A Teacher's Advice

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The issue about the groups that were made on the very first day at Olympus was dealt easily with the new principal’s unyielding will to keep the students astray from the right path by using a son of a very high ranking official as example that everyone inside Olympus are of equal status and origin. After seeing the example made by the principal himself, the other group leaders surrendered fully without any sort of resistance and promised to be a better person from that day on. The principal did all means to delete any footage on that day as well as the footage that circulated when I was involved as I fought a few members of one of the groups.                                              “Isn’t it funny? The groups that the leaders tried hard to make as they show off their strength in order to stand above others got taken down pretty easily by the principal himself. I can’t imagine how that Arnold felt when he was beaten up in front of everyone, I can’t tell if his dignity is still intact after everything that happened.” A student said as he talked to everyone around him as they walk towards the karaoke bar. “I can’t blame the principal for his actions though, I never thought that there would be a student brave enough to spit right on the principal’s face when he is already pissed when they turned a deaf ear when he gently called them out.” A student added. “I know right, I guess that’s what you get for being cocky I guess.”                ‘I was unconscious for two days and just regained my consciousness a few hours ago but immediately when I woke I, I was instantly bombarded by the sudden news that the group cease to exist and what’s even more surprising is that the groups have been formed a few days ago but is easily disbanded, to think that the principal will take this matter on his own hands.’ I thought to myself as my friend and I sat on a bench nearby. “Is your injury fully healed?” he asked disregarding what the other students were talking about. “I think I have recovered but it still ache, my head felt like I bumped into something as hard as a wall.” I said as I pressed the part where I was hit. “You should not move around if you still feel a little wobbly, you might get hurt or anything if you force yourself too much.” He reminded with a worried tone. “I know but I can’t stay in that place for a long time. I feel like I am being strangled to death.” I replied as I defended my decision. “I heard you were the one who did not receive any injury at all, how did you manage to do that? I can’t believe that you are that skilled.” I brought up after hearing something amazing when even Lucio was reduced to that pitiful state that he is in now. He just look at me with a doubtful expression and refused to make eye contact with me. “Amazing my ass, I just surrendered after seeing that even you got beaten up. He just let me go and did not touch a single hair on my body even when I was gathering all of your unconscious bodies while he and Lucio were fighting.” He replied with a sad and disappointed tone.                The moment I saw his sad expression conquering his face, I apologize that I may have hurt his pride. “Sorry about that. I didn’t know what really happened, I was just told that you were the only one who got away without any injury so I thought that you were more skillful than Lucio.” I explained after knowing what really happened. ‘I can’t believe that he got away with zero injuries while Lucio almost lost consciousness for a few days.’ I thought to myself after wondering what really happened that made him go hard on Lucio. “What exactly happened that made Lucio receive the worst injuries than the rest of us?” I asked then almost immediately his complexion turned grim like it was something that he does not want to remember in his entire life. “Lucio was supposed to be the one who had it easy than you guys because that guy let him go after restraining him, it was something that I have never seen. He restrained Lucio even when he is incredibly strong and buffed up by that guy’s attacks, it was so surreal but eventually that guy let go after Lucio surrendered but he still attacked that guy who decided to walk out of the place, it was then that he decided to show us his special ability, the sky immediately darkened and just in a few seconds lightning struck him down in an instant.” He said with a slight of hesitation to tell me at first. “Everyone was surprised and were gasping in awe, I did not see someone had that kind of control over his special ability like it was entirely part of his body and the most surprising part is that there were no other people who got affected by the lightning strike only Lucio and him alone.” He added with a hint of fear in his eyes. ‘Ah- so that’s why he is so fast that he kept up with my speed.’ I thought to myself as I sigh in relief after finally knowing his ability. “So that’s the reason why he was able to keep up with my strength. He was even able to move faster than me and produce after image- that is not something that I was able to do even with my full speed and yet he does it like it’s just a walk in the park.” I confessed. “We were not even a match for him from the very beginning and we just humiliated ourselves- haha!” I laughed after understanding the vast gap in our skills.                “That guy as insane reaction time as well, I can’t even think of someone who is able to match up with him in the entire Olympus.” He said with a bitter smile. “I guess there is a person after all, Teacher Van is quite powerful as hell.” He added after remembering the scene from yesterday. I then turned my head towards him in surprise. “Eh? So we have a teacher that has special abilities as well?” I exclaim in surprise as he nodded his head. “Two of them to be exact but the other one seems to be a non-combatant.” He added then all of the sudden a voice sprung behind us with a familiar tone. “I wouldn’t call myself powerful as hell.” I turned to our backs and saw teacher Van standing behind us. “Good afternoon teacher-“ we greeted in utter surprise. “Good afternoon kids. I heard you were discharged today but I didn’t know you had the energy to talk about things like that right away.” He said with a smile creeping in his face. “So how did the fight with him go?” he added. I turned my head to the one beside me hoping that teacher Van is talking to my friend but then he made it clear that he was referring to me. “I’m talking to you young lady, I thought you were thrilled when you fought him since you both have some insane movements but was it not the case?” he asked with an intriguing tone. “I could not even do anything- so I guess I was a total pushover.” I replied with a little disappointed expression directed to myself.                “Ah- thank goodness you guy have it easy, that guy is not usually going all out for no reason. So I urge you guys to never do something foolish like that as well and you might want to tell the others about it and warn them because the moment that guy takes a fight seriously, the person he is fighting might meet their ancestors ahead of schedule.” Teacher Van warned with a stern expression. We nodded our heads in fear after hearing the warning that came out of the teacher’s mouth, he then bid goodbye and told me to recuperate before doing some heavy activities. He was about to leave when my curiosity urged me to asked him why he knew about that guy’s strength. “How did you know that he is capable of killing his opponent teacher?” I asked but he flashed a smile and told us. “I fought that guy myself, and I was not able to land a single hit on him. so I thought that it would be better to let you guys know before some of your friends do something stupid like taking revenge or anything.” He said as he left for his office. Noren and I were utterly surprised after we learned that the teacher that Noren said who might be able to stand against Rain confessed that even he is not able to match up against the very student that they lost to and even acknowledge Rain’s strength.                ‘There is no way that you guys will be able to killed uncle even if you gang up on him, numbers will not matter when the person that you are facing is someone- that even death cannot claim.’ Van smiled after warning the students about the danger if they ever plan to take revenge on Rain. ‘I’m doing this for your own good so please heed my advice otherwise you will be joining your ancestors in the next life.                               “Ah-“ I let out a disappointed sigh. ‘When will this end? Ever since that day they have been tailing me non-stop to the point that even when I am taking a dump someone in the bathroom would willingly offer me a tissue. What the hell, even now this guys keep pestering me.’ I thought to myself as the guy named Lance and Hannah and Freya tagged along with me wherever I go and when I tried to push them away, the guy named Lance would always tell me that he is observing my habits and maybe learn how to increase his strength while the other two are just in to learn more about me which has never happened before except for that one time when a girl asked for my number for the very first time. “Hey Rain, can you give me some kind of advice on how to get strong?” Lanced asked as he immediately pulls out a paper and a pen to write down the things that I will tell him as if it was not enough he pulls out his phone to record my voice as well. “What? I’m just doing this so that I won’t miss a thing.” He defended himself after the girls look at him with blank expressions. “Isn’t that too much? A pen and a paper would suffice but to think that you would pull out even your phone is a bit-“ Freya discontinued her thoughts as she stare at him with a disgusted expression.                “I don’t care what you think, if I ever want to be strong I need to throw away my pride. Having set the limits of my pride will get me nowhere near his strength.” I added with a fierce tone but both of them still don’t look convinced. ‘These young ladies, to think that the other students revered as goddesses are this mean. Goddesses my ass, it looked like their faces are the only thing that might resemble as goddesses and everything else is quite questionable.’ I told myself as I look back at them with doubtful and disappointed eyes. Freya’s eye brows then squinted at me like I she knew that I am cursing them in my head. “Nothing.” I brush her off with a shake of my head. “Hah-“ after a long time of silence Rain decided to let out a word- a short word that is.                ‘This guy- will he stop following me if I tell him something? Yes- that might be the only way to get them off my tail.’ I thought to myself as I wonder of the things that he might find difficult and would take so much of his time that also have the tendency to forget about me. “Okay- if you want an advice then I will give you one. Listen closely to what I am about to tell you.” I said that immediately caught their attention. Well, I can tell that I caught their attention immediately when their eyes widen as they move towards me and by the looks of it, they are only focused on the words that will come out of my mouth. ‘And here I thought the girls are less interested about my advice. I was wrong. They are equally interested.’ I fail to hide my disappointment but I decided to tell them anyway. “Okay- the first thing you need to do is strengthen yourselves. Enhance your body, muscles, everything. As you all know, your special abilities backfire whenever you use them regardless of what abilities you have. Go body building or develop your muscles – I don’t care what you do just focus on developing your physical body first.” I said with a really uninterested tone and yet they look at me with an enlightened expression. “So that is the first step huh? Thank you for the enlightenment master.” Lance thanked me as he bowed down graciously in a really awkward way. “Developing your physical body first will allow you to use your abilities for a longer amount of time, Hannah may have already know about it but the New-world abilities tend to take a toll on the user’s body as the payment for using one’s special ability. So if you develop your body to some extent, I will tell you the next step.” I added as I explained something that have been explained during one of the sessions from the past. ‘This way they will have no time following me when they are busy building their bodies up- hehehehe!’ a smile crept on my face as I finally did something that would throw them off my trail for a while.                               “Hey- do you know that guy?” a student asked as he runs on a treadmill. “That’s Lance right? The guy who started following the guy named Rain who decimated Lucio and his gang? What about him?” the other one asked. “I heard that he was here before the gym opened and even asked the teacher who holds the key to the gym to open a lot earlier than schedule you see.” The other one explained.                “TO BE STRONG AND MIGHTY!” Lance chant as the do some push-ups.  
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