Hidden Organization: Threat

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“So you are quite close to the Reese family young miss huh Rain? Are you planning on hoarding all of your female students on Olympus? As far as I can remember there are a few female students from our batch that has taken quite a liking to you. I did not expect that my niece would be riding on the same train as well, to think that Rain Ambro is a chick magnet, I bet you have admirers from every batch.” Kadmus has been running his mouth ever since we left the scene and has been talking non-stop since then which made me recall a memory that happened just recently.                               “Hey Rain, I know you are plenty attractive in the eyes of the girls but please don’t stray the path of righteousness. It’s bad to toy with some maiden’s heart.” Aron said with a mocking tone as he earnestly tries to hold back his laughter. “I know right? Uncle even had a few admirers from when we are classmates.” Van supported Aron but with the same tone and a huge grin on his face. “Hey you two- you’ve been mocking me since Kadmus left. You want me to fry you both, you pricks?” I said with a really annoyed tone as I snap my spoon in half which made them mock me more than before. “Being a pedophile is not something to be proud of Rain, other people will scorn you if you do such shameless thing.” Aron said with a dramatic tone as if he was impersonating me and my face while Van was there on his knees praying for me to be a good person. “Oh dear God, please guide my uncle to the right path and show him the light. Do not let the darkness crawl over him and cloud his mind and vision.” Van prayed and to make things even worse, Aron imitated him and fell on his knees doing the same thing. I was about to snap and blast them off the house without any regard who their identity was as my eye brows twitch in pure irritation but my mind stayed clear to the end even though they spent the entire night pestering me as I try to sleep soundly by shouting chanting some words just to annoy me.                               ‘What a very unpleasant memory.’ I thought to myself as I see the exact same thing when I looked at Kadmus. ‘It would be a real trouble if those two knew what happened and Kadmus join them to tease and annoy the hell out of me. By that time I think I should really blast them off with lightning.’ I decided in my head as I nodded in the perfect solution that I can think of. “Where are we going right now?” Kadmus stopped saying those random things when we arrived at Mr. () ‘s villa which is not known to a lot of people. “Mr. ()’s villa, not many people knows this place so it is guaranteed to be quite peaceful than any normal villas.” I responded as I opened the window of the car. “Hmmmm- to think that even his simple villa would look like this, doesn’t he have nothing to spend his fortune to? This looks to me like a large subdivision than a villa.” Kadmus gasp in awe after seeing the sight that the villa has to offer. “I know right? Mr. () lost something important to him which fueled his willpower and determination all these years but his suffering ends this year.” I agreed as I close the window. “I have already advise him to come here at his villa so he should be already here waiting for us since I have something I need to share after that accident.” I checked the time in my watch when a few number of cars parking at the parking lot in front of the mansion came to view along with a very familiar car. “That was fast, I didn’t think that all of them would be here before us.” I sigh in relief after seeing that everyone arrived safely.                We got out of the car and was welcomed by a large number of butlers who took the initiative and took off all our coats and belongings. I was taken aback by their service that I handed my stuff without any second thoughts. “Let’s go, they are already waiting for us in the meeting room.” Rain said after talking to one of the butlers which I suppose was ordered to greet and tell Rain that Mr. () and the others are already waiting for us. ‘Rain is quite used to the butlers’ service, does he come here quite often?’ I thought to myself. ‘He even knows where to go, he must be quite familiar with this place.’ I added as I followed behind his back. We walked in a corridor with a marble floor which led to a huge door at the end. The butlers that accompanied us immediately tidied our hair and fix even the slightest wrinkles in our clothes like we are royalties walking up to the king. “You are all set.” The butler who fixed me and my clothes in an instant said with a smile in his face. I nodded my head as one of them opened both doors and revealed a really large room equally large with Olympus’ assembly building. “Hey- I thought we are going to the meeting room? Are you sure this is the right room?” I whispered to Rain’s ear who is quite confused of what I said. “What are you talking about? This is the meeting room, it was built to a large number of people with the number of the Organization’s members and other important personnel in mind.” He said with a calm tone like it was natural to have a meeting room like this. ‘This place is a hundred times larger than my office. I can’t believe this is just a meeting room.’ I told myself with a slightly frustrated expression.                