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I am going to be discharged today and there are so many things that I want to know during the time that I was in a coma. The nurses and the staff that we passed by were all looking at me with a slight saddened expression, it looked like they were sad that I was leaving but it is different. They all knew what became of the class that I was in, they knew that I was the sole survivor of the special ability class this year and they all know that I am dying to find out what really happened to the ones who I thought are supposed to be alive and the truth that will hurt me is the reason why they are all wearing a slightly saddened expression but still they forced themselves to smile for my sake. The moment I caught a glimpse of the hospital from the front door, the streets were flooded with people from various companies trying to get a word from my but the people from the institute and other security companies fend off anyone who tries to get close to me not allowing a single soul with the intention of interviewing me within a few meters. We got in the car that was provided by the institute and drove off to Olympus where other important people are gathering and waiting for my arrival. Time went by slowly as my eyes caught the glance of the school which I had so many memories from, my heart immediately fell in despair with the incident still fresh in my head. I saw Mr. Roger Bradley and other people that I have never seen in my entire life, weeping after seeing my figure walking inside the gates of Olympus. If I have to guess, they are all the family and relatives of the classmates that died in the accident. Apparently, they all gathered today for my discharge and for the burial of my fellow classmates at the back of the institute that seems to have been made as a cemetery dedicated for the people who lost their lives in the incident. ‘There is no way, Chris would die, and he’s got the special ability ‘Immortality’ after all.’ I tried to convince myself even after I called the number a thousand times during my time inside the hospital but whenever I try to asked the nurses they all replied the same thing, it seemed like they were told to tell me the same thing over and over again. Unconvinced that the thing in my arm is fake, I tried to rub it off with everything that I can get my hands into but it did not get erased to the point that the surface of my skin was about to get scraped off. I walk around to see prove to myself that my mind was telling me is wrong, I was already nervous as my flesh started to shake at the thought of seeing Chris’ tomb stone as I pass by every casket I pass by as I read every name written on the tags and my eyes stumble on something that confirmed my mind, it was Chris’ name written at the very end of the list. My world crumbled as I stare at the name of my friend, my only brother that I knew in my entire life as I walk near the casket to see if it really is him. “How the hell are you there Chris?! I should be the one inside that casket! You are the one with this ability but why are you there?!” I shouted like a madman as tears stream out of my eyes while banging his casket as the staff of the institute grabbed me by the hands and carried me off away from the casket. I went wild and nuts after seeing the dead body of my brother and classmates that the institute had to option but to put me to momentary sleep just after the ceremony is finished. “With him being like that, we can’t really let him get interrogated. Maybe we need to let him cool off a few more days before we can ask him anything. The loss of his brother and friend and classmates might have been are really hard for him after seeing his reaction. He must have seen something really awful himself, given his age. It must have been rough.” The principal of the Olympus said as they put Rain to sleep. The families and parents of my late classmates agreed to visit me again after a few days to let me cool off for the meantime but there is one person that was left even after the rest have already left for their homes, Mr. Roger Bradley who waited patiently for me to gain consciousness. And when I came to pass, he was sitting beside the bed where I was put down. “You really went nuts earlier kid, have you sobered now?” he asked with a sad smile. I turned my head towards him as I forced myself to leave the bed and greet him. “Good evening Mr. Roger I am really sorry for my behavior earlier, I just could not believe that my friend would have been there when I should be the one laying inside that casket.” I responded with a voice full of anger and disappointment, Mr. Roger was taken aback by what I said that his expression showed what he really is thinking about. “What did you say?” he asked abruptly after hearing my response. “I guess it is time I tell you why.” I said as I walk near the door. “Will you accompany me Mr. Roger?” I asked. He nodded and asked, “Where to?” he asked with confused expression. “To my classmates” I replied. We were walking along the tombstones as I read the names aloud inside my head, after reaching the names of my deceased classmates, I stopped and tried to explain what I meant earlier to Mr. Roger carefully so that he can understand. *THUMP!* He immediately fell on his knees after hearing my explanation with tears flowing out of his eyes. “Are you telling me that they could have gotten away unscathed?” he asked with a sad tone and I nodded my head as an answer. “If it weren’t for that person who threw a stone at Jake’s head, they could have been alive right now.” I replied as I clenched my teeth and fist in anger after remembering the person who gave away the other’s location to Jake. “If he weren’t there, they could have survived.” I repeated as tears started to flow from my eyes. I can feel my breathing started to get heavy as my blood begins to boil in anger. “I got the gist of what really happened. Thank you Rain, I get to hear that my son had done a heroic thing for the last time. Don’t worry, I will not tell a soul about what you have confessed. Leave the problem of the media and the other families to me, this is the least I can do for someone who saved the entire city for certain death.” He said with a wry smile in his face as he wipes the tears off of his face. “I did not do anything important Mr. Roger, I only did what I thought was right just like what Robert did when he protected our classmates.” I replied as I curse myself from my powerlessness. After that, we exchanged a few words before he departed back to his family and tell them about the things that he deemed to be reported to them and hid everything that he deemed confidential like he promised. I then received a letter from the foster Home saying that I should come and visit as soon as possible.
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