Sophia Wright

1342 Words
The white-washed walls seemed to enclose Sofia, transforming the long, wide hospital hallway smaller like a Chinese takeout box. The fluorescent lights overhead buzzed and did not help settle her frazzled nerves or calm her pounding heart.  She gripped her fake diploma. Usually, schools gave out a piece of blank bond paper as a makeshift diploma for graduation rites and then they just mail the real one in a week or a month- depending on your luck.  Today was supposed to be a day for celebration. She graduated valedictorian of her class at the local high school. She articulately delivered her speech adding a little bit of humor and quoting lyrics from famous songs.  It did not matter that most of her classmates were not paying attention. Despite being the outcast and odd one out, she had managed to do a lot of extra curricular activities to earn her credits and earned top marks. Today was supposed to be one of the happiest days of her life. She sighed, rubbing her swollen eyes. She dreamed of college and she wanted that scholarship. Unfortunately, her school did not have that much clout with the university she wanted so she only got in with partial scholarship which was still way over her budget.  But Sofia had a plan. She always had a plan. First, she would get all her money saved up in the bank as well as the graduation gift that her adoptive parents will be giving her.  If she pooled all these, she would be able to make it to NYU for at least, two months. That was enough time for her to find a job so she can work and study at the same time.  She wanted to be a writer and a painter. She always dreamed of New York and its big lights, diverse art culture and endless possibilities.  Finally, she could try and get good grades and hopefully get a full scholarship on the next semester. It was all planned out and well-thought of. Well, at least, until the accident happened. The hospital's PA system rang out, paging a doctor's name and Sofia got up from her seat. She had long discarded her graduation robe, cap and took off her high-heeled shoes.  She was now walking with stocking-clad feet across the linoleum floors of the surgery section. She went to the nurse's station to ask if there was any word on her mother's condition. “Sofia!" She turned around and saw Adam Wright, her adoptive father running down the hall still wearing his mechanic's uniform. Immediately, her eyes filled with fresh tears and she met him with a hug. "How is she? Where? I got here as soon as I could. What happened?” "I-I went ahead of Mom to school because I wanted to practice my speech. She told me that she was just going to finish her meeting with a client and then she was going to make it to my graduation. I waited and waited... She didn't arrive.” Sofia gingerly wiped the tears scalding her face. She felt vulnerable like the 6 year old orphan she used to be. She took control of her quaking voice and continued speaking. "I got down from the stage after I got my diploma and then Mr. Hollow, my homeroom teacher, took me aside telling me that there has been an accident. He told me that mom had crashed her car on her way to school-“ "Mr. Wright? Miss Wright?” They both turned to look at the middle-aged man wearing a scrub suit. He took off his mask and gave them a small grin. "Your wife is going to be fine.” Sofia let out a long breath and felt a fresh wave of tears spilling over her cheeks. She felt her dad squeeze her shoulders and kissed her forehead.  "However, she's not really out of the woods yet. She needs to have minor surgery done to her lower spine and she's got a severely broken leg. After which, she needs to stay at the hospital for a while to recover then I suggest that she gets physical therapy to be able to walk properly again.” Sofia felt her whole body grow heavy. Her heart thudded painfully in her chest and she felt her father's arm went slack. Where would they get the money to afford all of that? The surgery alone was going to eat up most of her parent's healthcare and insurance.Therapy was not going to be cheap and not to mention the medicine! "I'll leave you two and get back to Mrs. Wright. She'll be transferred to a room in about an hour. You'll be able to see her then. Excuse me.” Sofia watched as the doctor walked away, taking the momentary feeling of elation over the news that her mother was going to be fine, with him. She crumpled the paper in her hand and turned to her father who had slumped on the seat she was occupying not too long ago. He had his head on his hands, his shoulders stiff. She walked over to him and knelt down, taking his hands into hers. She knew it was going to ruin all her plans but she was going to do what every daughter should.  This was her chance to repay them for plucking her out of the orphanage when she was six years old. They could have gotten a baby or somebody better but they chose her right on the spot and have provided for her to the best of their ability. Yes, they were not rich and she spent most of her growing up wearing hand me downs and salvation army finds but she was still happy about her lot in life. It was better than being in an orphanage with no idea about her future.  Adam Wright is a full time mechanic and her mother is a secretary at some big company. They both made enough money to pay the bills and on some occasion, give her extra money for new clothes or whatever she wanted to splurge on. They were the best parents a young lady could ever want. Now, it was time for her to try and repay them for their love. "Dad- I know you don't want to hear it but-" Adam Wright looked down at his beautiful daughter's tear-streaked face and began shaking his head.  "No Sofie- I - your mother and I can't take that from you...It's your money and you don't have to put your life on hold for us.” "Dad, you just said it. It's my money and it's up to me to decide what I do with it." She smiled and gave his hands a reassuring squeeze. "NYU can wait. I can look for a job instead and help pay for mom's therapy. The money I have saved up plus your graduation gift is more than enough to cover the hospital bills and then some.” “Sofie-" "Dad, stop. End of discussion. I've made up my mind and you of all people should know how stubborn I can be. So, you'll take the money and let's get mom all better, okay?” The look on her father's eyes was enough to tell Sofia that what she was doing, putting her dreams of college on halt, was the right thing to do. Yes, it left a small tear in her heart but she would do anything for her parents. They were the only family she had. "Okay." Her father said with a small smile and then she let herself get lost in the warmth of his hug. “Things will work out, Sofia. I’m sure they will.” Things will get better, she thought while taking a deep breath. There will always be a silver lining somewhere, somehow. All she needed was to have a little bit of faith.  She never thought she was going to be chosen for adoption but that did not stop her from dreaming and wishing. She never really believed she would go to school and actually finish but she never stopped hoping. Now, 12 years later, here she was, valedictorian of her high school and beloved daughter of two of the most soft hearted and nicest people. Yes, she was Sofia Wright and she never, ever gave up.
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