We walked inside the meeting room a few steps when we saw further up ahead a good number of people sitting down as they turned their heads towards us. At the center of the table stands an old man after seeing our arrival at the meeting room and walked towards us slowly. ‘This person is-‘ the old man smiled as Rain stopped and bows his head. “Good day Mr. Bradley, I apologize for the sudden summons.” Rain said with a respectful tone, we all greeted in unison after Rain greeted him. “There is nothing to be apologizing for Rain, if you summoned me then I would gladly go without hesitation, but to think that you would want me to summon the other groups as well, there must be something important that you want us all to know right?” Mr. Bradley said with a smile in his face. ‘What? “gladly go without hesitation”? to think that Rain had this person as his benefactor who has such great faith in him they must be really close.’ I told myself after seeing how they interact with each other. At the corner of my eye, I saw what it seems to be Mr. Bradley’s assistant who is sternly looking at Rain with an annoyed tone. ‘What is this guy’s deal? There are not so many people who would dare look at Rain like that.’ Mr. Bradley told us to take our seats since there will be others who will be joining as well as the last of the other groups who have yet to arrive at the villa.                Mr. Bradley asked me to sit next to him for the time being since there are still people who we are waiting for before we start. “How are you child? I heard from Van that you have been training non-stop since then, training for three years is quite tiring you know? You must take a break or two every day.” He said with a concerned tone as he caress my back gently like a father who comforts his child. “Thank you for the concern Mr. Bradley but I have taken a break- a very long break.” I replied with a serious expression. “You should be the one taking a break since you are already no- you are passed the age where you are allowed to work and yet here you are still running the company like you used to in your prime.” I added with a smile in my face. “Hahahaha! There is no need to worry about me at all. We all age and later on take our eternal rest, I kept working since I find happiness in it.” he let out a hearty laugh as he pats my back. ‘He really did not change, what an amazing doting father. Robert would be glad to see you like this if he was alive.’ I smiled faintly as I remember the faces of my classmates on the fifth generation when all of the sudden a few number of people entered the room along with some familiar faces waving at me.                “Now that everyone arrived then we are going to start the meeting immediately. I have called you all here because Rain told me on the phone that he has something to tell to everyone. Let us put aside our status inside this meeting and hear what Rain Ambro has to say.” Mr. Bradley announced with a stern tone as he let Rain take the floor. “Good day everyone, I am terribly sorry for summoning you all here today in such a short notice since I have discovered something disturbing today during the accident this morning. And that is: There is another group that takes special individuals and experiment on them.” His announcement shocked everyone on the room that is shocking enough to leave us silent for a few seconds. ‘What the hell? Where did Rain got that kind information?’ I thought to myself as I scanned throughout my memory about everything that Rain did earlier and there was nothing in it that looked like Rain was investigating something.                His sudden announcement created a small uproar between him and the others telling him that it is impossible since every special individual was listed from the moment they got their abilities. “I know it sounds crazy but it is the truth.” Rain confirmed with a serious expression. “How can you say that it’s the truth? And where did you get that sort of information when all of us who have personal special investigations unit did not even get to hear a news like that?” one of the people in the crowd argued with an enraged expression. “That is because it was hidden from the outside world. Just like how I was hidden from everybody from the last thirty two years.” Rain replied with a calm tone. Some of the people inside the meeting room tilt their head in confusion. “What do you mean?” another one asked. “I was hidden from the public for thirty two years and I am saying that they did the same thing and hid their experiment from the public.” Rain said as he turned to Mr. Bradley who is nodding his head. “*Sigh!* I am the survivor of the tragedy thirty two years ago, the sole survivor.” Rain confessed with a calm demeanor which shocked the others even more.                One of the person beside me turns his head to see if there were others who had the same expression and asked a person from the Organization why he is not surprised at all. “Well, we knew about it for a long time now so there is no need to be surprised about it, it is common knowledge in the organization.” He replied calmly. “You were asking where I got that information am I right. I coincidentally fought a person from that organization and he was quite different from who I have face so far- he is strong enough to even defeat a small number of well-trained body guards from the agency and it tried to attack the daughter of the Reese family. I used my ability to extract information directly from his brain, that’s where I found out about the other organization that is experimenting on other special individuals.” Rain explained the important details without any delay.                “That’s impossible- another organization that takes special individuals?” the Reese family head mutter after hearing what I said. “Is it going to be a hug threat to us in the future?” one of them asked out of curiosity with Rain nodding his head as response. “The person that I face said that his seniors are quite strong, strong enough to defeat the Olympians, he claimed.” Rain answered as the news seemed to have slapped the others in the face really hard.
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