+CHAPTER 2+ Bride

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"For a small backward town, this place has a lot to offer." Lucas commented while looking around the lavish hall buzzing with humans. Lucas was right, although it was a small town it was packed with resources. And there was peace yet a certain type of sadness in the atmosphere as if the town had witnessed sorrow and grief beyond one's comprehension. "You know what the most interesting part is? The she-wolf is like an empress of this town. The humans here particularly worship her." Cage said, pulling Liam out of his thoughts. It had been two days since they were digging information on the she-wolf but until now not a single person had bad mouthed her. They had praised her as if she was a Goddess. "It's like she rules the heart of the people in this town." Liam voiced his thought as he looked around the hall of the mansion they were standing in. Today was the grand masquerade party and Liam had come to this town two days before the party and it seemed like the right decision because the town people had confirmed that indeed the she-wolf had possessed sacred Dragon Gold from the goldmines that she owned. "My lord, Cage look over there. What is she doing here?" Lucas pointed towards the direction where a female and male with red fur masks on their faces were standing, sipping on the glass of their wine away from the town people. "Who is she?" Liam asked Lucas while eyeing the couple. "The Princess of the Lycan Kingdom, Lucia King." Lucas responded, his eyes fixed on the woman. "How do you know that it's her?" Cage asked. "I went to investigate a matter in the Lycan Kingdom one year ago. I met her there. The king wasn't present in the kingdom at that time and she was in charge of the affairs." Lucas replied. "Should we introduce ourselves to the lycan princess? It will be rude not to." Liam said before heading in the direction of Lycan Princess. Although Liam lived outside the Dragon Realm as a Billionaire Gold Merchant, he rarely interacted with others. Soon the eyes of Lucia King caught the sight of three Dragons and surprise flashed in them before she covered it with a fake smile. "Greetings my lady, may I ask what a Lycan Princess is doing in the gathering of humans?" Liam asked as he kissed the back of Lucia's hand in a sophisticated manner and nodded at the man standing beside her in a way of greeting. "I can ask you the same." Liam smirked at her comeback. He had a feeling that she was hiding something, Liam's Dragon can sense it deep in his bones. Something was off~ "We came here to claim what belongs to the Dragons." Liam answered, there was no need to hide what they were there for. "My mate and I came here to meet an old friend. It's fancy running into Dragons here." Lucia smile formally. In the past two days, Liam hadn't run into any other immortal in the small town which only meant that the Lycan Princess was here to meet the she-wolf too. "I have a feeling that we are here to meet the same person. Are you familiar with the she-wolf who owns the goldmines?" Liam asked without beating around the bush. Yet again surprise flickered in the Lycan Princess's eyes. "What do you want from her?" Lucia asked a little protectively which was strange because Lucia King was a royal lycan and they are usually in wait of finding a reason to wipe out as many werewolves as they can. "Is she the friend you were here to meet?" Lucas inquired from behind Liam. "Yes she is and if she has anything that belongs to you then you can tell me, there is no need for you to bother her. She is not a very social person when it comes to the supernatural world." Lucia told Lucas, there was an underlying warning in her tone. "Then you have just completed our purpose for which we came here. Your friend has found Dragon Gold in the goldmines located just outside the town. We are here to claim the rare gold that belongs to the Dragons and the mines from which they had found it." Lucas told Lucia. Liam watched as the Lycan Princess's eyes flashed golden, a clear sign that Lucas's words had upset her. "Calm down, hun." The man beside her rubbed her back soothingly and then clicked that who he was. Liam had heard that one year ago the Lycan Princess had vanished from her own Kingdom which had created a buzz in the supernatural world. The Lycan Princess was mated to a low ranked lycan. Their story was Cinderella Story but the only difference was that Lucia was the prince charming in their story. "She can't give you the goldmines. The economy of this town depends on it but I can assure you that she will handover you the Dragon Gold that she had possessed along with the Dragon Gold that she will find in the future." Lucia said controlling her rage. Why was the Lycan princess getting so worked up for a mere she-wolf? Once again Liam's Dragon stirred inside his soul, he can sense that something wasn't right as if something was going to happen. "It's strange how a lycan who is always hungry for werewolf blood is protecting one. When did you all start mingling with the abominations?" Liam asked genuinely interested. "Didn't anyone tell you that it's impolite to call the host of the party you are attending an abomination?" Liam turned around to face the owner of the voice and it seemed like time stopped for a moment when his eyes fell on the woman proudly standing in front of him. Liam thumped his fist over his heart as to remind his heart to beat again. There was she~ The woman he had not even dreamed of encountering in this small town. The glass of wine that he was holding in his hand dropped on the floor as his Dragon whispered the words that he had longed to hear throughout his awfully long life. "BRIDE" "CLAIM" "BRIDE" "Dragon I think it'll be better if you leave for now." Lucia said from behind Liam but Liam paid her no heed. The Princess of Lycan had sensed that what was happening. The Dragon Lord had found his bride. Scarlett was the Dragon Lord's bride~ "I'm the owner of the goldmines and today I'm not working so it will be better if you take an appointment from my assistant if you want to talk about business and if you want to stake a claim on the goldmines then the lawyers at Scarlett Enterprise will get in touch with you but for now you can enjoy the party of this abomination." Scarlett said as she started walking towards Lucia but Liam held her arm before she could dismiss him. "I think that's a very dangerous statement for a little wolf like you to say." Liam rasped in her ear. "I don't think our conversation is light, my lord." There was a certain taunt in the way she called Liam 'My Lord'. "You are staking a claim on what belongs to me and this little wolf tends to bite when someone tries to claim what belongs to her." Scarlett whispered as she yanked her arm out of Liam's grip. Liam was surprised, it was an understatement. He was shaken to his core. After so long he had found his bride and his bride was full of fire. She didn't cower away from him and she clearly didn't give a damn about him being a Dragon Lord. Dragons rarely encounter or mingle with other species of the supernatural world. They were extremely territorial, even more possessive and dominating than the Lycans. Dragons were considered as evil and cunning beings and yet this little wolf who was Liam's bride was challenging him openly, without a single flicker of fear in her eyes. 

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