Super Soldiers

1429 Words
*SLAM!* *KSSHK!* *BZZT!* “Damn it! That bastard definitely ran away from sector four. His place caught fire the exact day when we are about to fetch him?! That’s bullshxt! Coincidence like that doesn’t happen!” one of the leader, Dumas yelled as he smashes the radio on the floor while the other leader look at him with disappointed expression on his face. “Calm down Dumas, it can’t be helped if he ran away from us, that is already expected that he is going for that move since we messed up and betrayed his him in the first place.” The other leader said with a calm tone as he tries to calm the leader, Dumas down. “How can I calm down after all that happened?! How will the other leaders will see me after this?!” the leader, Dumas said as he impatiently stomps his feet. “I know you are angry about what happened but there is no use in crying over spilled milk, this was a mistake that we made a few decades ago and today is the time where we are paying for our mistake so there is no need to shoulder the burden alone Dumas, all of us leaders are equally at fault for not taking his warnings seriously. All we need to do now is form a team of expert card holders that is on the same level if not formidable enough to be able to deal with him. We have found a lot of talents like that from the past decades thought they might not be the same as people from Olympus’ first generation they are still formidable enough to be a threat to them.” The other leader said as he sat on the bench casually with a smile on his face. “I heard that the first generations are busy with their lives and the most powerful person of them is not interested in the matters of others and only minds his own business. That alone is a great advantage for us who oppose his former school, the Hero of the Fallen might be a huge wall that we need to overcome but he is not invincible at all, everyone has their own weaknesses.” He added as he stands up from his seat and stands next to the door. “I have already foreseen that something like this is going to happen so I have already made some preparations a long time ago and formed a formidable team that might be able to take on the Hero of the Fallen ages ago and are only waiting for my signal to move out.” The leader Dumas’ glare disappeared the moment he heard what the other leader just said. “Are you telling me that you still continued that research of yours? I thought that was already discontinued and put to an end two decades ago?” the leader, Dumas asked with a confused expression. “Yes, that was discontinued since it might bring great calamities to the world but there is nothing that can stop me from achieving my goal and the best part about it is that I succeeded in my research, I have enhanced card holders and upgraded them to super soldiers.” He said with a villainous grin etched on his face as he leaks out his murderous aura. *HUFF!* *HUFF!* *HUFF!* *HUFF!* *HUFF!* *HUFF!* *HUFF!* *HUFF!* *HUFF!* *HUFF!* *HUFF!* *HUFF!* *HUFF!* *HUFF!* *HUFF!* *HUFF!* *HUFF!* *HUFF!* *HUFF!* *HUFF!* *HUFF!* *CLANK!* ‘What the fxck was that?! The news was announced just a few days ago but why do are they already on our tail?! And what the heck was that ability!? He immediately blew off my bombs before it exploded?! Without any injuries after all that?!’ a man rushing in the alley bit his lip as he desperately look for a place to hide. ‘Shxt! Shxt! Shxt! Shxt! Shxt! Where do I hide? Where do I hide?!’ with his heart pounding hard, he hastily turns his head and desperately look for a place to hide when he immediately saw a huge cardboard lying on the ground in perfect condition. He placed it near the trash so that he can disguise himself as trash and get away from the person pursuing him. ‘This should do it. They will not expect for me to hide in such a filthy place like this.’ his thoughts were immediately put to a halt when he heard a set of footsteps coming inside the alley where he is hiding. *STEP!* STEP!* *STEP!* *HALT!* He felt his heart stopped beating the moment he realized that the footsteps stopped right beside him, even though his body is trembling in fear he still urged himself to glimpse at the little crevice of the cardboard and his eyes widen in shock after seeing that it was the same person that was chasing him. *GULP!* He swallowed a huge amount of spit as his face grew pale as his temperature went from one hundred to zero really fast.  He still continued to peak at the little crevices of the cardboard as the person looks around the alley for him but then gave up after not seeing his target on the area. *STEP!* *STEP!* *STEP!* *STEP!* *STEP!* *STEP!* *STEP!* He heard that the set of footsteps gradually became indistinct so he decided to get out of the cardboard box that he seek shelter for the moment as he pat his clothes and felt that his skin became cold but then something blew his mind. ‘What is this? I’m sure I’m definitely cold right now but why does my neck feels warm?’ his eyes widen as soon as he realized that the warmth he felt came from behind him, his entirety shook the moment when he wanted to see what is behind him but as he turns his head he saw the very same person that he was hiding from in the first place. “KYAAAA!” He cried the instant he saw a familiar face staring at him with a cold stare as if that person can see through his entire being, his soul. The man stumbled the instant he struggled to get away from the person behind him as he tripped on the cardboard that he used to cover himself. “You! How did you get there!? I saw you left!” the shouted as if he was demanding an explanation from the person staring at him. “I did left but that was only to fool you. You hide in a really obvious place that you did not even realized that the cardboard box is shaking so I tried to play along but I didn’t think that you convinced yourself that the cardboard box is the perfect place to hide, what are you a kid?” the person replied as the shadows cover his face. “Please don’t kill me! I’m just a lowly pawn, you will not achieve anything if you kill me!” the man begged as he grovel on the ground. The person tilted his head like he is confused about something. “Kill? Who said that me looking for you is to end your life? I think you got the wrong impression here mister. I am here to capture you and extract information and killing you is really out of the plan.” The person corrected and in an instant the complexion of the man groveling immediately changed. “Thank you very much, I will tell you everything so please don’t ki- KUHAAK!” the man’s blood sprayed all over when a dagger struck his nape and immediately kills him. *THUD!* “If you want to die- don’t drag others along with you. That’s why you don’t rise in rank, sacrificial pawns.” A mysterious man said as he retrieves his dagger with the chain connected on the dagger’s hilt. *CLANK!* *CLANK!* *SHHHK!* The person wipes the blood off his face as he glares at the mysterious person that appeared before him and finally shows his face under the light of the streets. “Nice to meet you Hero of the Fallen, sorry about what happened just now, I was just preventing a traitor from disclosing information. I hope you understand.” The mysterious man said as he flashes a grin. 
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