed him by. “I can’t wait to see what will unfold before the world, surely if he reveals himself to the world, the world is bound to be shaken- the balance of power will be seriously tilted and the world will know fear.” The man said as he looks at the skies with a gentle smile on his face. *SLAM!* “Damn it! To think that he was not kidding when he said that something like this is going to happen! How far has he seen the future? Has he seen even our destruction? That must be it, he will not bother to warn us about something if it does not endanger the whole institute. Nigel, just how far have you seen in the future?” the master spoke to himself as he clench his fist in anger and frustration and then taps the button as his attendants immediately went inside his room. “I want you to find a person for me. Order the trackers to track a certain person and tell them that they need to do their best because if they don’t I will have their bodies hanging on the walls as decorations for Halloween.” The master said with a terrifying face as his voice alone sent shivers down his attendants’ spine as they nodded their heads in helplessness and left the office without any single second of delay. “It’s rare to see you that angry Dumas, you are usually jolly and yet today you look like you are ready to rip the life out of everyone you please. Such disgusting demeanor, not even a slight hint of elegance.” A person stepped out of the shadows behind the door and leans on the wall with a smile on his face. “I am not in the mood for your taunts Shade, how long have you been here? Did you perhaps read the letter that the doctor sent?” the master asked as he glares at the person that appeared. “That’s quite rude way to treat your guest but I did come here after reading the letter. The other leaders must have read it already and might be preparing for the future.” The person who suddenly appeared replied as he showed the letter that he received and burnt it in his hands. *FSSSH!* “So you are going to look for that person huh? We took his warning lightly heck even the others completely ignored it, do you think he will deliberately come to us after all that happened?” the man walked and sat on the bench and crossed his legs. “I am moving in accordance to what my senses are telling me. It doesn’t matter if he wants to come here or not, I will drag him here if I needed to.” The master said with an eager tone. “This will be your new place Mr. Ambro. We hope it is to your liking.” An attendant said as he opens the door to our new place to stay. “Hey uncle, are you sure that we are going to stay here?” Van asked after seeing the place for himself. “That’s is- Mr. Bradley said that he prepared us a place to stay so there is no need for us to worry about anything.” I replied. “You trust him too much so now look at this. You know he can get overboard sometimes, aren’t you paying attention to that?” Van is staring at me blankly. “How else should I react? This is what he gave us so there is no place for us to complain.” I retorted. “But still- this place is still too huge for us. No matter how you look at it this place looks like it can cater a few hundred people!” Van exclaim as the attendant smile is slightly getting distorted from our argument. “I heard you were both transferring your home base so I decided to crash in as well since I heard that it is too big of a place for only two people.” a familiar voice came from behind, it was Aron who is standing behind us with all of his bags and belongings. ‘I wonder how the other attendants and maids will serve them properly if they argue like this every single time.’ The attendant standing before them thought as he felt that something troublesome has just become their masters.                    
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